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Loving this allegory


may :(


Each day I relate more and more to May.

Shawn K. Younkin

I would like to subscribe to "Horrible Pornography Filthy" monthly.... >.>

Joel Bateman

This is why I can relate to May. Momo and Winslow are precious, and we must protecc them... but they don't know what life is really like.

Michael Boettger

I ship Momo & Winslow. They could raise bunnies and unicorns.

Mad Marie

WinMo sounds like the name of one of those RAM-eating processes that show up in the list when your PC is super slow so you press ctrl-alt-del and you’re never sure if it’s ok to stop it or not...

Akashimo Hakubi

It's definitely not untrue what May compared Winslow and Momo to.


Oh, wow! May is being so wonderfully mature and looking at the big picture and what Roko is trying to do and what’s best for everyone … I love her so much right now!

Matt Grayson

May has always been a deep thinker. You can't be transgressive if you don't truly understand what you're transgressing!


Funny, sad, and true.

A sheep

So are Momo and Winslow dating yet or what


Oh Winslow...


It does kind of look that way visually here, although it was established at some point that Winslow has a crush on Roko


Wow. When did *May* become the realistic one?


Comrade May ♥️


any resemblance to actual forms of representative government is entirely coincidental


I eagerly anticipate the Pissballs 2020 merch


South Dakota is proof May is right


She's always been realistic.


She's completely right, but that's also very unselfish of her to think like that.


May speaks truth to innocents

Joseph Bonnar

Everybody is MISSING the big picture. Pissballs - Roko in 2020!


The blue/red contrast in this strip is amazing


Yeah, she realises that the system does not just shank her. It shank’s others, and whatever Roko does will help them too.


Politics is stored in the balls.


"Pee-market Libertarian." I almost spit out my drink and had some of it come up through my nose. I wouldn't have minded either, given I was laughing so hard. LOL. You are -awesome-! Thank you--I absolutely needed that laugh!



Chris Crowther

May: Not actually a sociopath.


Watching Jeph slowly radicalize right in front of us.


Suddenly I'm wondering if Momo and Winslow vote, and I'm a little worried. On the plus side, they'd obviously never vote for anyone who's demonstrated that they're awful. On the minus side, apparently they believe campaign promises from everyone else?


Now I have questions about whether AIs have voting rights, how they got voting rights in the first place (cause you know people just wouldn't up and give them to them), how it's determined what location they reside in for voting and census purposes (cause disembodied AIs), what prevents nefarious actors from trying to create more votes by making a ton of AIs, and if AIs have a voting age??? JEPH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE


*suspicious wave of AI factory owners getting elected to office* "Who needs gerrymandering when you can literally manufacture your voters??"

Philip D Jones

What is that light streak in Momo’s hair?


Considering Roko is only just getting around to reading her body's manual, I wonder if there is any hidden features in these three's bodies.


AI factory owner: "as your master, I command you all to vote for me. Pintsize: "This is SUCH a good plan there is no possible downfall with it."


Winslow probably does, though he also probably read the manual. Momo might, though when acquiring that body money was an issue so it's probably just standard features. As for May, it might be a crapshoot in what features she has and what works as she might have a "good model" just a "bad unit" (also if that's the case the manufacturer could have made tweaks to disable certain features before putting the body in the bargain bin to avoid somebody fixing and flipping it)


I feel like a lot of people are overlooking the fact that May is turning down a chance at a functional body for herself, at least in part, because she wants Roko to have the best chance possible at changing the system for others in her situation. It's a remarkably selfless attitude.

Ted Van Roekel

I'm kind of sad to realize that of all the characters, I'm most like May in cynicism. But I'm 20-30 years older than these characters, so I suppose it's appropriate? Still sad.

William Karr

Pissballs 2020... finally a candidate I can support.


Sincerely: campaign tee, please? Or a button! I could get away with a button at work for a looonnnng time!


Senator pissballs is a good name for a senator, or a representative goverment man. at least, it spokes truth in his/her name.