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don't be an asshole



Nicholas Lopez

I love Faye's mom so much xD


Heheheh. Burn.

Dylan T

I was totally expecting a "but" and for this to be sad.


You could always use the Discworld term for someone who's bigoted against the undead: vitalist

Bonnie Fiddis

I can only hope that me coming out to my mum goes as well as the top 2 panels...


Faye has her right arm extended, but it looks like it's her left hand that's holding the phone? Am I seeing this wrong?


I think you call people who are bigoted against A.I. members of the Q.C. subreddit.


So when does Amanda join in and yell “OMG, you finally got it!” to both Faye & their mom. (Also, I would like to nominate “Genevieve” as Faye & Amanda’s mom’s name.)


the nerves indeed


Some nonsense between mates has annoyed me today and this gave me a proper laugh. Thanks Jeph.

Shawn K. Younkin

LOL- I greatly appreciate the self awareness to know that you just been burned, but also be like "Yeah, I deserve that."


Already scoring brownie points with mom. Nice!

Matt Grayson

Are voice bubbles reversed in a mirror?


I LOVE IT! What a classic BURN ! :)

David Hall

I love the progression of Bubbles’s facial expressions through the comic, and the one in panel 7 is perfect.

drone r0m-3

I think "assholes" for people who are bigoted in general is perfect.


If you're referring to Faye's mom, she wasn't burned. She just got through saying she's <i>not</i> bigoted against them. She's just saying that calling such bigots "assholes" is indeed a slick (and fitting) burn.

Sleepy John

I think that is the first time Bubbles has ever used profanity. And I can't think of a better situation for it.

Sleepy John

Over at Skin-Horse, the zombie benefit fundraiser is Lurch for the Cure.

Jason Rock

Yeah, I think they'll get along fine.


This went better than expected


We still have a few days left in the week, don’t worry.


So Mrs. Whitaker is confused but supportive. That's certainly one of the better outcomes.


at least mrs. whitaker has gone through another daughter coming out as gay. seems like she's dealing with it better this time.


I think Faye's mom might benefit from some time with Momo. She is good at discussing these things


I note that she blew right past the "dating a girl" thing to be confused about the "dating a robot" thing

Bryan Brake

I kept trying to clean dirt off my monitor... dat mom 'stache doe...


I still read Bubble's text in the voice of Orisa from Overwatch. Can't help it.



Chris Crowther

And it was at that point that Mrs Whitaker went "ooh, I like her".


I think that the lines are meant to be wrinkles, not a 'stache. Jeph was drawing Mrs Augustus with the same for a while, and I found it disconcerting.

Evgeniy Semyonov

This is one of the occasions where alcohol can be useful - Bubbles and Mrs. Whitaker could get close really fast while dissing various assholes over a glass/app of real/emulated alcohol. They both could really do with some mild "girls night out". On the other hand, they seem to get along just fine already.


The world needs to be a lot more like Mrs. W.


The deep memory of all the goings on of YEARS of JJs comic constantly blows me away. Gotta be tough for the creator.

Gary Walker

I want a comic where Faye's mom gets baked with Claire's mom.

Joey Baker

These last few panels have made my heart genuinely happy.




This is soooo good!


Mrs W is/was a Baptist, and at the least didn't approve of alcohol while her husband was alive. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=503


Y'know, I'm getting to the point where I'm rather curious about what Bubbles is supposed to sound like. I'm trying to picture the perfect voice for her just dryly calling them assholes right now...

Some Ed

Sometimes "racist asshole" is just a way to be a bit more precise about the manner in which they're an asshole. Other times, it's being overly precise, because I've met plenty of assholes who were racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, antisemitic, transphobic, technophobic, and misanthropic. Some of them didn't like animals too much, either.


One little detail that has always irked me a bit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot#Origin_of_the_term_'robot' Given the origin of the word, wouldn't AIs find it extremely offensive?

Dan Curtis

a good quote from my second favorite Cornetto trilogy movie, robot also means slave.


I like to imagine her having a voice like Female Shepard from Mass Effect.