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new characters forever




Willow is perfect.


If you keep creating great new characters at this rate, you're going to have to start posting at least 2 comics a day just for us to get anything close to enough of each character.

Vicki McLachlan

Honestly, I've made a couple of brute force friends like this before. No regrets.

Michael Boettger

Causal pareidolia is the name of my new age/techno band.




Serious mood from Clinton in that last panel and I can very much relate. That sort of hippy-dippy shit just does my head in. Despite that, I really like Willow and I'm impressed by her ability to turn her head, close her eyes and poke her tongue out, while continuing to walk forwards and (hopefully) not crashing into anything.

Joseph Bonnar

Willow is another character in here who has power eyebrows...

Yonatan Zunger

... So would this be an example of casual pareidolia? :)

Jackie Horn

Yeah Clinton, you weenie.


I give it 9 months comic time (5 years in real life) before Willow & Clinton are at they “can you help me bury this dead body” level of friendship.


I didn’t really give my best friend a choice in the matter. We were both nerds and both new at the high school, and I just started calling him on the weekends—at his unlisted number that I snuck out of the teacher’s grade book. Thirty-seven years later, he spends his vacations with us and my kids call him Uncle Charlie. It’s totally a thing.


idk if Clinton "I Stalked The Daughter of The Inventor Of AI Because I Am A Huge Fanboy" Augustus gets to accuse someone else of being a potential murder-stalker

Hugh Eckert

Clinton, stop.

Emma Humphries

"Perfectly harmless paieidolia," she said, as the bombs fell.


For others who, like myself, don’t know the word: “Pareidolia is the tendency for incorrect perception of a stimulus as an object, pattern or meaning known to the observer, such as seeing shapes in clouds, seeing faces in inanimate objects or abstract patterns, or hearing hidden messages in music.”


Looks as likely apophenia as pareidolia. Seems more about connections than a visual pattern.


There is this thing of "deep conversations with total strangers" that has happened to me more than a few times, with me on each side of the situation. Part of it is a willingness to trust innately, to risk misplaced trust, in the hope of finding a bond, however fleeting. I've had this happen on the dance floor, the motion and music combining to make possible the sharing of very personal things. It's happened in Starbucks lines. And more recently in a COVID-distanced line waiting to get into a store. It often starts with someone saying a thought out loud, to the universe at large rather than to anyone specific. Then a response happens. I believe it requires living in the moment, awareness of one's environment, and continuous observation. And, also, being open to random things. Precious things.

Darnel D Cooper

That reminds me: whatever happened to the smart woman who worked at the Morg and was flirting with one of Martins friends?


Put your tongue back in your mouth unless you intend to share it, Willow.


I like her a lot, excited to see more of her in the future

Clifton Royston

It was Steve, and oddly enough, we were talking about her just 5 strips back, so I have the link handy: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=820 What does this strange coincidence MEAN? It must MEAN SOMETHING?

Daniel S

To be fair, she's been an unwitting (but not unwilling) spectator in several Clinton/Elliot moments, so she's probably invested in this point. Like when you're in a waiting room for a long time and next thing you know you're into the soap opera they have on the TV.


This is how you end up friendless and alone, Clinton.


Immediate crush forming.

Shawn K. Younkin

LOL- I am BOTH Clinton and Willow here. XD


Apopheniacs of the world, unite! :-)

Shane Wegner

"Although, conflux of universal coincidence aside, his grumpy attitude didn't help him any when it came to the stabbing," the defendant concluded. Upon review of 240 pieces of evidence supporting this claim, the jury agreed, voting to unanimously to acquit on all charges.

Matt Lee

Silver Surfer reference detected *beep boop*


Same. Sometimes the best friends are the ones who don't have a choice.


The last panel is giving me Susie Derkins vibes


Getting dangerously close to the 4th wall there, Jaques

David Perez

There is much chemistry between these two


I feel a lot of pride for our fandom that no one seems to be shipping them.


Well... Willow is a stand-in here for everyone already shipping Elion. Jeph's got a playbook, pholx.


If you're chill about it, it's casual. If it's about the web of fate, it's causal.


And "causal pareidolia" would be seeing such patterns in cause & effect. Although it might also be called an anthromorphization of random chance, IE "fate".


Apophenia is probably the name of the next character to be introduced.

Am Queue

I think someone shipped them that first day they started talking. It's a habit/twitch/reflex at this point... ETA: on comic 4449, user orangejuicenut, and reply by user Brooks Moses. Judging by hearts, many others.

Brian English

Good lord, look at the cans on her! (Sorry, haven't read QC in a few days)

Brooks Moses

I did what now? ...Huh, so I did. But, to be fair, I was specifically shipping them as good friends, like so many other people in this comment thread are doing. Not as romantic partners. :)


Jeph does seem to introduce new characters that have dramatic racks. I'm convinced May's fund drive was so successful so he could draw her new body A LOT.


This is actually how I make friends.


"Character a decides to make character b their friend... and so on." We never would have known it's you favorite trope, reading this comic. It is such a well hidden trope.


well, Clinton is a weenie and a cynical one, no denying


Apophenia FTW.


Due to Jeph, I have had to buy the phatest dictionary possible to keep up with his relentlessly vast lexical horizon 😵


Paieidolia. Learning big words from the web toonz. 😎