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beep boop




Ah piss I forgot the logo on Beeps' shirt, will fix tomorrow D:




Bubbles is true comrade.

Bonnie Fiddis

So much good feels on here lately 💖


Shoulda asked for a Benjamin!


Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is ask for help. Speaking from experience.


Now I want a bonus page of Roko and Beeps wearing bikinis.

Michael Boettger

God I love Bubbles. Even more than I did before. Who would have thought of her as a AI philosopher.


I've never understood reluctance to accept charity, having needed it at several times in my life.


I'm not tearing up you're tearing up shut up


as someone who is only around thanks to a good community who supports me and helps my partner and I remain fed and off the street, this hit me right in the feels ;o;


Steve apologizes for the onions. He was cutting them in retaliation for Twitter not allowing him to tweet because he’s verified. He always cuts onions when he’s angry or hangry.


At least in the USA, we get it very much drilled into our heads that accepting charity is accepting failure.


How do you do it Jeph? How do you make every single one of your characters so adorable, I want to hug ALL of them

Joseph Bonnar

It takes a village to raise a bot or a child. But it takes a CHILD to raze a village. https://i.imgur.com/HLnpneP_d.webp?maxwidth=728&fidelity=grand

Danya Michael

She knows Bubbles and Faye are getting their business off the ground. She'll hit up richer targets for more money.


Imo, missed opportunity for the title: GoFundMay


Judging by what I've seen, all they -really- need is for one of their circle with a half decent social media following to re-share her donation page post and the dosh will flow in.

Michael Boettger

Topaco has done a plush pintsize. Perhaps other AIs. But if they do a May, it'll need a pull string in the back for a sound box.

Joel Bateman

Can the donation site be called Maytreon? Or May-Pal?


Thank you for always being awesome.


I am still amused that The Powers That Be are not insisting that May's naked chest be censored this time.


I hope that after May gets a new body, she then starts volunteering part time with Beeps and Roko in order to fight for AI socialised healthcare. As a way to repay the kindness she’s been shown. May has shown that she wants the system to improve for others, not just herself, and that she is uncomfortable with charity, so I hope she does take steps to “pay it forward”.

Thomas Halpin

This is so very true and good


If Jeph and his pun-loving brain don't name it Maytreon it would be criminally negligent.

Douglas E. Smith

That was a 'No, Melon,' moment between Roko and Beeps..:) How does Roko keep finding them?

Andrea Andrew

Will May have to keep walking around topless? 🤣😂

Fart Captor

I love Bubbles


Beepatrice has the right idea


Roko should host a bake sale! Bread bread bread bread!

Andrea Andrew

I’m happy that May now realizes that she has friends who will be there for her. I hope Sven helps out. Will Bubbles actually get her that money?


No nipples, we're good. I cannot for the life of me understand why the female nipple is so sinful, but that seems to be the internet rule: blur the nipple, good to go.


Awwwwww. May. Also, Bubs is so good at listening between the monosyllables.


They're attracted to Roko, as she is obviously stable and sensible. Or, as I call it, "flypaper for fuckups"


First time I've ever gone "Oh GOD, yes!" here, lol. Thanks for this.


I think I needed that reminder from Bubbles. I'm actually in tears. Thank you, Jeph


Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Going from May boobs to Mari boobs was wonderful, but the return trip was kinda harsh. If only May had a better body...


Seriously: Set up a GoFundMe for May and send the funds somewhere wonderful. It would be **so** cool to see more QC IRL.


If Faye and Bubbles had all the necessary parts on hand, could they construct a complete body? What I mean is, does Union Robotics have the necessary equipment to calibrate the more sensitive components and build a body from "scratch"?




According to GoDaddy, gofundmay.com is available. LOL! I'd give if they'd do a bot-bikini calendar incentive.

Quantum Cat

I heartily agree with this. May without blue hair and skin would somehow be like May without a 'tude.


The difficulty here is that Hannelore, or Yay, could pay for the whole thing without blinking. I look forward to seeing how it plays out.

Bacon Lord

$200 for our sassy blue bot

Everett Bradshaw

Ummm...I would like to vote for a bikini carwash.




Will they donate the old body to Sven? for reasons?....

Yonatan Zunger

Yay could, but I'm not entirely certain that Hannelore could. Her parents each could, but she has good reason not to talk to her mother, and her father was plan A. And Yay... after the whole billion dollars incident, I think this may be a chance for them to learn how to act a bit more human. With unpredictable constraints.


Ummm... Can we get a vote on that Bikini Carwash idea?


damn May's got a Dot Matrix monoboob. she needs an upgrade


I hope someone donates a jet plane...


how did Jeph do that make the comic go all blurry just as i read the last two panels wait it's spreading the whole room is all blurry now uh oh is it wizard


Agreed. I mean, that's what fan service is all about, right?


Yeah, I think he covered that in a previous comic. She's got no intimate parts and is not "fully functional." That's a very SFW model.


Beepatrice car wash can be your next NSFW drawing! :P


Anyone else sad for May that her unit doesn't even have nipples? Kinda feel sorry for Sven too...

Evgeniy Semyonov

Bubb's statement is the main theme of "The Art of Asking" - great book covering theme of accepting help from other people and giving back when and how you are able.


It just occurred to me... isn't Sven rich? Like, he kept talking about the obscene amount of money he makes writing stupid songs. But I suppose it would be weird if he paid for the body outright, too. Because he and May had a thing.


I am hoping that Yay or similar is paying attention and May joins the military and gets that fighter jet chassis she always wanted. ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Andrea Andrew

I think Sven’s feelings for May are more than just physical. Then again, knowing May, she and Sven might both use it together in one of their “games”. 😂

Some Ed

As someone who has been there, and enjoys helping out others when they're there, this hit me right in the feels. Also, good luck with your situation.

Some Ed

I don't want to hug Yelling Bird. Seriously, birds aren't really designed well for hugs. Their bones are fragile, and it's very easy for us to hurt them without intending to. Just saying, so you know.


Now's your chance, Sven, to make a large *anonymous* donation that puts the effort 'way over the top. Whatever the outcome, I hope Jeph doesn't change May's appearance too much. I still want her to look like May.


Bubs <3


After what got her put in robot jail in the first place, she probably isn't eligible for the military now.


Yes mam

Nicholas A Wagner

Someone has to sell some nice refurb bodies.

Nicholas A Wagner

Why a get fighter? Sounds horrible for a being with the emotional capabilities of a human to be trapped in a body so ill suited for social interaction. And besides, you would need to get a Hasselhoff to do all the things for the story you can't do, like enter buildings, ask stupid questions so you can explain things the audience needs to know.


I **FINALLY** realized what bugged me about this strip and the prior one: Just because May's vocalizer is broken does NOT mean her lips are broken! So, despite the sound coming out a speaker, why aren't her lips moving?


I assume the lip movements are designed to synchronize with the vocalizer itself, so that as the vocalizer creates a sound the lip shifts to that sound. The speaker unit almost certainly plugs into a different port, uses a different driver, and doesn't engage the system that the vocalizer and lip myomer use. It's like those old jukeboxes where the lights flash in time with the music -- if you disable the internal speakers and plug in an external speaker via an analog jack, the lights won't flash in time with the music because the interface between music and lights doesn't activate.


Your AI make me want to be more I.


I bet you could make some serious money with a real GoFundMe for buying May a new body


this is really touching, and very wise. Good ol Bubbles.

Warren Garabrandt

I haven't read all the other comments cuz there's just so many. Am I the only one here that's drawing the parallel between this and our broken legal system in the United States? AIs not being able to get opportunities after they've left jail (just tried getting a job as a felon in the United States), having their bodies literally falling apart around them (like the felons who basically can't get healthcare in this country), and now she is even losing her voice (much like how felons aren't allowed to vote in many places).


That’s almost certainly the entire point to May’s character arc.


"That is the spirit" Remember when Faye never used contractions? Now it's a Bubbles thing.

W H Sparkman

I wish I could have a date with Bubbles.