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Hi Brun, hi Renee




Christ that's an Ow.


Oof that does not look good.

Michael Boettger

I see a trip to the ER in Brun's future. Kinda thinking she doesn't have insurance.

Sleepy John

Beer is not supposed to explode. That's what Jaeger is for.

Buck Caldwell

That's a serious clot risk. Hematoma as well. A trip to the ER is definitely warranted.


I'd be quite surprised if she did.


If only she’d had a harpoon handy to defend herself.


Hey, at least she got paid!


BRUN <333 ...you should get that looked at


She got paid extra because they don't wanna pay workers comp for the injury

Hugh Eckert

I've had bruises that looked like that. Not from keg attacks, though.


sounds like we need Clinton and/or Elliot to come over and help Brun heal

Mitchell Sealy

Hm.. We've had a lot of robot medicine in recent arcs. Perhaps we're gonna see some human medicine now. Doctor Cast Member incoming?


Whoa. Just gonna say, Brunhilde is tougher than me. With a bruise like that, I'd be flat on my left side with an ice-pack on the affected area. For a week.

Tim Williams

it's Brun! that bruise on her hip reminds me of a picture I saw decades ago, a woman was in her house and a meteor fell through the roof and hit her it happened in 1954


No wonder she looks barrel-y alive


half-barrel-y (barrel being a unit of measure, standard kegs are half-barrels)

Matt Grayson

To Union Robotics! Bubbles is well trained in human repair.

Ian Wolfe

Dammit Brun, get your ass to the doctor! Baka!


Is *NOBODY* going to mention the roll of printing calculator paper Renee' was holding? This is important! It must be discussed!

Jim Feldman

I've had Jaeger. I think it's more acceleraant. You're not supposed to drink the darn stuff.

Rob McBobson

Good that Brun's back. Thursday I was thinking about how nice it'd be to see more of her.

Joel Bateman

I like my comics like I like the women in it. Full of humour, development, and great characteristics


if Union Robotics is also a doc-in-the-box, they shouldn't have any problems with cash flow ...

Max Kaehn

I'm reminded of the film Young Einstein, where the hero at one point splits a beer atom...

Mandy Hoskins

On the upside, Brun’s hair looks *amazing*.

Joseph Bonnar

Oh wow. I sense a major intersection of plot lines at a single knot in L-Space, all overseen by the Librarian...


...beer explosion?


What else are you going to do with that stuff? Drink it? I'd rather light it on fire, thanks...


Did anyone else think after seeing the first panel that Brun was also walking in the door having a major case of the shits? Something's going around.

Chris Crowther

Currently wondering if my bad back is sympathy for Brun.

Daniel Rydberg

There are however no toilet/sink or other batroom-related stuff in the door behind her, rather it looks like a hallway ;)

Peter McDevitt

was it a sentient keg? because May would probably take that body in an instant...

Douglas E. Smith

It was probably that evil beer, Wurmvater Totenkopfgeburtstag dunkelbrau. Nothing good can come of having that in your establishment... (https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3342)

Andrea Andrew

I hope we still see more of May!

Ardent Slacker

I'm just realizing the reason that's her brew of choice is because the "proper" stein is also a clock.

Some Ed

That is profiling! To be fair, it's more likely to be accurate than when a police pulls over a black man. But that doesn't make it right. Edit: Thank you Ardent for that tip. I'd completely missed that detail.

Chris Heg

This is why the Brits keep the kegs in the cellar.

Derrik Pates

Keg? Hit her? Owwwww. She should definitely get combat pay for that.

Ted Van Roekel

Dropped a keg on my foot once. Broke two toes. They're not to be messed with.

Quantum Cat

Kind of interesting how bodies and their breakdowns (and I suspect possibly some resonant legal issues?) are threading through QC right now.


Hell, I dropped a case on my foot and popped off a toe. It was reattached successfully, but damn. Wrecked my parent's party for sure.

Daryl Sawyer

Ow. And here I was thinking the time I got my foot stepped on by a horse the size of a Clydesdale was something.

Maurice Kessler

That's the right shade of red. Until it turns purple, which is weird.


Kegs are dangerous. Gave myself a hernia moving one up an icy driveway. Learned later to roll them on their sides, never lift and carry.


It also stops any accidents from leaking onto the bar floor area!