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David Perez

I like that this was an "also"


Can they please just have sex already?


Brun taking everything seriously is life

Michael Boettger

Miilie is definitely flirting here! And we approve. Brun is definitely thinking about her answers as well.


smooch her already!

Spoogle McGee

Flirt.exe is not responding. Would you like to wait, or end process?


I've been slapped for taking that long to answer that question.


Tomorrow: the invisible emu strikes again


They are too cute. I'm pretty sure they're not thinking about sex right now because Brun (at least) isn't aware of the alternatives.


Love Millie‘s new do! She’s freaking adorable. especially doing her little twirl in first panel.




I love Brun so much. It's rare to see neurodivergence portrayed in such a positive and constructive manner. As someone on the spectrum, it's just heartening to see a relatable figure who is a character in their own right as opposed to being just 'the weird one'.

Samantha Yeaman

I hear the distant sound of a ship coming in to dock. :D


Or just snuggle and fall asleep on her butt again. Maybe that's all Brun's into. That's a valid lifestyle choice!


She do like that body tho

Matt Grayson

I want a full transcript of Brun's thoughts. With pictures.


I don't recall ever seeing Brun show so many feelings as she has in the last few strips. Looks like Millie is bringing out a new dimension in her. I've just finished rereading all the QC strips from the beginning. I love how the characters grow in QC - Faye, Marten, Bubbles, Hannelore, the whole cast have evolved from their first appearance. Well, not Pintsize.


i love them too much. my heart will break forever if the don't become an item.


My autistic brain is imitating and what that thought process probably looked like and it is glorious


I never knew how much I need this ship.

Chris Heg

Better call FedEx, there's gonna be some serious shipping going on around here.


Fortunately, AIs have just enough social awkwardness (in general) to allow leeway for such situations. Which is a blessing.

Alcaria Swain

Tbh, this is a much better ship. I forgive you for robbing us of a polycule


1st panel, Finally, a good shot of that booty they've been talking about


In the US, you can use a flat-rate box. If it fits, it ships, and this fits

Sleepy John

Come in, we're WIDE open.

Errol Lobo

And now Brun gets AI dysphoria and gets a body transfer and this comic goes full Cyberpunk the way it was always meant to!!!!!!!!!


This webcomic is turning to lesbians robot x human and I am very ok with this.


Panels 1 & 2 - Total. Cuteness. Overload.

Thomas Halpin

Brun is fantastic, and these two are adorable together.

Grace Kieser

Millie is going to have to get used to rhetorical questions being taken seriously, with Brun!


It's like a Blur song only with robots.




Loving this frank and honest conversation between these two, with important questions being asked, and then being given thought and consideration before being answered!

Clifton Royston

These hmmmms would surely provoke even more intensive Rene hmm-hmms if Rene could only see & hear this.


I am genuinely so excited to see what happens with Mille and Brun

Thom Fry

Oh no, I LOVE them both.

Yonatan Zunger

I really love how seriously Brun takes the question. She gives it so much thought and you know that her response is 100% genuine.

Andrew L Butula

So, gut punch Thursday night or will Jeph string us along for another week?

Jaron Mortimer

To be fair, considering the rest of the cast, it would be hard to call Brun "the weird one" regardless.


This isn't Dumbing of Age, Jeph allows his characters to have nice things (sometimes).



Hugh Eckert

I'm not sure any questions are rhetorical to Brun. Maybe she needs a new Renee popup for that...


You know, that is actually a very sincere compliment. Just stop and think about it for a moment. Wouldn't YOU like to hear someone say that to you? I would be very flattered. Especially when you can see they thought it through and truly meant every word.


Noooooioo! But then again, we would get to see Brun feeling out over Mille's innards again.


I was thinking the same. Hopefully poly gets some representation in 2021.

Danielle Church

ugh I LOVE millefeuille's new hair!


Now, let's be fair. It's an amazing body

Stephen Wells

Millie's flirty expression in panel 3 is wonderful. A robo-nerd carefully fishing for appreciation of her magnificent designer ass :)


I like to think that the reverse of the open sign says "😠 Go Away We're Closed"


Thos two are just perfect for each other!


I'm obsessed with these two 🥰 I somehow missed the day last month but it's been a decade since I started reading QC and it's beautiful how it's just getting better and better every strip, it's been something wonderful to grow up with

David Pipes



I've been reading for about as long. I was still homeless when I discovered it and I remember spending quite a few days (library limited free computer use to 30min/day) reading them all. A decade later in a much more stable life I still ready every morning.


It took me too long to realize Millie doesn’t really have a nose...

Tim Keating

Was thinking the other day, Jeph should just turn the whole enterprise into a porn comic called "Horny for Robots."

Daryl Sawyer

This is a really good look for her.


Wow this probably the first time I see Martin actually working!


At least you know she really means it.