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Iris doesn't care, really




Oh what tangled webs we weave?


She doesn't have a cellphone? How do people survive in today's world without at least a basic cell phone?


I mean if the yarn store was Webs I’ve gotten lost there too...


she doesn't have a phone? does that make Willow the weirdest character in QC?

Matt Grayson

I love Iris's posture in the last panel.

Andrea Andrew

She totally cares. I ship it.

Lyman Green

Was it Webs in Northampton? Because that place is huge.

Michael Boettger

Willow may channel her inner kitten, get distracted in the yarn store, and need to be redistracted to get her out. She usually decompresses pretty quickly.

Jennifer Doyle

I love that I can tell who the fiber artists are here!

drone r0m-3

Is Willow the kind of person who sits in a coffee shop drinking coffee? No phone, no tablet, no book. Just drinking a cup of coffee.


As someone who works at Webs I'm like.....😏😏😏


I mean all light hearted aspects of this universe aside, Iris has a SOLID point, they just their let friend wander off to who knows where, with no plan as to how to check in with her, with someone they actually little to zilch about...her nonchalantness of the whole thing is a real head tilter. Just my opinion though.


Iris's grumbly fussy concern is cute. ^_^

Kyle Major

Thats a very nice concerned friendo


I'm weirded out that Yemisi's name isn't a flower like Willow and Iris


Willow doesn't need one because the Universe speaks to her.


Oh... Is willow also autistic... Bc like totally this is me on social days wander off chatty with stranger but bc I have no spatial awareness gets lost. I love all these characters hit home in so many ways


Speaking as an Order Muppet who is married to a Chaos Muppet, the expression of simultaneous concern for, and exasperation with, a person you care about, is _extremely relatable_. https://slate.com/human-interest/2012/06/chaos-theory.html


Iris makes me think I would look cool without a nose 🤔


I’ve seen this anime before. They’ll end up in Tokyo at a Okonomiyaki food stand and then Willow and some Japanese girl wielding a huge spatula slap fights for Clinton. Clinton gets tackled by an invisible panda.

James Cooper

You make a good point, but I think it is supposed to reflect the over protective parent trope. Of course being this universe has like level 5 A.I. and such, it's possible that very little crime is done and Iris is just being to up tight and such.


That's the one problem princess Ariadne cant solve

Chris Gallaty

Losing Willow in the yarn store was all part of their evil skein...

William Cole

My new sexual orientation is "exasperated AIs".


Hey, it was a yarn store. Those are easy to get lost in!


Getting lost in a yarn store.... That sounds amazing D:

Quantum Cat

Isn't a ball of yarn traditional for finding your way out of mazes?


You'd need to bring the ball of yarn with you *to* the store.

Darnel D Cooper

After reading the current strip after bingeing on Netflix: Kirk went off with Clinton, Spock argues with McKoy on the rational nature of Kirk galivanting once again with an alien of the opposite sex while the caretaker of the alien involved in galivanting assures them that the landing party will be OK.


I’m literally working on a sweater with wool from Webs right now.


is this the first instance that Yemisi had been named?

Clifton Royston

The correct way to avoid getting lost in a yarn store is to leave a trail of small minotaurs behind you marking your path.


No, Yay introduced her to Roko when they hired Yemisi as their personal shopper.


So, Yemisi is the third girl's name? :)

Tim Keating

Wait, what? The personal shopper lady also works at the burrito place? What a world!


Yemisi is the personal shopper, but she doesn't work at Pagan Taqueria - just Willow and Iris do!


Was she lost in the yarn store, or just not ready to be found yet? Yarn store trips are not to be rushed.


Did we ever find out if Clinton's hand got a built-in phone? Awkwardness from letting other people use it aside, that would totally rock...

Ben Russell-Gough

Willow: The optimist believer Iris: The pessimist doubter Yemisi: The rationalist peace-maker

Stephen Wells

Iris and Roko are both extremely uptight Lawful Good characters in a Chaotic Neutral world. They should get together and compare buns sometime...


I woke up this morning with a bad hangover And my cellphone hand was missing again It happens all the time It’s detachable This comes in handy a lot of the time ...

Joseph Bonnar

Iris reminds me of my big sister, before she got married, had kids, and stopped stressing about what her siblings did.


Iris has zero chill.


To be fair, I have also gotten lost in yarn stores.

Bryce Maryott

This comic has a LOT of charaters.


Hey, if Tolstoy were around now War and Peace could've been a web comic

Jim Feldman

No dig at you, but I think they (the big box craft stores) are actually laid out to force you to wander as many aisles as possible. Not unlike 'Vegas.