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I enjoy a nice Waterman, but my daily driver is a Pilot :)


All about the product placement


They’re both just so cute!

Michael Boettger

I, I actually have that pen. It is rather nice.

Marlo Delfin Gonzales

Hey, I love my Custom 74. Put me on a whole kick of buying Pilots.

Erin Moriarty

A used car salesman would eat her alive.... She'd end up buying three cars.


Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken. Awesome anime this year.


I buy cheap black Dollarama gel pens by the dozen.


Actually, for that type of pen I'd prefer one with some weight instead of it being light. That way the pen does some of the work of keeping the nib on the page.

Ted Van Roekel

Oh Beeps. You're too precious.

Anthony Gaglianese

On my ambulance, I like using a basic Zebra for my daily, but in my file folder I keep a nice Parker Sonnet.

Summer Sudbrink

Why would you choose anything else? Bic-ause.

Captain Button

I get that problem with salesmen too.

Bailey Tighe

It makes me feel bad to say this, but I'm that salesman... I'm too nice when trying to get people to buy, and I actually hate it.

Shawn K. Younkin

Welp.... There goes a part of the budget.


Sweet, but clueless. Jeez, you want to know someone a while before you give them a fountain pen. Waterman for me.


I like my Artline Drawing System set. 0.1 - 0.8 mm tips, nice and clean lines, not very expensive. As good as it gets if you can't afford to drop the big bucks on a set of Rotrings.

William Cole

I'm not responsible enough to care for a fancy pen. It's Pilot VBalls (Extra Fine) all the way for me.


Bic all the way

Gary Walker

More of a Lamy stan here. Al-Star, baby.


Damnit now I have that song stuck in my head


Someone's a PenAddict fan

drone r0m-3

I lose pens too quickly to ever think about buying/owning a $160 pen. The most expensive pen I've ever owned was $10. Also, congratulations on that Kabushiki Gaisha Pairotto Kōporēshon product placement.


I keep thinking that I should start using fountain pens again. Then I remember that I'm left-handed and drag my hand over the paper as I write/draw

Allan Widner

I'll never forget the first fancy pen I had. I was probably 16ish? I saved up and bought myself a Parker don't remember what model (terrible with numbers), wasn't top of the line by any means but it was nice, paid the gift shop I got it from to have it monogrammed. One day I'm at the table reading the comics and my mother wants to work the crossword and asks to borrow my pen. I hand it over, finish the comics, trot out to pull some weeds in the garden, come back in, she hands it back - with little teeth marks on it. Never loan your former four pack a day smoker who quit cold turkey a few years before mother your fancy monogrammed Parker.

Hugh Eckert

The pen is mightier.

Ben French

Beeps is too precious for this world.

Joel Bateman

I have a really fancy Jaguar pen from when I bought my X-Type years ago.


Pilots, sailors... meh. I'd rather have a nice stewardess or a nurse.


Good pick! Custom 74s are awesome. Love mine! Pilot Metro or Platinum Plaisir would have been solid too. Wait, is this Patreon or /r/fountainpens, I seem to have gotten lost..

Vicki McLachlan

Fountain pen talk? In My QC? 😍 My two favorite pens are my champagne Pilot Decimo and my Franklin Christoph Model 46 in antique glass. Close runner up is my BENU Briolette in luminous blue. Sparkles AND glows in the dark!

Joseph Bonnar

Winslow, you and Roko are in charge now. Just let Beeps be herself and you get the work done...

Joseph Bonnar

Oh, and Arthur? He's cool so long as he gets his picture on the wall every month.


As the quartermaster of stationery at my work, I just bulk buy cheap BICs. If people want something better they can spend their own money. I’m not spending more money on something that disappears once a week. Besides, I suspect some staff eat pens, and I don’t want to feed them food that is too rich.


i went to school in a country where fountain pen usage was mandatory (and i still have a fondness for pelikan pens, despite that.) i can't begin to enumerate how many times i got ding'd for smears on my notes or tests. still, i was the lucky one. the kid who lived next door was 4 years older than me and they literally tied his left hand behind his back so that he would learn to use his right hand instead. austria in the 1980s - we just got past scholastic barbarism! yay!

Joseph Bonnar

Forgive me for this, oh lord, forgive me, but Beepatrice must NEVER meet Melon while in the same room as Emily or (I have this on good authority) the fourth wall will be shattered beyond repair and the universe won't survive.


I'm not that fancy, just give me a Kaweco Sport and I'm happy.


I was given a Fisher Space Pen as a gift some years ago, and I have jealously guarded it ever since. It's easily the best ballpoint pen I've ever owned.


I've never used a proper fountain pen, but then again, my handwriting is execrable at the best of times; it would likely be wasted in my hands.

Fart Captor

Beepatrice has EXTREMELY excellent taste in anime references


I have never related more to Beeps than I am right now


And there goes enough money to get May a better chassis. *sigh*


No link to the source of the page name in over 50 comments? For shame!




As soon as I saw the title I was thinking “is that a ******* KYHOE reference?” Only seen the first few episodes so far but it’s very good.


If that's the case, you're not punching them hard enough...


Heh, I knew she would get into SOME kind of hijinks. I'm just thankful she actually got back with a pen.

Quill Zero

Inb4 forgot the ink

Trigon Manthree

There's some pretty good writing implements available at the Pen Island website. And remember, sometimes a cigar-shaped design is just a cigar-shaped design.


I love my Pilot! I don't have one with a gold nib, but I love my fountain pen.


Heck yah fountain pen love!


I don't think that fountain pens, even fancy ones, are *quite* that expensive.


Judging on panel 4, Beeps has missed her true calling as a demonstration model.

Chris Gallaty

Clearly Beeps has extensive experience making purchase decisions for non profits...


There's a few nice people who send me a sample pen every year, printed with my company name. I've never ordered from any of them, but they keep me supplied. The built-in flashlights that were popular a few years ago were okay, but I really like these latest ones with a stylus at the other end.


Sometimes I think humans are taking advantage of situations, like this "nice man" selling the most expensive pen he carries which is similar to Faye taking $100 offered by Melon for "fixing" her feral vibrator. Humans are predators, it's true. Also it makes for amusing situations. Amusing to humans anyway. And I like the Pilot G2's.

David Howe

They do ones with UV ink and a UV flashlight on the end; those are cool (and I have some with non-toxic ink designed for kids, too)

Some Ed

I'm pretty sure she wouldn't stop there. The used car salesman would pick up that she would anthropomorphize them, and market them as if they were kittens, and Beeps would end up being a crazy car lady with 74 cars.

Some Ed

I feel like Bic makes some good quality pens, but also some shitty pens. I much prefer their higher quality pens to their shitty ones. Also, my ex has educated me on the fact that some of the ergonomic pens can be very nice, especially if one is suffering from some RSI, and I don't think Bic makes any of those. So I think I'm more of a Bic most of the way kind of guy.

Travis Wedding

I feel like beeps walked all the way to Goluet Pens

David Pipes

Or you can get 6 Pilot Varsity non-refillables for, like, $15... :-)


Cross. how has no one said that yet. I love those pens (& mech pencils) - use them every day.


(checks out a Pilot custom 74 online)

Matt Grayson

True story: Long, LONG ago, I showed up for a job as a derivatives trader at Goldman Sachs. My boss looked at my Mont Blanc ballpoint, took out his solid gold Parker, and told me to, and I quote, "Go out and get a more garish and vulgar pen." I settled on a silver Waterman.


You can get a Pilot Custom 74 (and many Japanese pens) for nearly 1/2 off if you order direct from Japan. :Like $80-95 for the normal Custom 74 vs. ~$160 from domestic pen sellers. The downside is that they don't come with warranties, but for Pilot/Platinum/Sailor the odds you're going to need the warranty are almost nil, because they produce consistently high quality products.


I got a Cross Classic Century for $25. Lifetime warranty. But my DREAM PEN is the Mont Blanc Alexandre Dumas Writer's Edition Fountain pen. #pengeeksunite

Jason Rock

Two of my fandoms just intersected.


That probably isn't the most expensive pen he has, even. By an order of magnitude. (Point is still valid, though.)


My daily carry is a Vanishing Point. Great pen. Wish I'd have gotten the fine nib instead of the medium..


My white & black Pilot Vanishing Point (non-Decimo) is definitely one of my favorite pens. Retractable nibs FTW!


...And now I'm looking at adding to my collection instead of something *actually* productive. Oof


Uniball Signo 0.28 have been my pens of choice recently. I'm pretty excited by all this pen talk.


I need a boss like Beeps! I'd love a Pilot 74!


I was given a cross as a present over 25 years ago, your post made me go look for it. It still writes after decades of sitting in my pen bin unused!

David H. Adler

You can get replacement nibs for the vanishing points. Not sure that's a financially sound decision, as they're about half the price of a whole vanishing point, but it can be done.


hey, a fellow Prelude user! i have a bunch of fountain pens, but my Prelude was my first and therefore remains my favorite by default...


the gold nib Pilots are SO GOOD! especially the soft fines, they are WONDERFUL


fun fact, you actually CAN refill Varsities, if you want!


hell yes, the Cross ATX is my jam!! i collect the older, more vibrant colors. i love them


lol, this comic just moved the Custom 74 up my wishlist...


I am also a Sailor man. My 1914 is my favorite.