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does anyone actually like ouzo though


I tried to imagine a licorice burp and now I wish I hadn't.


You gotta mix the ouzo with water don't drink it straight brun. It makes a world of difference on the taste

Erin Moriarty

Waaaaaiiiitttttt, is Brun a former foster kid? It seems like the type of mentality a foster kid or a kid with addict/narcissist parents would have.

Dylan T

Beepatrice is not the one to talk to about licorice burps, it seems.


Brun's line in panel 2 is like something from the perfect John Hughes movie that never was.


Should I google what ouzo is or just assume it’s a worse version of zima?

Michael Boettger

1. Ouzo is definitely an acquired taste.

Michael Boettger

Love the little deaths head fume icon. And Does Brun really smile like that?


The sign of best friends.


Oh I love Ouzo. Not sure I'd do well with more than the shot you get after your meal in Greek restaurants though (at least in Germany)


Also it turns white when you mix it with water because chemistry and isn't that the whole point of ouzo?


She said that her parents were poor but nice. I'm pretty sure they have since died, but I don't think she said when they died.


Drink retsina before breaking out the ouzo, It helps. A little...

James Cooper

Apparently it's anise based Greek liquor(thus the liquorice burps). Sambucca is related to it.


The trick with these weird fucking aniseed liqueurs is to dilute them to taste. I learned that lesson when I tried to drink Pastis neat, I swear I couldn't feel my mouth for half an hour after that

Mark Thomas

That seems more like a somewhat evil smirk of anticipation than a smile. Different expressions for sure :)


I went to Athens once. Consumed much Ouzo. Did not find much Veritas in said Ouzo. :D


I heard Retsina's gotten better since the early 2000s (when I was ain Greece) - when I was there, I would have much rather had the ouzo. The Retsina I had contained all the worst qualities of a bottle of 3-Buck Chuck Pinor Noir, a Cascade-Hop monster IPA, and a bottle of Fabuloso. Is it better or just better than straight ouzo?


Jeez, ouch. Brun's been through some shit.

Sleepy John

"Because no one tries to take them from you." Oh, honey...


Ouzo is actually pretty mild. You want to gross out people who don't like licorice, you go for absinthe.


Brun isn’t awful. Brun is my favorite.


I don't hate Renee and Brun by any means but the last two weeks of comics for them have really lowered my opinions for certain.


It's acquired by the bottle or the glass.

Ted Van Roekel

Beeps heart just broke a little there. It's okay Beeps, mine did too.

Marc Pengryffyn

I'm a lifelong retsina fan for the same reason. Doesn't work in Greece, though.

Douglas E. Smith

Because of this webcomic I think all AIs have olfactory synesthesia when they sniff things. I wonder what hallucinatory realm ouzo puts Beeps into...


When I tried ouzo years ago, I thought it was delicious. But I haven't had it since then, because nobody would drink it with me (when I suggested it, they thought I was trying to prank them), and drinking it by myself seemed too awkward.


Thats very profound


The licorice taste is the <i>only</i> good thing about ouzo. And I can get that just from eating licorice.


I *like* ouzo.

marcus erronius

My first and only experience with ouzo was at a greek festival where I was served a mixed drink, ouzo and orange juice. It was the Worst Thing Ever and I almost threw up trying to drink it.


Every now and then it hits me just how diverse the body shapes that Jeph draws are, compared to most comics. And it makes me love this even more.


Ouzo, Raki, Pastis - there's some good stuff out there if you like those flavours, and the milky reaction with ice water.


A liquorice scented Trump Rally Good Ouzo is great, and contains opium, and served warmed with honey is like kissing a succubus... [sigh] Good times...


Back in my doormonster days at the Continental in Buffalo, I used to love starting a shift with a cocktail of sambuca, blavod and ice water. Then again, I'd end the shift with a cocktail of campari, clementine vodka and tonic. So don't go by my tastes.

Jim Sharkey

Ouzo? Yeesh, hard pass.


Ouzo is my favorite drink! 🤣🤣🤣 I have to go to a special liquor store and everything!

Peter Jensen

I think most people I know would be OK with Ouzo. Now, Rakia, *that* I get mostly to myself. Those I've introduced it to went on to drink it too fast, and ... that's definitely a fast-track to puke-town, if you're not used to it. I warn, but few listen ...


I love when a dash of insight is dropped and then immediately walked past


Me with vinegar crisps

Philip D Jones

In college I had a friend who spent his high-school years in Greece. He said Rakia was consumed only by the monks.


Ouzo is sooo good I love it!!!!!! But then again I like Anise flavor things and Black Licorice




this was me with moxie while it was 2/$1


Funny you mention Moxie. It was referenced in the latest "How to Drink" video. Greg used gentian root as one of the flavoring agents in the syrup he was making. Gentian root being one of the main flavors in Moxie.


I used to work for a Greek. I asked him about Ouzo, and he asked me if I wanted to try "a sip". I said, sure. His idea of "a sip" was a double shot-glass filled to overflowing. Now mind, I had come to his place to give him a ride somewhere, and this is what he pours me! I had to leave a little left as I had to drive! But I did like it as I like black licorice!

Tamara Temple

ok, straight up i am crying