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I don't usually eat a lunch and I too sometimes forget I can do other things during that period of time.


This is why I used to take smoke breaks at my old job even though I don’t smoke.

Spoogle McGee

This is similar to when I realised I could eat while pooping.

Kurist Zero

iLunch - this changes everything... Again! 🤣


Gosh Mille is so cute. All gussied up in her cute outfit. I'm fairly certain if I were a human in the QCverse I'd be a robosexual they're just all so on point.

Fart Captor

I had FORGOTTEN about Millie and Brun's date

Michael Boettger

Millie has a revelation in her quest to better emulate humans!!


Maybe the robot labor lobby will have to regulate breaks and employer sponsored maintenance plans

Mark Thomas

That is UTTERLY disgusting and unhealthy on so many levels. Please don't do that


I’m sure the invisible emu will let Millie take an hour long lunch break. He’s not that much of a bastard.

Dylan T

I return once again to the notion of "this comic is full of dorks"

Panic Blitz

Mille just learned why all of us non smokers suddenly "become" smokers when we have office jobs, but never get spotted in the smoking section outside the building.

Shawn K. Younkin

Gosh - Millie is adorable in the last panel...


Evil bosses: “haha, with my workforce of AI’s, they will work longer because they don’t need breaks... what do you mean they still have the same rights as other workers?”

Emma Humphries

When did Renee get an under cut?

Peter McDevitt

i swear sometimes it feels like Jeph just has a lottery ball machine with character names on it to decide who appears & when. and EVERYONE's a winner!


I knew someone who claimed to start smoking just so he could take smoke breaks like the rest of the shop. Except it's all vaping and the smoke pit now smells like cupcakes and unicorn farts.

Solomon Garland

More brillefuille???? Yessssssss....


Us meat-sacks have all the shortcuts figured out. The AIs will never catch up!

Simon Green

The robot liberation movement continues to sweep lunchtime

Simon Green

Ugh, personally I prefer the smell of tobacco smoke to the vape shit my wife uses now...

Joseph Bonnar

By the way, Jeph? I love Renee's new hair style.

Joseph Bonnar

I was wondering about that myself, and can confirm that this is the first strip showing her new hair style. I like it.

Joseph Bonnar

So... How much did the invisible Emu donate to May's fund?

Hugh Eckert

The Patreon "unlocked" appears right below "life hack" for me. That's fitting...

Stephen Wells

Damnit Jeph you made Millefeuille cuter again.




move over faye & bubbles, brun and millefeuille are officially my otp.

Evgeniy Semyonov

In parallel universe, Evil!Hanners: - So, now they want lunch breaks, like us, humans? This is the last straw. Release the virus!

Greg Morrow

... I had trouble parsing the electric pink dots on M's blouse as the ends of her tie. This is probably a personal problem.


At a previous worksite, enough people were taking smoke breaks that I got the boss to say I could take non-smoking breaks.


Im rooting for the polyamorous relationship of ElliotXClintonXBrunXMillefeuille

Jim Feldman

I nearly took up smoking in the USAF just to get those breaks. (back in the late '70s)


Eliot x Clinton; Brun x Millefeuille is what I'm hoping for.

Ronald Stimbert

I did take up smoking in the USAF just to get those breaks (back in the early 2000s.) Quit since, but half of the people out there were only smoking to get out of the building for a minute or three.


I've never been a smoker, but I have gone out of my way to befriend the occasional smoker in order to be invited outside for breaks.


I've done this at several work places. You don't need to get permission - just go take fair breaks.

Bonnie Doolittle

I had a co worker take 2nd hand smoke breaks (also in the USAF 2000s)


Imagine having a phone literally built into your brain and still not calling or texting before dropping by someone's apartment. I wonder if this is normal etiquette in this world. I guess nobody seems to mind, at least.


when I worked at a restaurant I had a friend give me an empty e-cig so I could take a smoke break and then used that break just to sit down for fifteen goddamn minutes


When my dad was in basic training (Air Force, 1951), he picked up smoking because smokers got a break.