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oh *baby*

Michael Boettger

Yay! Retail therapy for everybody. Dying to see what she chooses.


**blushing cutie alert!**


Baby steps... just keep taking baby steps

Eric Sieck

Sourdough gets her started!

Nicolas Demers

It's... a process. But I'm proud of her! All these side characters (who are kind of main characters now maybe?) are growing in interesting ways!


We've all been there.. .. right?


I always love some good bread kink, BUT WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US JEPH. Give us the good Clinton and Elliot kissy kissy already.

Shawn K. Younkin

Never changed Renee..... never change.

Dean Reilly

Sorry Renee, she's just not (b)ready.


I'm curious how Roko feels about eating bread. She doesn't eat but people enjoy it. I bought 2 baguettes from the local grocery store yesterday and the were still warm when I put them into my cart. Gonna let some of it get stale and make french toast.




Renee's little curl never stops being cute

Fart Captor

This is so fucking cute


I relate to Roko so much right now.

A.A. aka Double

Renee is like Faye, but she cares more about whether or not her teasing jokes land.


Perhaps if Renee shared her kink (with us all) they could bond?

Joseph Bonnar

I'm glad that the cast is being rotated in and out so frequently. Except for Martin, and that ONLY because he seems to have finished with the drama and is starting to settle down. (BORING!) In fact, in one bonus comic, Jeph showed us how boring he is. https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJwIjoxfQ%3D%3D/patreon-media/p/post/23052526/936e36923aab434fa152959d5abc4871/1.png?token-time=1599528464&token-hash=7ZbT4Cvjb-1dFWHm-6l5l1KZc78Ws4Ql_fHyIKIQYSw%3D

Joseph Bonnar

And the next cliffhanger might be: What did May choose? Cute blue body? Battle droid style? Or Spider Bot?

Evgeniy Semyonov

On a more serious note, it is really refreshing to see a world where people are generally supportive and accepting of each other. This makes me wonder - what if QC-Verse had its own 2020 some way back, where a lot of weird stuff happened in a short amount of time, including AI emergence, and now people there just much more accepting and tolerant to "not-normal" stuff? Like when Marten and Dora were attacked by group of monks, or jet-Roombas appeared, or Melon in general. As if every character thinks "eh, not as crazy as that year with murder hornets and thinking computers".


The whole "I'm not at the level to joke about my own kink" is total feels.


ah the awkward frozen "oh shit that was the wrong thing to say AGAIN" moment, I sure relate to THAT.


I hope Roko having feelings for bread means she's getting better with her body disassociation

Michael Boettger

She is perhaps feeling confident and anchored enough to indulge in her fetish.

Dandi Andi

I'm actually crying a little bit. That last line from Roko is... it's very real to me.

Spoogle McGee

Renee's not as Rye as she thought she was.

Bruce Steinberg

Poor Roko. You’ll get there! 💙💙💙


Some of us can only joke about our own kink in the presence of friends. Or total strangers.

Brian English

I still worry that there's some kind of flag remaining on May's "essence" saying "NO TRANSFERS WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM ROBOT JAIL" and she's stuck in that rattletrap through another bureaucratic wall storyline.

Simon Green

Roko's going to go home and calm herself down by reading some poetry by her favourite poet, the legendary William Butler Yeast.


Renee being a buffoon gets funnier for every time :-)

Daniel Burnett

Look I love this but I’m starting to fear that the next few weeks will focus on getting May a body and not feeding our thirst for boy makeouts

Solomon Garland

It's what we were all waiting for before that arc, I'm excited to return to it. We'll get boy makeouts soon enough.


Oh Brian, I think you may be prescient with that suggestion. It feels right, story-wise, that they're going to be a setback before this major issue is finally resolved. As a reader, I'll hate to see May and the others go through that, but I think you might be right.


I like how the story's focus shifts just enough that I'm rarely forgetful of what I'd been looking forward to.

drone r0m-3

I've known my best friend for 37 years and we're barely at that level. These things take time.



Stephen Wells

Yay Newfriend would go through any of THAT BS like a hot knife through butter.


She seems to be adequately integrated in that respect at least. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3959


Though certain things speed it up, such as enabling the kink


One thing many of us have lost is the “medium-term horizon”. I’m okay now, I expect to be okay again ... someday. But there’s little to plan for or look forward to in a definite fashion. So the trading off of story lines is really kind of great because there keeps being something to look forward to. Eager expectancy is in general short supply.


wow. didn't think about it this way yesterday, but Roko's _out_. didn't expect that so suddenly. guess she didn't either.

Matt Zweig

I hadn’t thought of it like this, but it’s exactly how I’ve been feeling too. Well said!