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Brun is trying




She tried her best.

Fart Captor

This is so unreasonably cute


I think that this is the most excited we've seen Brun about anything!


her love of mechanical clocks kickin into overdrive. brun needs a clockwork gf.


Brun has found her calling as a steampunk mage.

Mattezhion Zane Corgan Campbell

If I were a cyborg, having someone be entranced by the intricacies of biomechanical engineering *would* be moral support.


Brun is realizing that a friend can also be a project car, and she can't cope with that level of joy just yet.


Robo-insides would be so neat, though. All of the intricate engineering of physical mechanisms, but none of the messy blood or pain!

Daniel Rydberg

It almost looks like it is Brun who is being voltage tested 😅


I don't know, I think it might be a little like complimenting a woman on how good her boobs look, in that, unless she's had surgery or some such, they're not really something she actually put effort into herself and can feel a bit objectifying. Presumably Millie didn't design her body herself, and the internals aren't something she really thinks a lot about.

Erin Moriarty

I love how hard Brun tries to be a great friend ❤️❤️❤️

Sleepy John

The next time anyone asks Mille about friendship: Brun gave up looking at the most fascinating things of her LIFE to provide moral support. And the clenched fingers in the last panel prove it.


oh HONEY god that is an autistic mood

Simon Green


Sleepy John

I think Sam is going to have competition for the job of Shop Gofer.

Michael Boettger

I don't think I've ever seen Brun so excited and engaged before. And this is all for the good


Millefeuille, Brun is really just interested in your body.


So adorbs! I especially love it when Millefeuille blushes, which she does a LOT around Brun. I am so shipping Brufeuille.


Millefeuille better get a transparent skin or something...


They were friends first! They genuinely enjoyed each other's company. The enchantment with Mille's butt and now her inner workings is secondary to that. SHIP SHIP SHIP! Whatever!

Thom Fry

Oh no, I SHIP IT.


I kinda saw this coming with Brun's interest in clocks. If that was done on purpose, masterfully played. If not, congratulations! Lucky you!


Annnnd now I need approximately 10,000% more Excited Brun because its the most adorable thing since Marigold.


wow. could that be a fetish in this universe??


Look at Millefeuille blushing in the 1st panel, looks like she finds Brun's enthusiasm for her mechanics cute. This speaks well for the ship.


I bet there is a career change for Brun in the very near future.

Dean Reilly

Is Millefeuille lying on a bench? Did Faye and Bubbles steal a park bench and drag it into the shop to use as an operating table?


Yeah, I went to visit my grandma in the hospital and had to watch them use the little over-bed X-ray machine. Grandma's reaction was pretty much that same as here.

Hugh Eckert

Brun has just realized that Millie is (as well as being a cool person who gets her) the cutest and bestest clock ever. And Millie seems to like that.

Jennifer Doyle

When someone says you're beautiful on the inside.

Mattezhion Zane Corgan Campbell

Hate to disappoint, but between lubricants, coolants and plenty of tiny mechanical juncturs in which to trap my fingers, robot bodies would still contain plenty of fluids and pain. Not to mention to risks to the synthetic mind if we can't properly deactivate/reactivate the pain receptors for diagnostics


Mille's look in the last panel. Not impressed, but resigned.


Brun has found the most amazing clock that she can also hold hands with


Also, Mille's face in the first panel is SO CUTE.




I really appreciate what is happening in the final panel, and appreciate that Milliefeuille will be sad that Brun wants to look IN her more than talk TO her in that moment.... but I really hope that Milliefeuille also appreciates how hard Brun is trying to do the right thing by her instead of just doing what she wants to. They are both just such great characters.


"The way you blush when I say your body is amazing, that's amazing too!"

Stephen Wells

The last time Brun talked about how great clocks are, the gears were drawn in Millefeuille's colour scheme :)


It really seems like Millefeuille understands Brun well enough to know that she can't help herself in the last panel, and well enough to know exactly what it means that Brun is trying so very hard to restrain herself, neither of which would Brun fake. This all feels very genuine. It's a resignation face, not a sad/angry face. She knows what she's signed up for.


Is Millefeuille getting her femur replaced because she tripped over the invisible emu?

Sleepy John

AIs don’t get an aesthetic?

Matt Grayson

That last panel suggests that Millie has realized that Brun is just interested in her body...


Do those of you on the autism spectrum feel like Brun is a good representation of a person with an autism diagnosis?

Solomon Garland

I do tbh. She's got a number of realistic and, to me, relatable autistic traits. She seems to understand herself well, and be comfortable with how her brain works and how she lives. It's a nice thing to see.


perceivePain = false; // TODO: Remember to re-enable after surgery!


I love Millefeuille's blushing in panel 1

Kerin Schiesser

As this is placed in the future, it makes sense that there would be better counseling and better coping strategies taught, to make people on the autistic spectrum more comfortable with themselves and how to relate to the world without being unhappy with themselves

Kerin Schiesser

Also Brun has a very good friend who seems to give her good advice in the form of relatively easy to apply rules that help her understand or communicate the empathy that Brun is obviously capable of, without otherwise being able to easily show it or understand when to apply it.


It's not really placed in the future per se. It's the present of an alternate reality where an AI singularity happened (in great part thanks to Hanners' dad) and androids are now a thing. And since AI generally turned out to be benevolent. one can assume many fields of science are more advanced than ours thanks to their contribution. Though it's otherwise very much like our world.


What is holding Millefeuille's head up? I see no pillow, and even myomer will fatigue. Can she make her hair rigid? Inquiring minds want to know!

Evgeniy Semyonov

Brun resembles Jeremy Clockson from Pratchett's Thief of Time here. Let's hope she won't get an idea to create perfect clock with Emily.


Brun is the best.

Aaron Schulz

I hope it works out for them but I feel like Mille-feuille is going to get hurt in the long run and that sucks, i like her.

Jim Feldman

I feel watching the procedure fits in with here fascination with clocks

Solomon Garland

Really makes me sad that apparently showing genuine enthusiasm over the design of an AI friend is seen as hurtful. Like I'm sure you guys are right, I have no idea how normal people think, but Brun's enthusiasm seems to me an entirely positive thing.


This has feels …