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It's like clocks, but super


how much research did you have to do for this? this looks really good!


I, like most of the QC cast, have a giant crush on Brun.


Figured she would be into it since she is into the intricacies of clock mechanics.


Aaand Brun is aroused; horny even.


The ER theme is stuck in my head now.

Jaron Mortimer

Yeah, considering how much she likes clocks this must be insane levels of satisfying.


Gettin all up in that femur meat

Erin Moriarty

I hope Brun starts working with Faye and Bubbles!!!

Michael Boettger

I can see it now:Brun Khoury, Robo Surgeon.

Captain Button

I forget, what is wrong with the femur she has now?


I find it fascinating how well this mimics actual musculature attachments and how this looks both anatomically feasible and works well as a support and limbic hardware. Bravo Jeph


god that is a MOOD


On this episode of QC MD, Dr Bubbles and Dr Faye cure another case of Butt’s Disease.


And thus begins the inexorable transition of the entire cast away from coffee and baked goods and toward femur replacements


As a medical professional and former cadaver student, BRAVO JEPH your anatomical studies are showing 🔥🔥🔥


could Brun be their next apprentice? it's a booming business! and I only partially mean that in the explosion way!

Matt Grayson

I can’t tell if she’s going to go into robot surgery, propose to Millefeuille, or both.

West Singleton

Jeph, have you had this turn in mind for Brun ever since you figured out how much she likes clocks?

Jonathan Streeter

Who would have thought that a person that works with clocks would be entralled?


You know, when i started reading QC fucking FIFTEEN YEARS AGO (Holy fuck, dude, you have been entertaining me for half my life now...) If you would have told me that you would one day be posting a reasonably realistic robot leg surgery, I would have told you to stop putting LSD in your weed. XD Well done, my man. Very well done.


At least there's no blood.

Yahsho Jinn

I would be 110% ok with a procedural robot medical drama!


...actually, there should be *something* in there to reduce friction among all those moving/sliding parts. Hopefully Brun can handle the sight of lubricant.


I think Jeph just bought a box set of ER or something and had to justify it as a business expense.


Probably based almost entirely off a hip replacement surgery, but with some shortcuts and simplifications that a robotic patient would allow. No bleeding, no concern about infection or contamination, preexisting seams, components are actually designed to be disconnected and reattached, etc. Robot surgery looks like surgery, but it probably feels a lot like working on any other machine.

Anthony Gaglianese

Given that I work in EMS, I would 100% love to moonlight at Union Robotics. Just sayin

Douglas E. Smith

When I saw my first cadaver I had a similar reaction, just internally. I wasn't allowed to shout in the lab.


Junior Mint?


That must have taken some time to draw!

Cole Blackblood

Neat! Looks like Brun found a new fixation, too. ^_^

William Cole

A lot less goo and sloshing than the last time we saw these leg meats. 🦿💦💦

Chris Gallaty

Brun found her new clock...

Sleepy John

Wonder how she would have liked faaaaaace meeeeeeat?


Just: wow!


When Brun and Millefeuille hook up the relationship is going to go like clockwork for sure.


Just wait until Brun wants to take her apart and put her back together....


Right now, I AM BRUN 🤩 More please! Anatomical robot bodies sooooo!

Mark Thomas

That would depend on the tech level of the time. It's entirely possible that a society with integrated humanoid AI could have developed "super Teflon spray" that can easily coat the moving parts to practical frictionless-ness without being a gooey mess that bleeds out any time the skin is punctured


You've obviously put a lot of thought into how the anthropomorphic robot bodies go together. Yay for sci-if tech that's coherent. :)

The Secret Sponsor

Part of me feels like Brun is going to make Millefeuille uncomfortable going forward. I mean, how would any of us feel if a potential romance partner loved watching us get opened up and operated on?


She's gonna be an engineer

Brooks Moses

Although, with any precision machine, you do need to have at least some concern about contamination. Getting grit in the gears is troublesome enough to be a cliche, even. (And see also Clinton's hand and the fact that it would hold up much better if he'd keep the covering on it.)

Nobilis Reed (personal)

I wonder how many anatomy texts Jeph checked before drawing the inside of a robot thigh.

Solomon Garland

Brun's love of precision engineering was already well-established when she's talked about clocks, hopefully Millefuille will find such fascination either understandable and/or flattering, and not creepy. This could be really cute.


I was involved in a boating accident that removed a large chunk of left calf. I remember not wanting my then-fiancé to be in the room when they were doing wound dressings. Once, he stayed anyway because it wiuld have been more awkward for him to leave; he was also present when the photographer took pictures for the insurance company. We've been married 22-1/2 years nows and still going, so I'm going to say it’s not an insurmountable obstacle to a relationship.

Magic Beans

One does not preclude the other.


I think Brun will now feel a deeper connection to Mille because she's seen how part of her *actually* works. She literally understands Mille on a deeper level. People are an indecipherable mess to her, but she can comprehend Mille.


This is wonderful, sincerely. I look forward to when you start including paragraph-long science asides now that Schlock Mercenary is gone and I'm not getting my fix.

Joseph Loder

Damn dude, that is some awesome robotic internals art right there.


I'm gonna say Brun's calling is to be a mortician and/or embalmer.

Bacon Lord

My slop of a brain just realized bruns reason for loving clocks applies to robot inner mechanisms *pats skull*


I like that Sam’s trying to be helpful but has completely misread Brun’s reaction.

Simon Green

Butt implant cameo!!!


Yes, Brun. Your girlfriend is like a clock. Yes, Brun. She's your girlfriend now. That's just science


Nice level of detail. Jeph is skilled


I wonder if brun is gonna ditch her clock thing and start working on AI bodies as a hobby/job. Maybe she can get to work with Fey and Bubs.

Michael Boettger

And it makes sense. If you develop myomer muscles for AI bodies, why not copy the arrangement from humans? Especially if your aim is to make them close to human standard.


This is turning into "Ben Chassis," "Carcass Welby" or "Housing."


Either this is a new vent for a hyperfixation or we're experiencing the inception of a very specific and untenable fetish.


Ope accidentally created a ripper bad news everyone

David Perez

Ok, I have a question that may not have an answer. Is that an actual incision into the leg or a port of sorts that opens? Are the AI bodies capable of healing or is there a type of “skin like bondo” that is applied here?


IIRC, the first time Sam help 'glue' mel back together as a temporary fix (I think it was even applied with a glue gun)

Yonatan Zunger

My guess: When Brun tells Millefeuille about how amazing her insides are, with that much excitement radiating from her, Millefeuille will feel unexpectedly happy.

Melissa Smits

Wherever this comic goes, I'll follow. If it turns into Scrubs with androids i won't be too mad


Modernize the old medical drama as Trapper John A.I.


Now I won't be able to stop thinking of QC as a Gilmore Girls comic.

Comics Ladybird

OK, gotta respect your documentation work here, but… shouldn’t this get some sort of NSFW warning?


How can this be NSFW if almost half the characters are literally *at work*?


Whats NSFW, Android Muscles???


*Teardrop by Massive Attack starts playing*


And Lady Brunhilde of the Flat Affect becomes aroused.


Surgery without anesthesia and the patient's not mad. Awesome! And OF COURSE Brun would love it. (Clocks!)


I love the drawing in this. I *love* the detail that the femur is held into its socket with a retaining ring. That makes engineering sense. This is SO cool.

Joseph Bonnar

Nice to see Sam working out well in the shop. :) Although I do notice that her haircut is almost as bad as mine after months with no barber.


Who is with me that want's the December bonus comic to be a complete internal schematic of Millefeuille? So awesome.

Jason Rock

I have so many questions. Can we get a working group to consult with Jeph to write the #808080 Anatomy of Androids?

Jason Rock

I don’t think so - remember that she hyperfocuses on clocks and mechanisms. I can imagine her spending 7 sleepless nights and coming back with a way to fix May’s hip so that it doesn’t pop put anymore. “But her old body has already been scrapped and recycled.” “Oh.”

Sleepy John

the clock junkie has a brand-new bag.

Drakoo Dreamer

Do you think he did research into this or is he just making it up? It looks detailed AF


Shocking that the girl who loves clocks is fascinated by an android’s inner workings! Love Brun’s face in this.


I totally get it, Brun. Ran into a guy who I had the hots for while he was working outside his home. He invited me in, showed me projects, gave me coffee...desperate to keep me around a while longer, he asked "hey, wanna watch a movie?". Sure...turns out it wasn't naughty, but the arthroscopic view of his knee surgery, which he narrated for me, blow by blow. Married 'im. ;-) <3


In case the edit didn't come through, and even if it did, this part bears repeating: I married that one ;-)


Ugh I'm jealous. Can you imagine just being able to replace broken parts?

Elizabeth Siemanski

In the 90's, I was accustomed to attending to my cats for miner topical surgical proceedings. The vet would administer a local numbing agent, and the cat wouldn't feel anything. I found it fascinating, not gross.


I have seen plenty of corpses and cadavers and autopsy photos, and even saw images of my own surgeries, but I don’t think I could handle seeing my pets cut open.


I watched both my SSA thumb joint surgeries live. I hadn't done much research on it before surgery and when he pulled out the trapezium bone on the first one I though "well, I'm committed now". Very interesting to watch.