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Bailey Tighe

Yay is a tsundere? That's news.

Nicholas Lopez

This is so much cuter than I thought it would be ❤️




'course, Roko has to know who Yay are not-talking to somehow...



Michael Boettger

Was Yay listening through Bubbles? Or does Marten have a device like Alexa?



Shawn K. Younkin

Awwww.... such a cute, insecure all powerful AI.

Everett Bradshaw

Bubbles in that third frame is so much squish.

Matt Grayson

I adore Roko’s Rules for Socializing Ultrapowerful AIs.

Erin Moriarty

Faye's facial expressions have been extra cute this story arc

Dean Reilly

Yay and Roko are more and more like an old married couple and I love it.

Shawn K. Younkin

and I just saw Yay is blushing!!! AWWWWWWWWWW!!

Joel Bateman

I stan Roko and Yay's friendship.


This is a very good question. Listening through Bubbles seems like it might be skating real close to violating Yay's principle of not meddling in another's mind.


Please help and old nerd interpret what you mean by "stan." As far as I can tell you are hoping they will turn out like one of the countries of the former Soviet Union.


Damn the torpedoes, SS Yayko to full steam!


Aren't we all eavesdropping anyway? Think about that!


Did some eaves dropping myself once, when I fell while hanging rain gutters.


Plot twist: Yay has been aware of the audience this entire time and is just rolling with it.

Emma Humphries

A Roko/Yay sitcom is, "What if I Dream of Jeannie, but Culture Minds?"

JPMK! {verb}

Oh jeez, if Faye didn't mistake sex for cookies before, would that mean Yay would have gotten a surveillance-eyeful? Lol

Shawn K. Younkin

It's still the same night when she was in them before. Cute Roko is cute in cute pink jammies.


"but what if they talk about me?"

Joseph Bonnar

Like an old married couple who are still in love. NOT like my ex and I would have been had our marriage endured.

Kara Black

I literally yelled out "They're blushing!!!!" when I saw that

Clifton Royston

Maybe Yay is like the people who have an automatic search for mention of their name on Twitter or other services. Old 'net hands will remember this used to be called "Kibozing".


jesus christ Faye and Bubbles are so in love My heart T_T


Ha! Yay cares what Faye thinks.



Solomon Garland

Two bots, chilling on a blue couch, always seen together but its not gay. (Yay presumably has either no gender or several so it won't be gay even if they do end up rubbing bread on her)

David Pipes

...you're hoping, aren't you? Kibo Kibo Kibo! ...Ah, the good old Net.


Yay has blush panels!


Won't be gay, orrrrr will be extremely gay? Being attracted to a non-binary person is like having Schrodinger's sexuality! (caveat: everyone's sexuality is their own to decide! Though as an enby myself, i do enjoy jokingly telling my partners that dating me automatically makes you not-straight, congrats)

Matt Grayson

And rule of funny aside, why is Yay saying their response out loud? To impress Roko? To elicit Roko's censure? They must like it, as they court it so often. (I'm using singular, as Yay is a single group, as in "why is Massachusetts changing its COVID policy?" )


I think Yay regularly thinks out loud. Might be a part of the AI programming? Otherwise AI's would prob never need to speak to each other out loud in meat space. (also they likely could speak in hyper speed and various unbearable frequencies (assuming no actual RF)


Besides, everyone can benefit from Yay's wisdom. Even if they don't want to.

Evgeniy Semyonov

Probably just a habit of person who for a very long time lived only with themselves. And dogs.

Dan Curtis

Does one of Yay just live with Roko now?


They said they rented one of the AI-charging alcoves in Roko's building.

Jim Feldman

Yay seems to have her "snark mode" stuck on 11


That's ALWAYS been the case. The times they sliip out of it are the anomalies.


I'm now imagining a whole team of powerful AIs with cutesy names. I presume that, however great Yay's abilities are, Bubbles' raw strength would come in handy on occasion.