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skill check




(Fellow) Neeeerrrrrd


I also love him


Joining the "I love him" train

Cody Renton

Honestly thought "Roll Playing" was gonna be a baked goods joke and am unaccountably disappointed by the lack of a pun.

Michael Boettger

Good idea Renee. And Dan, a small misstep there. But kinda endearing, I must say.


She could do worse. And "woo woo!"

Tara Cook

That would've had MY pants off for sure.


But.... That's part of what makes him hot! *Hides dice collection* 😬😁


Next week… it’s Sven eating cereal while May reads the ingredients in the cereal and goes “Really? Cookie Crisp?!”

Dylan T

Renee most of the people you socialize with are nerds. Your roommate collects antique clocks. Your best friend is testing the waters with a goofy ginger cyborg. You are outnumbered by nerds.


Man, i would have crit failed that charisma check.

Anthony Gaglianese

But when I use lines like that, all I get are eyerolls and blocked numbers....hmmm....

Chuck Dee


Samantha Yeaman

She says that as though the nerdiness isn't the hottest part!

Corpus Callosum

Renee is a little judgmental sometimes. She needs to work on that


I’m not sure if just having a robotic hand is enough for Clinton to qualify as a cyborg let alone a goofy ginger cyborg. Though he does have the goofy ginger part in spades.

Grace Kieser

Renee, you are also a nerd! The fact your nerdery is a practical skill doesn't exempt you!


So far, I love Shitty Dan


save vs smoov


Aww so cute.

Shawn K. Younkin

"Small misstep"? With what? It's making a second get together, semi-first date plans... It's not a 12 step program to get into someone's pants.


Next up: THAC0 joke!

Nicholas Kratzer

I hope Hot Dan doesn't live to far away. These two are great together, and it would suck if he lived on the other side of the country.


NERD oh my gods. Dan, PLEASE continue being this


I don’t get the nerd hate for people who play D&D or MtG. I mean, people like Martin are at least as much of a nerd due to their music knowledge. This arc has been weird.... about a guy who is, and probably always has been, a nice, funny, pleasant bloke, but just gets labeled with “shitty” because he shares a name with someone who has interests which are defined as “cool” compared to his.

Captain Button

Hey, gotta have some reason to sneer at people, otherwise how can you prove you are better than them?


Did they change how stat checks work? Back when I played D&D (in the '80s and early '90s), having a higher stat was good -- but that meant if you rolled a check against one of your stats, the goal was to roll the stat value OR LOWER. A 20 would be an automatic failure.

Matthew Graf

Shitty dan is best dan


Already my favorite couple


He’s a gorgeous charmer, but we still don’t know whether he’s an a-hole. I’m scared that those pipelines he’s designing are going to turn out to be oil pipelines planned to illegally run through native lands, or maybe he’ll just be rude to Brun or Hanners.


Hahhahaha, reading this made me so happy. Nerd's rock! 💖


I’m looking forward to Dan and Clinton meeting. I predict they will get along swimmingly.


not a big dan fan myself. i'm sure i'll grow to like him if hes not shit.


Umm excuse me, being a nerd is a way more important quality than being hot :p


I think you mis-remember. I remember rolling a 20-sided dice, then you ADD to it your modifiers, and the goal is that your number is higher than the difficulty rating.. Rolling a 20 (natural 20) + modifiers is a critical success. As a point of interest, this is the FUNNIEST roll of a 1 vs 20 explanation you can ever get. https://imgur.com/gallery/nwiYb

Hugh Eckert

Aww, c'mon, Renee...

Anna Armstrong

I have literally made that comment while flirting, Hahahaha

Michael Boettger

Hmmm...if (God forbid) Clinton and Elliot don't work out, we know that Clinton likes Brun. And then, instead of Bob, and Carol, and Ted, and Alice, we could have a Renee, and Dan, and Brun, and Clinton.


Wow, compare Clinton's failure to ask Emily out in a way that communicated that he tried to ask her out. Dan is smooth, funny and communicative. Great guy. But seriously, Dan. Take a stroll down to the gaming store some afternoon. You are clearly suffering from gaming-deficiency-syndrom, a common ailment among nerds who haven't been among nerds for awhile.


How about "being a nerd without being completely socially inept" is more important than being "hot."



Stephen Wells

"I'll take a shower beforehand" means what we all think it means, right?

Matthew Van Gangelen

She asked him out and then questions if it’s a date? She is trying so hard to sabotage this. But he just dodges her swing. Nice work Dan!

Marc Kevin Hall

I can't help but imagine Jeph doing research for this arc by talking to his less cool friends* about D&D. "Okay, what are some other nerdy catch phrases I can use?" *I mean, as a good-looking and successful web cartoonist Jeph is obviously too cool to have ever played D&D or MtG — or any of the customary rituals of our people, right?

Captain Button

https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=134 "Hoo-boy. Okay, before you gamers fire up your Hate-Mail-O-Trons, let me just say that I am a huge goddamned nerd myself (I mean come on, I draw a comic strip and publish it on the Internet, for Christ's sake). I think Dungeons and Dragons can be pretty cool, and I am well aware that there are D&D players out there who have indeed known the touch of a woman. Besides, that's Faye being a smartass, not me. ;)"


He's precious. Can we keep him?

Some Ed

Shitty Dan lives in Canada. This is just the preliminary character introduction to prepare for the arc in which the entire cast moves to Jeph's new home town.


"So, I've been transferred." "Did they give a reason?" "Apparently a group called 'Patreon' asked for it."


The color of Brun's shirt is magnificent. Also it suits her so well <3