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dinner is good though




i think of this more a soap opera and have often referred to this as "my stories" because i am MY MOTHER


Love this


Brun is adorable

Grace Kieser

Wait, is this a fast moving ship? Has the rest of QC made me think Jeph is only capable of years long buildups? What year is it!?


I realize I’m in the minority here, but I’m really enjoying watching Brun work through making a friend.


Wow I ship it. Friendship or relationship I absolutely do not care but I'm here for it


Do people still ask for numbers? I'm old, it seems natural to me, but surely now they ask for Intstagram or Tik Tok handles?


"basically write one" dude you absolutely write one


please please please please please please please please please please


Jeph, this is better than any romcom!

Anthony Gaglianese

I can't wait for the Singularity so I can uave pretty AI girls to reject me, too.

Bailey Tighe

If you're in the minority, count me in. We'll fight to make it the majority!

Adam Friedlander

QC isn't a romantic comedy because it is 1. actually romantic and 2. actually funny


If they do, that'd be my cue to turn around and walk away :3


And here I thought the romance part was the one between Hercules, Melon, and Yay.


So wait, does that mean she's never...


Considering romantic comedies are used to reinforce gender, sex, and sexual orientation norms, they are indeed fake. Where is my trans poly lesbian movie at UwU


Sure you can watch them. You ought to. That's like saying, "I write novels so I can't read novels." I know that's a thing because more than one author I've read said that's weird and counter productive in their "How to write good stuff." articles. Now do you want to watch them, that's another question entirely.


I can't watch romcoms because they're so obviously unrealistic. QC, with all its sapient AI robots, is still more believable than almost any romcom.

Celine Chamberlin

There is a (Christmas) romcom that came out last year for queer women, if that helps. It's called "Seasons of Love" and can be found at the Tello Films site. No trans or poly stuff but it's a good movie.


But you, Jeph, write a *thoughtful* romcom, aware of precisely the way these sorts of real-life facts impinge on movie fantasy.


A Jeph-written romcom would be fantastic! None of this 20min/wk network tv crap, it’ll be 1min scenes every 2-3 days with at least 1 squee-inducing moment per episode please.

Kriss Pang

QC is humanistic and (usually except when Faye's cracking a joke) wholesome, even if I have to suspend my disbelief :)

Joseph Bonnar

THIS is why I throw money at Jeph. THIS. Right here. KEEP WRITING JEPH AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!


Oh god. All these years I've been poking fun at romcoms and then I realise I've been paying to read one for years. :-D

Thomas Halpin

Here we see two distinctly different reactions to being called pretty in casual conversation.


I can't watch romantic comedies because I'm polyamorous and all the crises seem really easy to solve lol

Geo (Overand)

Oh man, likewise! Plus, the plot of most of them is "if you're a dude and a woman doesn't like you, find a unique way to pester her for a while; she'll give in eventually!" I blame Woody Allen.


I think the perfect date would be to go see a movie then go to dinner. That was, you have something to talk about over dinner


"Have you ever taken someone up on it? *hopeful smile* Your line is: "Well, dinner with me wouldn't be boring"

Some Ed

I think Jeph can't watch them because he knows what they *should* be, but aren't, as demonstrated by the fact that QC is more what they *should* be.


This is so damn cute.

Stephen Wells

I know it's shallow, but I am quietly pleased that each of them has noticed that the other is pretty :)


But Jeph already <i>does</i> write one. It's 5 days a week. It's just not animated (or live action).


Your romcom is better than the ones from Hollywood.