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Looked *at* her funny


"looked AT her funny"?

Joel Bateman

I think it's a requirement you need to do one shitty thing as a teenager.


This is totally Martin and Hannalore's building isn't it.

Lord Crusade

Yeah, everyone has their moments. Mine was in eleventh grade, had a physics teacher who was a right jerk to anyone who did not immediately understand what he was trying to teach, so near the end of the year I took his magnet (one of those powerful one's that he liked to play with in class during tests and quiet projects) and dropped it into a can of tiny metal shavings. Long story short, he had to throw it out after spending an hour trying to get them off the magnet.



Grace Kieser

I hate teachers like that. Sounds like they deserved the ferrous justice you meted out!


I never did anything shitty when I was a teen, and besides, there were no witnesses, so...

Captain Button

Enough with the band bragging, Jeph!

Kenneth Carlile

It was a late 90s Honda Civic. God those things were ugly.

Captain Button

Did she smash them with a harpoon?

Lyman Green

I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone of my friends who said I did anything shitty in high school. College, on the other hand, I know a few women who probably would say I did some shitty things. I think it’s not “high school” where we necessarily do shitty things.. it is “growing up” when we all do a few shitty things. Hopefully we leave it behind right?

Joel Bateman

No, the early 90s with the flat hatches and roofs. Those squinty ass headlights.

Michael Boettger

IIRC, their place has a clapboard front (?) And not brick. Also seems to be a standalone structure. And no inletted doorway

Michael Boettger

And Brun? Not even a single box? Leaving Renee and Elliot to do all the lifting.

Jared Counts

Smashed a car because of its contemptuous headlights? Sounds like Brun’s having a real Dashboard Confessional

Mitchell Sealy

I don't know that I "did" anything morally reprehensible in highschool or anything. But I was still a real tool. Considered myself this Bastion of Cold Unfeeling Masculine Logic despite the fact that I'd break out in tears anytime mom yelled at me. Like this hormonal teenager with delusions of vulcanhood always telling other people off for getting too emotional.


My great aunt once killed a Mercedes because it was a nazi.


The couch was the only thing left. https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4202

Sleepy John

Brun has nice legs.


It's nice to see all those quips couched so well...

Ted Van Roekel

Oh gods, clove cigarettes. That brings back memories. Turtlenecks and open mike poetry night and really BAD poetry.


Does Renee's quote in the last panel need an "at", or was Brun just that drunk?


Who hasn’t dropped an article or two from a sentence while drunk?

drone r0m-3

I'm so gothic i want to dye, dye, dye my hair black and smoke a clove. I had a Ford Taurus in the late 90s. That car had contemptuous headlights.


Ok, in the last week, I saw a vehicle with contemptuous lights. There was a bubblegum pink accent light from the headlights, taillights, and ground effect. All this on a pickup with AT LEAST a 20" lift. Would need a ladder to get in and out. If that wasn't enough, when the parked and went inside, all the pink lights remained on. Like there was a separate power system to keep them running when it was shut down just to be extra gaudy.

Jon Guyer

So it was a Peugeot?


"Contemptuous Headlights" is not a googlewhack because there are a lot of hits when you search without the quotes. However, if you search with the quotes, Google only returns one hit. That will change now. BWAHAHAHA!


Who wants to wager that it was a Ford Taurus?


no, I'm thinking an older Citroen, with the narrow angled headlights


Actually, Renee, Elliot and the couch are going downstairs. I have no idea how Brun got past all that to head upstairs.


Looked at* her funny? I don't know if that's Renee's style or not so I could be wrong...?


The real title of this comic is Baba O'Riley.

Am Queue

The only asshole thing I can remember doing in high school was steal a pack of my mom's cigarettes. I smoked one a day walking to school - this was a while after I'd tried pot, which I smoked when I could get some easily. After a while - a couple of weeks? - I stopped getting dizzy/spacy. I said to myself, "ok, if I'm not going to get anything from it, why bother?" I gave the rest of the pack away - maybe 3 cigs left? Couple weeks later I decided to try again... stopped getting spacy in less time. Gave the rest of the pack away, and didn't bother again after that. I did take up clove cigs when I was in my 30s, cause I was hanging with some folks who smoked them and I liked the smell and the taste. That was maybe 2-3 cigs a week. After I stopped hanging with them (they moved for jobs) I stopped smoking them. I'm just really weird, cause I never had any sort of withdrawal symptoms.


Everyone is an asshole to their older selves

Some Ed

That seems unlikely, since those cars basically aren't available in the US. (Wikipedia claims the area served is world wide except for North America and South Asia).

Some Ed

Well, I don't know about Elliot and the sofa, but Renee at least looks like she's going downstairs. Maybe Elliot's just running it up the stairs so fast that Renee's having to backpedal quickly to not be bowled over, and that's with her putting enough of her weight on the sofa she's able to take big steps like that even on the stairs. (I was in that position once during a move. Two people were lifting the low end, and my job was simply to keep the upper end from catching on the stairs.) Or maybe Jeph is just big and strong enough that he doesn't realize it's a significant workout for most people to take stairs two at a time when backing up and holding a sofa up.


they were uncommon but my British clarinet teacher brought his over from England. They were shifty looking but cool


most asshole thing I did was in Sophmore year this freshman was hanging around my friend group and sometimes would come chill with us. So when I asked his name he said call me whatever you want. So I called him toggaf took him a week to figure out what it meant (if you can just read it backward) but it was too late. That was now his nickname for the rest of high school but just between him and my friends, we never spread it around.


Lol, right before I read the artist blurb at the bottom, I thought, "Contemptuous Headlights would be an awesome band name"