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Like mom like daughter


this feels like a wild turn in a SuperEgo sketch


Absolutely delightful

Nicholas Lopez

I love how Bubbles instinctively did a Southern drawl to try and relate with Faye's mom xD


The family resemblance is uncanny, especially once they start talking.

Lord Crusade

Omg their all hopeless!

Michael Boettger

Leave it to Faye to run right pass the niceties and get to what's important. And I so love Bubbs. Good catch Nicholas BTW.

Dean Reilly

Well shucks Faye, Bubbles didn't mean nothin' by it, no sirree.


Yep that's Faye's mama alright.

Chris Mannes

"Fuckin' yes please!" that's just beautiful. lol


I've been called out more than once on Zoom calls for acting like I'm in front of a camera...

Andrea Andrew

Yep, they’re definitely related.

Joshua Roberts

Well, this will be interesting.

Dylan T


Joel Bateman

SOUTHERN BUBBLES?! Is she like Roko and gets an accent when something happens?




THAT is the MOST adorable battle-bot EVAH! That's a side I sure didn't expect. She sure must love that girl a lot.

Anthony Gaglianese

*Steve Irwin voice* "In stressful situations, the wild Whittaker will attempt to appear calm and relaxed. However, as seen in this particular interaction between a mother and her young, the charade soon becomes overwhelming, and both resort to their usual rambunctious ways, sometimes to the surprise of those around them. But don't worry, we're quite safe watching from here, and as long as the younger's mate is around, things shouldn't get too dangerous. Gorgeous."


To be fair, you -are- in front of a camera. They can't blame you for that!


"FUCKIN' YES PLEASE" I hope this bodes well, but that last line killed me.

Joseph Houk

Or like how Faye dropped her contractions after a bit of booze?



drone r0m-3

Yeah, sometimes people get weird in front of the camera. Better to just dispense with the bull and move forward, "like adults".

Shawn K. Younkin

D'awww.... Bubbles keeps getting more and more ADORABLE!!!

Hugh Eckert

Bubbles trying to blend in with an assumed accent may be the most adorable thing ever.

Simon Green

Yes we bang, no I'm not going to talk about how, Google it.

Rodrigo Ourcilleon

THis reminds me of how I talked to my family that I date a woman 20 years older than me. Incredible. 2 years in July! :)

Clifton Royston

Even before... on the first page with the call, I was thinking 'This is Faye in 30 years.'


TMW you send your mom to look up gay porn to get an idea of how sex goes for you and your same-sex SO.


The last two panels 😍🤣


Oh god she’s gone southern

Todd Ellner

The apple didn't fall far from the tree, did it?


Bubbles adopting Mrs. Whitaker's accent, I assume to make herself seem more friendly, is absolutely adorable. Also, Mrs. Whitaker's first name has never come up in the strip, nor has Mrs. Augustus' (Claire and Clinton's mom). Neither has that of Mrs. Azuma, Emily's mom, but she barely counts. OTOH, Marten's mom is Veronica, of course, Sven and Dora's is Elssa, and Hannelore's is the unsettling Beatrice. I think the first two are well overdue for first names. Thanks QC Wiki!


Why do I have the feeling Faye and her mother have had a similar exchange a few times when Faye was a teenager?


Sounds to me like Bubbles is family already!

J.M. Hall

*progressive head tilt*


Shooouldnt have done Bubz with a southern accent, Jeph... rule 34.

Bryce Maryott

Like daughter like mother!


Mom and Daughter are so similar I like it

Joseph Bonnar

It is TIME to talk like fuckin adults, ladies. :)

Jeffrey Nonken

You mean this? https://www.utcourts.gov/resources/rules/urcp/view.html?rule=urcp034.html


Oh, lawks, the desperation in the last panel! 🤣

Joseph Bonnar

The desperation in the last TWO panels. Like daughter, like mother, like Bubbles in the background.

Sleepy John

'Howdy' and 'pardner'? When did we all move to San Antonio?

Danya Michael

The absolute cutest part is that Faye and her mom have the EXACT SAME FACIAL EXPRESSION


torn. this is an excellent dramatic scene, but I'm completely distracted by how absolutely stunning Bubbles is. so cute. thought au naturel was better, but I'm rapidly warming up to the makeup. Jeph you are knocking it out of the park between the Whitaker faces and Bubbles cuteness.