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what about alien ghosts though




is... is believing in ghosts and aliens really conspiracy theory? i may have some calls to make...


The next ship is ready to launch

Michael Boettger

You know, I'm really beginning to like Dan. Just go for it buddy!

Matthew Graf

Just kiss him Renee! That's a good guy there


Butts are just fart ships.




Ruh Ro - This may be a booty call in the making.


I really like Dan so far.

Daryl Resplandor

I'm not convinced that Renee isn't going to mess this up.


Remember when conspiracy theories made really good episodes of The X-Files and not 20/20?

Carl Fink

Believing in aliens isn't necessarily a conspiracy theory. If you believe in David Icke's aliens, don't date Renee.

Dean Reilly

'Also, here is a PowerPoint about how 5G causes covid.'

Everett Bradshaw

Dan is pretty cool, tbh. I like him.


They're not ghosts, they're premonitions. Still actually lol'd at the joke though.

Simon Green

If farts are poop ghosts then I've had some damn-near ectoplasmic experiences, my friend.


Yes I used to love the shit out of The X-Files. It was great when people didn't really believe that nonsense.


What if you get a premonition that you're about to see a ghost? Is that a meta-premonition?


I'm really enjoying this date. Particularly Dan's smooth helpfulness in the last panel in the face of Rene's scepticism.


Oh, just get naked an' go for it, you two. Rene's been turning into a decent human being lately and gettin' it regular can only be good for her. Besides, Sven and May already set that precedent.


Aww they're cute together! I'm happy for renne!


Stop self-sabotaging, Rene.

Jaron Mortimer

Oh they fuckin! Look at them sparks!

David Durant

Has anyone measured the average time between QC characters that end up together first meeting and pairing up? Feels like it's getting shorter and shorter - not that that's necessarily a bad thing.


I'm the same way she is, but I use different wording: I dread over-the-top great first dates (if that's what this is becoming) because there's no way the second date will be better. So having even minor things go wrong actually makes me feel more at-ease. Just so long as I don't find myself across the table from a Republicrat or a Demopublican.

Thomas Halpin

I am very much enjoying how this is going so far.

Solomon Garland

To clarify she deserves to have a cute date with a nice dude who gets her, not to shit herself. Good things for Renee week.

Hugh Eckert

Love Renee's face in panel 3...


Wondering what kind of wine do Magic players like to drink.


Alien Poop Ghosts is still available as a band name. Just saying.


I would say that farts are more a harbinger of poop.


He deals with pipelines I have a feeling he has a visceral understanding of shit happens and would be OK with it.


Please stay on this romance ........ Renee is my favorite character !!


She's like the mom character, taking care of everyone else. She deserves a dad!

Evgeniy Semyonov

- You know, I heard this outrageous conspiracy theory: there's a really powerful AI that constantly scans all communications in the world, and can simultaneously use as many bodies as it wants! - Ha ha, I've heard one about government kidnapping rogue evil scientists and giving them secret laboratories to work in! - Oh, and I heard one about secret agency that finds absolutely ordinary guys and uses them for their Black Ops with super fast training! - Oh, some people just need these crazy stories to make sense of the world around, right?


Yeah some people just can't handle the idea that the history of the world is more or less a chaotic mess where sometimes the coincidences are just coincidences and Franz Ferdinand was killed by an assassin who had given up after the previous 5 attempts failed and went "well might as well", and the only reason they even met was because the convoy took a wrong turn. They need for there to be a reason for things to happen, and not just "sometimes you just got unlucky". Also there's a big undercurrent of antisemitism in a lot of conspiracy theorists. If you ever hear "lizard people", that's a code word for Jewish people.

Josh Moberly

I just got the biggest case of deja vu from the last panel. Was there a similar line the last time Renee went on a date or am I crazy?


Dan is smooth!

Minzoku Bokumetsu

Renee's eye shadow is going in and out otherwise I'm lolling at this entire scene


BUT! Is the moon an egg or not?

Clifton Royston

Honestly if I were on a date with someone like Renee I'd find her skepticism and pessimism very appealing.

Clifton Royston

The moon is corrupt and must be blown up to free Earth of its perverse influence and bring Earth into a more perfect orbit.


I'm all on board with Renee/Dan, but even if it fails... keep Dan around!


I approve of Dan. Lets hope he sticks around.


panel 5 looks like me and my cat communing, very cute, we blink at the same time to say I love you!

Anthony Gaglianese

Oh, look. More proof that Renee is an alternate universe version of me.


Poop ghosts... heh heh. I'm going to use that one! Full credit given, of course.


oh, boy, I skipped a few months and forgot how much I love this comic.


Dan sees her self-sabotage and raises a sense of humor, self confidence, and a pleased smirk.. Renee doesn't have to go all in to call, but if she doesn't and loses she's more than likely out of the game.


I like the thought of a happy Renee in a relationship with a seemingly normal and relatable dude. Please don’t turn him into a serial killer or something. Lol

Stephen Wells

If they're BOTH into optimizing experiences, the foreplay is going to be off the charts.




A poop is a wish your fart makes.


That must have been fun to catch up on a couple months worth of QC all at once!


I would totally buy a “farts are just poop ghosts” teeshirt