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Celine Chamberlin

Brun looks quite content in the first panel. Actually, they both do. More hair fluffing, please.


Does any robot AI ever read their body's manual?


Dammit Jeph just how far does that cuteness dial go up??

Michael Boettger

Learn something new everyday! Now, let's have a floof-off with Roko, May, and Momo. Claire can judge.


oh my godddd

Magic Chopstick Games

Weird—something very different happens when I do that


This will be their thing. Millie plays with Brun's hair, and Brun sleeps on Millie's well-padded seat. Win-win.

Timothy Roller

General Franky over here...


...do they even read their own user manuals

Summer Sudbrink

It's an app, but you have to un"lock" it. :p

Darnel D Cooper

Apparently not,.... At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they could adjust their height by a few inches or adjust their general body shape with concentration.


Omg panel 4! 🥰

Joel Bateman


Lana Del Prey

Jeph you're KILLING me


Now I want a Patreon only comic of Millie and Brun dual massaging their floofy hairs. It would be wholesome and yet lewd.

Matthew Van Gangelen

I feel like this is proof that they are in the Matrix. There is no spoon... or hair.



Anthony Gaglianese

If only human hair were so simple. Dammit, Jeph, you're making me want a robot body more and more with every comic.

Kyle Major

Robots are magic

Sleepy John

Who was it who had to hand with her head in a bucket to regrow her hair? Mille has an improved model, it would seem.



Mark Thomas

I LOVE IT! I mean, her hair looked great before. But it ALSO looks great like this. And the CONCEPT... Perfect!


I want to do that

Captain Button

Do AnthroPCs get frequent software updates?


There are 11 likes on this post. So apparently it goes to 11.


Yes! Exactly! The look of concentration on her face is exquisite.

Michael Boettger

That was Momo. Kitchen accident. But that was just to lengthen hair. Didn't address style. But with Momo's long hair, she could come up with something to rival a 60's country singer.


So cute!!


Okay, NOW they're girlfriends. This is a step beyond sharing clothing.


When you wish upon a star....


Was gonna say, my first thought was, "No, don't change your hair, Millie" but I gotta admit it looks great. Maybe because it's actually changed to be floofy, instead of the bad perm I had in jr high.


This is so pure and adorable


I like how Patreon displays "Unlocked" under the strip. I momentarily interpreted it as Millefeuille unlocking the "hair shapeshift" power in the QC game.


The only thing this comic is missing is Millie’s scrunchy flying away when the floofy hair pops into being.


The downside to AI/Human relationships is surmised in a line from the old song, "Puff the Magic Dragon." It goes, "Dragons live forever, not so little boys." Now I'm a sad panda in the snow...


Ohhhhh I LOVE IT Also I want a robot body even more now

Douglas E. Smith

I think Emily's research was involved in this function. She made a sweater that could unfurl from a cube with the application of pressure, so retexturalizing synthetic fibers with a user-generated electric charge seems doable in the QC universe! Maybe even in this one...

Danya Michael

This seems like the textural companion of Momo's color-change pigtails.


I like this ship. And I am happy to watch it just circle aimlessly in the harbor for as long as they like.


I recreated the "pop" out loud while looking at that panel & made myself laugh. :3


She doe t have a scrunchy. He hair automatically locks like that.


Has Mille met Claire? I'm pretty sure she has, so this would be just the perfect moment for them to meet. "There's something different about you?" "I got a new butt. And a new leg."


This song made me cry to hysterics when I was a little girl. Peter, Paul and Mary wrote a puff children's book decades later, and it shows puff becoming friends with the little boy's child. Fixed it.

Matthew McIntosh

The concentration scrunch face! 😍


Has there ever been a single robot who read their user manual?

Shane Wegner

Have you ever read a complete Grey's Anatomy or medical textbook describing all the proteins a human body contains?

Shane Wegner

It's one of the emergent properties of the electrostatic nano-elastomers. A slight modulation of electricity and they reorganize and keep a new shape.

Grace Kieser

So Millie is just as against reading the manual as Roko, it seems!


I can definitely dig the new 'do. Also, heard the hair poof like Pinkie's.

Nicholas A Wagner

Human 1.0 is so buggy, I can't wait till Human 1.2.

Kriss Pang

Milliefeuille's gone from a thousand leaves to a whole head full of them! :D


Oh jeez. I just realized it’s DeSanto hair from Dumbing of Age.


Okay, too cute for words.

Dean Reilly

Moving those appearance sliders apparently takes some effort!

Chris Crowther

Further proof AIs don't bother reading their manuals.


The amount of times I've nearly shit my pants finding hidden features...

Stephen Wells

I would like to take a moment to appreciate the subtle significance of Millefeuille letting her hair down in front of Brun in panel 3. Little by little they become more comfortable together.

Stephen Wells

Another character, seeing Millie and Brun walking around hand in hand and with the same hair style: So how long have you guys been dating? Millie and Brun: We're dating???


Proof that even AI do not read the owner's manual!


To all, How you reply to a comments on Patron mobile? I think Patron changed there comment settings again 😩


Oh no! What if they become ...dun dun dun... Good Friends!


Jeph, you've just made Millie even cuter, you fiend!

William Cole

It hasn't changed in the iOS app at least: tap the comment you want to reply to; it will slide left and reveal a ↩️ icon; tap that to start commenting. This only works for "top-level" comments, though; you can't reply to a reply.


Millie is channelling Melon here....


She didn't know she could, but in the first two panels she had a ponytail. Millie should start carrying a mirror.

Ursus Ridens

Now can you do something about the nose (lack thereof), Ms M?


I think the implication is she undid it to examine her hair between panels (was also a lead up to it being able to poofify without popping her tie).

Joseph Bonnar

RTFM? No. That's why MOST manuals read like they were translated from the original Japanese into English by somebody who's first language is German.


I imagine she feels like when I discovered that you could move a pin and suddenly had double of HD space ...


Whelp I've got my quota of cute good feels today. Thanks Jeph!


At the rate that AIs find out about clearly documented body features, I would not be astonished to find out that Melon is the only AI to have fully read the documentation for her own chassis.

Frank Wales

I wonder if there's an add-on/DLC that can get them closer to Entrapta mode... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYG-kDRX0AAMh8B.jpg:small


All Millefeuille has to do is think poofy thoughts. 😁💭

David Howe

Well, it IS Melon; they probably just got Lemon to read the documentation for every chassis, then relies on them to pass on anything that might be important....


Dammit. I wish I could just make my hair poofy :-/


I thought that Bubbles said that AIs had to put there hair in a chemical bath in order to changes there hair style?


I wish I could make my hair flat... (well... back when I had hair... :'(


FTFY Jeph https://i.postimg.cc/qpyFcRPW/QC-4418-Edit-Poop.png You're welcome