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oops I forgot clinton's glasses!!



Shawn K. Younkin

>.> "special tier"? <.< >.>

Fart Captor

Millie is by new favorite, oh my god


love the drunk bots


I hope they find out in a spectacular and inappropriate way.


Ai mean, she is a human standard model. Obviously she has somewhere for the alcohol to go after her mouth. Perhaps she has a stomach, and didn't know it?

Thomas Halpin

I just hope this doesn't cause internal damage that sends her in for more maintenance.


millefeuille is a horny drunk, huh?


Could we say Clinton is a lightweight and lost his glasses after presumably one beer? Or am I forgetting some moment where he canonically drank more than that and was fine?

Michael Boettger

Beeps is reassessing her relationship with Millie. This is way out of her lane. Or is Brun enabling this?


That's alright, I forget my glasses after drinking too much sometimes too.


I would like at this time to point out that in the Patreon comments to #4080, Mille's second appearance in QC, I wrote: 'Five bucks says "the gentleman" disappears within a week but "greenie" becomes a regular character as part of the gradual roboticization of QC.' Where's my five bucks.


Even without his glasses, he could see horny-drunk Mille coming a kilometer away.


I love the fact that robot drunk bubbles are rectangular like their speech bubbles.


Also, in case anyone needs feels: https://twitter.com/misterchristoid/status/1238989121093238784?s=21


Is there a transparent emu in the room? I can't tell...

Matt Grayson

Beeps 2nd panel. Seems very happy to have made Clinton’s acquaintance....


Is it wrong that I'm almost considering about shipping them?

Mari San

Don,t we all forget glasses at some point in our lives?


Instead of fixing it I just want him to come up with a reason they vanished XD

Sleepy John

Not only that, three switches magically appeared on the wall between the first and last panels.

Joel Bateman

Maybe the anatomically correct AIs have a system to allow them to mimic eating and drinking?


To quote random internet "Translated to English, millefeuille (pronounced meel-foy) means one thousand sheets, layers, or leaves. It's an old-school French pastry that's airy, crispy, flaky, and decadent in all the right places" Geddit, all the right places so my money is on her being Data style "fully functional" and that she pees... As to why AIs have libidos, Star Wars shows us what happens when you try to suppress them in human like minds.


which leads to the question of which AIs have crinkly bits in their underwear, and if other organs can be successfully replaced like Clinton's hand ([pointedly] not looking at Claire)...

Joseph Bonnar

Oh dear LORD... Jeph? I am in tears! This is the second funniest thing I have read this month! The funniest was the email I just from a relative in the medical profession, who urged me in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS to never take a laxative and a sleeping pill together.

Barry Callahan

My question is: If she pees out the ouzo she drank, will it still be drinkable after it comes out? I mean, with no digestive organs to break it down, it's basically just store + flush...


I thought the faces on these two were screens, but can’t prove it right now.

Simon Green

Unless it comes out as a solid, which case it would obviously be pouzo.


I'm picturing a utilitarian twist-off cap type situation, like Bumblebee in the live-action Transformers movie. So the truly freaky can just make it into a drinking game. "MilleFeuille!! Stop intoxicating the man!!"


It has already been established that she is anatomically correct. I suspect that means she has the abilty to fake eating and drinking since the exit apertures exist.

David Barr

Never combine cunnilingus and alcohol. #DontVisualize #ImABadMan


Okay, so what is the bot peeing tier? And, only if we get unpixilated urine streams and genitals, no cheating like hentai!


So, uh... About that pee tier? For a friend...


Well, I'm feeling more confident now that Jeph's said "This Will End Well".


As a trans femme person myself, the very instant robo-junk becomes available, I am there, and if it's not covered, I will rob a bank to pay for my robo-junk.

Chris Crowther

I mean, Bender in Futurama uses alcohol as fuel...so I guess it's not impossible for them to do something similar. Alcohol is a pretty good energy source.


forgot? oh I was hoping millefeuille would show up wearing them since she obviously wants to be friends


Do you see Millefeuille's face in the last panel?


Pintsize knows...

Some Ed

You wanting Faye and Bubbles to starve? Though, seriously, I'd rather if they started getting more customers from Millefeuille's lush endorsements of their services.


Oooh. Humans have round speech bubbles and drunk bubbles. Robots have square drunk bubbles as well as speech bubbles. Just noticed :)

drone r0m-3

This should be... interesting.


So 4152 seems to be the first incidence of Square AI drunk bubbles, so far as I have been able to find. The last AI drunk bubbles I found before that was when Roko and the other cop were getting drunk when she was contemplating quitting the force, and they had round bubbles in that comic.


look where's the pee stuff, i was told i could come here for the pee stuff


I must admit, I came here for the pee stuff, too-- don't judge me!


If Millie starts doing 3-D SBS robo-twerkin', I am THERE.


Beeps probably has that effect on entities. Her best job would be a recruiter for the French Foreign Legion. Just a few minutes' exposure to her would convince them this was the way to forget.


I kinda feel like Clinton is gonna have two bots crushing on him after this.

Bill Hall

Y’know, there is significant danger inherent in alcoholic beverages flavored with licorice ... Pernod (& Pastis,) Ouzo, Raki ... dratted stuff has always done me (and others) in.