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So sex is no?

Edward Clayton Andrews

Charitable... they love doggos and are therefore good peoples? Izzat what Bubbles means?


I read that as charitable towards Faye, in that Bubs (officially) assumes Spooky didn't bamboozle Faye.

Michael Boettger

I see a conversation coming up. Bubbles seems to have a somewhat guarded attitude towards them. Maybe she'll look up Roko for further information. And will Faye volunteer the gist of their conversation, or will Bubbles even ask?


Does anyone else find it weird that Faye evidently contacted her mother at like 10 PM?

Rob McBobson

Hey, time of day doesn't matter. Doggies wants treats, doggies get treats.

Dean Reilly

You have to be in the know to hear about the secret late night dog bakery.


Dude the warmth in Bubbles’ eyes in that last panel. Dingdang it’s so good, Jeph.


IKR. :) And in yesterday's comic as well. Loving this arc.

Michael Boettger

Faye and Bubbles refer to Yay as "Them". Have they met any of the other nodes? Was their nature ever explained to either of them? If not, wouldn't Faye refer to them as individuals?

Michael Boettger

Oh, I know that. But Faye refers to them as "Spookybot", not Yay, perhaps indicating her idea of them as singular and distinct beings.

Simon Green

Conspiracy take: Bubbles didn't deny Faye's speculation in the final panel. Jeph is obviously winding up to stick the knife in!

Simon Green

If you're going to do biscuits first, then do ALL the biscuits first.


This comic is so Patreonizing... Amirite?


To be fair - those were fancy dog treats.


I'm calling it - Bubbles will be jelous that Faye got to see dog pictures and she didn't


Faye showing off those "talking while mouth fully of cookie" skills in panel 2

Danny Beans

9:30 on a Tuesday night? They were probably checking out the late-night record shop.

