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Aaaaaaaand there's the other shoe.


Shit, this is reminding me of my own coming out.


Oh hey...I had this exact epiphany when I realized I was bi.

Douglas E. Smith

Faye's rolling her eyes so hard she's gonna see her brain soon.

Michael Boettger

Yay certainly has an amazing amount of insight into the human psyche, don't they. I think Faye is coming out of this with clarity. If Yay ever cared to they'd make a hell of a therapist, wouldn't they?


not sure how i feel about Yay just casually strolling thru Faye's facebooks

Joel Bateman

By now Jeph is just fucking with us with Yay's speech bubbles.


Oh, man. I've always liked Yay, but now I *REALLY* like them.


I'm not sure bi would be correct. Gender in AI seems to be way too heavily mapped to human gender when they're actually more like a new species. Think about it from Bubbles perspective, does Bubbles see herself as lesbian/bi? I don't think she would. I imagine her gender experience is nothing like a human one.

Andrea Andrew

Nice self realization for Faye, and now I’m imagining that she might have had an attraction to Dora, Tai, and Claire. 😁


This is gonna end with Faye approaching Tai and Dora and asking some very interesting questions, isn't it?


As they pointed out, it's publicly available information. That's not nearly as bad as some employers demanding access to <i>non</i>-publicly available information as a prerequisite for hiring.


Like I said, there are no stupid questions.


How does Faye's realizing she's bi have anything to do with Bubbles' own orientation? The only way to know what Bubbles' is would be if she actually told you. You can't speculate on it. Well, you <i>can</i>, but it's pointless.


Dora, without a doubt. Maybe Penny. I never caught any hint of attraction to Tai or Claire.


Well, Faye's default state is either "sassy bitch" or just plain "bitch".

Anthony Gaglianese

Until we get definitive confirmation either in the comic or from Jeph, himself, this is more or less how I've been taking it since the introduction of Yay as a more regular character.


I hope this line of personal inquiry gets continued, id be intrested in hearing what Dora thinks of this/ who she has been attracted to in the past.

Anthony Gaglianese

As gender seems to be more fluid with AI, I'm more going to go with pan. Sexy folks are all over the place, plumbing don't matter.




god faye is adorable


Being bi is also my default state

Grace Kieser

Yay should volunteer with Roko! It wouldn't be healthy for anyone, but it would be funny!



Grace Kieser

Bi and pan are just different sides of the same coin. It's up to the individual to decide which they like better.

Grace Kieser

Oh, Faye... Probably!

Grace Kieser

I knew I was bi during puberty, but being an 80s kid I locked that down hard and didn't publicly come out until my 30s!


wait'll it occurs to her how she used to interact with Dora when she worked at CoD ...


I love that Yay looked up while accessing the intertrons to scan Faye’s social media. They’re showing the same behaviors that we humans do when “remembering.” OTOH, it would have been awesome, creepy, and weird if they DIDN’T, so missed opportunity 😃

Justin Seifert

Damn, our real world needs a Yay here every now and then to put ourselves into our respective places.


Nothing has spoken to my bi ass so much as this has and I’m honestly offended


The difference being that "sassy" merely implies she doesn't hate you


Learning that her own hangups over human connections were the only reason she didn't just fuck Dora on the counter (much like Dora once propositioned Marten just for the reaction)


Nah, it's much more Uncanny Valley to see the god-tier distributed AI act human while clearly demonstrating they are not. I love it.

Matthew Van Gangelen

I’ve never seen the word sublimated used in a sentence. I’ve only read it in print. Do comics count?


Bi? Faye, with the number of people you've been a sassy bitch to, I think the correct term is "Pan".

Dylan T


Dylan T

Im in this picture and i Don't like ti


Hey Faye, welcome to what we in the biz call being a “disaster bi”.


Can you imagine Faye being a sassy bitch? What a novel experience that would be.


With the amount I have in common with Faye, I’m starting to think my soulmate is a military grade AI...

Joseph Bonnar

Dear GOD. Yay is a PERFECT example of a total asshole being JUST WHAT FAYE NEEDED TO HEAR right now.

Joseph Bonnar

Um... Hmm... Pintsize had a military grade chasse. Do you want to rethink your comment? :)


I'm super relieved that this is the direction Faye is going, with Yay-assisted introspection rather than Yay-assisted spying on her girlfriend (as I think someone suggested earlier). The latter likely would have been a relationship-ending breach of trust, whereas this is helping Faye get to a place where she can have the necessary conversation with Bubbles in as constructive a way as possible.

Joseph Bonnar

Here's one. "Hey, Charlie, should I push this big red button saying This will destroy the planet?" (You gotta know that button will be pressed before that sign is dry.)


Didn't she go through that already? "We communicate with forest creatures, we have innate dark vision, and we get access to Earth magic at level 12." https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3790


I said what I said ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Jkjk you make a very good point!)


It’s me!


Same, it was just one moment that got a certain train of thought going that I couldn't subconsciously ignore, "wait, is THAT why all those things??" I eventually decide that I'm more heteroflexible than actually bi, but the door's still ajar because I've never dated a guy before

Chris Crowther

I think Yay would also almost certainly have refused to do it as well; she seems to have quite a straightforward sense of morality and principles, really.


Jeph has really been knocking it out of the park with examples of "this is a healthy way to have this conversation/process these feelings." I just love seeing positive examples in art. &lt;3


....Yay doesnt have a neck joint. And I'm still not convinced that the round speech bubbles are just Jeph forgetting. Especially with Yay. They only responded with the robovoice when actively being condescending to Faye... and even had round bubbles in the same panel as a square-bubbled Roko. (Callin you out Mr. Jacques lol)


I hope Jeph is moving the story to Bubbles past and erased memories. Bubbles and Faye discovering and dealing with them would be awesome.


Military grade chassis, yes, but I'm not sure I'd go as far as to say Pintsize as an AI himself would constitute much of a super-weapon.


I really want to see Yay fall for someone. The juxtaposition of near omnipotence and rom-com level cluelessness about love would be hilarious.

Matt Grayson

Yay in panel 3 has an expression of actual sympathetic curiosity. Amazing!

Jeffrey Nonken

An existential crisis indeed.


If that's her reaction to any atraction then bi doesn't begin to describe her

Creepy Cat Lady

I don't know how Yay would access the missing memories, though. The memories are gone, not just inaccessible. That was the whole sad point of that storyline. Yay can't retrieve something that is GONE. Had the memories been retrievable, Yay would have gotten them back for Bubbles. That was what they wanted to do in the first place.


If you've read it in print, then you have, in point of fact, <i>seen</i> it used in a sentence (assuming the "print" you saw it in was something other than a dictionary).