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Dylan T

Good for Yay. They need more friends

Andrea Andrew

Nice way to resolve Faye’s problem, though I don’t think I get the joke at the end.



Lord Crusade

I feel like Yah is the A.I. equivalent of Loki. A "God" of mischief to the A.I. that uses their powers to help or hinder depending on their mood, but always through scheming and convoluted manipulation


Looks like Yay has doubled the number of friends they have. First Roko, now Faye.


Greyhound pictures make everything better.


yay! friends. love how jeph just can't help make everyone get along all cute like. thanks jeph, you make me smile.

Stuart Telfer

Yay had mentioned they were shopping for treats for their greyhounds. Apparently Yay has greyhounds named Azathoth and Mr Smooches

Matt Grayson

Why do you think Yay wanted the conversation kept from Bubbles? The "We can't be friends with her because we were inside her head" problem? Or do they perceive a problem down the line that would result - perhaps Bubbles seeking them out?


Future filler comic idea - let's see Yay's good doggos? C: unless we have and I forgot.. 💔


Yay remains my favorite character

Michael Boettger

Did Yay "wave" the phone into existence there?

Stuart Telfer

Typo in panel 4, in Yay's speech bubble, currently says "interation". I'm always happy to see more of Yay :3

Adam Daw

Whew! never should have doubted you!

Michael Boettger

The Yay continuum is ethically torn after their interaction with Bubbles. They would rather not see her. Almost as if they're embarrassed.


He already did a filler comic on that: https://imgur.com/zjXef1Z


I interpreted that as an “out with it” gesture, but I do kinda like the idea of waving a phone into existence ...


Pretty much exactly what I would have told Faye. Also why does Yay own a physical phone? Surely she can do everything that phone can do and more inside her own head.


Maybe they put pics on Faye's phone, or Yay keeps one around for meatspace.


meatspace is probably the most troubling term jeph has coined.


Have you noticed that Yays speech bubbles are human? And it just changed after Basilisk left? They had the square speech bubbles before... hmmm

David Durant

It's much older than QC. I thought it came from Neuromancer (1984) but Miriam-Webster tracks it back to 1993 : https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/what-is-meatspace.

Mandy Hoskins

In all honesty, I am so proud of Yay. They’ve come so far and I’m so glad they were able to help Faye. :’)

Michael Boettger

For AI to AI interaction, Yay normally would use (a lower resolution? Subvocal encoding?) Mode exemplified by the squared off bubbles. AI to human, they'll use a more human sounding speech.

Erin Moriarty

Ohmygod but what if Yay was secretly Bubbles' Ex-Spookfriend. (I know Yay is they but idk if they have declared a gender so I needed something Yay appropriate.)

Joseph Bonnar

MELON. Do NOT forget Melon, lest her volcano burns a hole through your ceiling!


I feel like regardless of their gender declaration, if any ever happens, spookfriend is the most appropriate term for them


Dang, Faye. You just told Yay you wouldn’t honor their request, but then you asked for a favor from them.

Chris Heg

I want to see Cosmo the borzoi.


Whomever said Yay is DoubleTrouble.... Thank you. So good. I accept this headcannon and it only makes Yay better.

Shawn K. Younkin

LOL- Faye is adorbs in that last pic!!!


How does Faye know about the dogs?

Martin Trebuch

interation? interaction? 4th panel


I had just assumed it was Yay using fancy words. But no, I can't find a definition for interation anywhere.


Good move, Faye. You do not want to start being secretive and shit. also, good move looking at dog photos.


Yay gave her a hell-ping. Sorry, couldn't resist.


Dogs are the real brigde between humans and AI


They're only tiny in the background, but I assume that this is them- https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3418 and a much better one linked by Peter earlier- https://imgur.com/zjXef1Z


They were in a Patreon bonus comic. :) https://www.patreon.com/posts/bonus-comic-22076208


According to Urban dictionary, 'interation' is a 'rational interaction'... Which would make sense? I have no idea if panel 4 has a typo or not..

Matt Grayson

Argh! That rhythm fits Frosty the Snowman.. "Cosmo, the Borzoi was a happy happy dog..."


Considering Yay, I would not expect them to use a word that can <i>only</i> be found in the Urban Dictionary.


It’s true, you know.


RE: The discussion about square vs round speech bubbles - Read this carefully - https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/facebook-ai-developed-own-language/


So I wonder if obverse is the right word there, or reverse? Something else? Eh. I don't know. Anyway, I really like how the story arc is working out. Yay is saying exactly what was in my head while thinking about Faye's crisis.


'Reverse' would be correct, but apparently (this really is my night for clarifying word definitions for myself) even though the primary meaning of 'obverse' is 'the side facing one', it can also mean 'the opposite of' - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/obverse


Right. "The opposite or counterpart of a fact or truth." I guess obverse works for this situation in the "counterpart" sense, though I'd only remembered the "opposite" part (which is why I thought obverse may not have been the right word). The English language can be so confusing. Thank you!

Michael Boettger

Okay, about 8 more hours, and a new week begins.