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postin' dis early because patreon is gonna be doing maintenance tonight!!!






its true though


I know that feel, Claire. I know it very, very well.


Ah Claire I feel you. This was so me in high school.

Matthew Graf

Honestly I'm glad I only know I passed the NCLEX, not what I got right on it


But did they make the pre-score-review score?

Michael Boettger

Is it my imagination, or is their hair more mussed than usual? Assuming this takes place some time after yesterday's strip.

Dylan T

Claire, be careful what you wish for.

Samantha Yeaman

I do too. Especially if it's only JUST under a perfect score. Somehow that's even worse.


God claire reminds me of my ex girlfriend so much hahahahaahhaha


Yaaaaaaaaaaay! Also, me after every single psych exam. Not helped by my study buds who would also be surprised when I missed something random that I had inevitably been talking about non-stop for a week prior.

Will Weaver

YAY CLAI—oh claire


As a fellow trans lady, I found her yelling "I passed!" over and over again very amusing. Probably a coincidence but it did make me chuckle a fair amount XD


I mean, she worked hard for it, she deserves it.

Erin Moriarty

Damnit Claire, stop reminding me so much of myself

Livy N

Thank you for not making us wait 😅

Joseph Bonnar

Congrats, Claire. :) (Truck me. This is a fictional character in a web comic, I just congratulated them, AND I MEANT IT! WHERE'S ME SHRINK?)

Peter Jensen

I ... can relate ... Also, the alternate version of yesterday's comic is some truly cursed content!

Joel Bateman

Oh hey it's best Redhead!


Putting a score on a cumulation exam is just so cruel.


And now it’s time for passing-the-exam celebratory sex!

James A. Whitney

Panel 3 is pure wholesome goodness.

Peter McDevitt

well, this looks familiar. Except for the "passing" part...


Great. Just great. Patreon is doing maintenance... again. I wonder what they've decided to f**k up this time.


We knew you could do it, Claire!

Justin Seifert

Dat after sex hair. I noticed.


Aww yeah, love that brain thing where you constantly look for a new thing to feel bad about.


She passed


Now the big question: what does she do with it?


Claire, do you know what they call the person who just barely squeaked by their med school finals and passed the state licensing boards by one point? "Doctor."


Well, did they at least have time for sex first?

Sleepy John

The rest of her life is going to be spent thinking about that one question.


What, no post-coital chill? :)


Have you met Claire? No time for chill when there are academic stakes to be resolved!


WOOOOO, go Claire!


...I feel this.


Yeah...I feel for Claire!

Kerin Schiesser

Because when you KNOW you KNOW it, you want everyone to KNOW YOU KNOW IT!

Kerin Schiesser

You know, I was halfway expecting Jeph to post NO ADVANCE COMIC TODAY - you have to wait to find out how she did, just like CLAIRE DID! LOL


I'm with you! I'm surprised we got a resolution on something so important so quickly. Has that happened before? My memory sucks for those sorts of things...


My Ex was in a class with me, and she was somewhat like this. She was stressing over an exam and the professor handed hers to me when I collected mine as she knew we were a thing, so I saw it before she did. She got something like 108%. I handed it to her and sat down, "There, babe, better than perfect. No way you can be disappointed in this!" She says "I didn't get all the extra points."