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666 bells



Celine Chamberlin

This is why I like to keep nature at a safe distance.

Michael Boettger

Hanner's travel stories,or; Night of Horror #537.

Katherine Prewitt

I love that nature exists, but I don’t want to be IN it.

John Fiala

Ah, the migration patterns of the nature documentary film crew - truly, the beauty of nature knows no bounds.

Grace Kieser

How is she still tan!? Hanners has been back home long enough for it to fade, hasn't she?

Bailey Tighe

Hanner's stories give me sustinence.


And the Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches came to eat the millipedes...


“...and to cut a long story short, that’s why I can’t go back to the Amazon. Ever.”

Spoogle McGee

When you think about it, is (not actually) having millions of legs any weirder than having just two? Yes. Yes is the answer to that.

Peter McDevitt

....who ate the cat that killed the rat that lived in the house that Hannelore built.


Having a millipede crawl up your leg is known by the State of California to be hazardous to your chill. P.S. It is super easy to scoff at "The Mothman Prophecies" while you're watching it, but wait and see if it doesn't come back to haunt you for weeks and even months later. You have been warned.


This is why I avoid going outside. Never needed a pandemic to keep me inside.

James Redekop

"Yeah. That's what nature is. That's why we left. We built this nice city, and now I don't have to worry about a tiger eating me." -- CGP Grey https://youtu.be/tQ7_vbNEDEk?t=42


I had a dream where I was covered in centipedes and dirt, and had to pull off one that was as big as my arm. Funny thing, it wasn't scary until I woke up.


Thanks, millipedes. Thllipedes


Would the study of migratory nature documentary film crews come under Anthropology?

Hugh Eckert

"...almost the entire drive of human history has been an attempt to get as far away from Nature as possible..." - Good Omens


& I don't know why ... she swallowed a fly ... perhaps she'll die ...


It looks like either Hanners got taller, or Emily got smaller. Is it just me?


Maybe Hannelore is wearing heels... which we've never seen her do before...


Wait. What pandemic? Is that why there's so much less traffic noise now?


"Millipedes: nature's millipedes." If there was ever a phrase to which BFG Division intensified, this was it. (Jeph, I don't think I've ever heard your opinion on the Doom reboot franchise, have you played them?)

Matt Grayson

Faye’s height vis a vis Bubbles changes randomly over a fairly wide range.

Evgeniy Semyonov

On 4th panel Hanners is seen practicing her "Roy Batty monologue" face. Again.

Magic Chopstick Games

Only twice in my life have I ever completely and utterly lost it: once, when a house centipede fell from the ceiling and started running across me, and again when another house centipede fell from another ceiling and started running across me


Well, on the bright side, they eat the spiders, so you didn't have any of THEM falling on you, which is nice.


Bezos blood feud and a very confusing restraining order.

Michael Boettger

She managed with the spiders in th CoD basement when she working there before. Maybe it's a case of the spider you know.


My subconscious keeps trying standard dreams to scare/panic me. Like Naked in School - I'm a nudist, I'm ugly, and was hated at school, literally give zero f^^ks. Body horror - anthropology student who used to squick nursing students by reading illustrated tropical diseases books over lunch. Supernatural horror, Witch, professional thing that goes bump in the night. Seriously it is absurd. (Apparently my subconscious was not trained to deal with someone who has seen the Fnords)


Ciiiiiiiircle of Liiiiiiiiiiife


At least it only crawled up her leg. It would have been worse if the millipede... on her leg. I'll see myself out.


A centipede once fell from the ceiling into a pan of food I was cooking. I fortunately was able to scoop it out and banish it (temporarily) outside before it cooked in. I don’t recall now if I was freaked out enough to dispose of the entire pan of food (bug cooties vs food waste vs “is this still vegetarian?”). I am now suddenly grateful it didn’t land on me!!!.


"Millipedes: nature's millipedes" had be dying. Go Hanners, face those fears!

Dan Curtis

as long as it wasn't a centipede.


@dustin I would rather have spiders fall on me than centipedes. They’re spiders are chill bros, centipedes less so.


where's an ectrichodine when you need one?


If Hannelore doesn’t like bugs landing on her, she should have been delighted to have bats showing up. A single bat eats more than half its body weight in insects each night; for a half-ounce big brown bat, that’s equivalent to 3,000 mosquitoes. Contrary to popular belief, bats that swoop at you at night aren’t interested in your hair or blood, but in the insects attracted to you. Bats are having an especially hard time right now, what with the media sensationalizing the theory that they’re the source of COVID-19. In fact, there’s no evidence that bats can spread the virus (which probably mutated after jumping to another mammal like a pangolin before it infected humans), so the bats being killed by fear-crazed people around the world are dying for nothing. Don’t fear bats. We need them. 🦇


That is some impressive bio-nerdery. Have some cookies! 🍪🍪🍪