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Who doesn't have a crush on Roko, honestly?

Stuart Telfer

Ahhhhhhhhh, bot feels!


The polygon grows ever more complicated…

Samantha Yeaman

MAKE IT SO. I never realised I wanted something so badly.


Roko needs some love, but will she accept it? I hope so


Next week: Winslow learns how to bake

Michael Boettger

Winslow's look in panel 3! Outstanding!


I wonder if the shop sells bread



drone r0m-3

Followed by Alice Deejay: Better of Alone

Michael Boettger

Winslow allies himself and Hanner's resources with Roko's foundation.


But can he bake?

Michael Boettger

And that pleasedtomeetcha from Roko.

Max Kaehn

He may know how to cook flatbread over a campfire, given his journeys...

Joel Bateman

Winslow, bud...I don't think you can handle Roko.


I mean, I want Roko to find someone.... but Winslow? Really? Feels like a stretch.

Ted Van Roekel

Holy cow, that ship came out of nowhere and ran me over. I WANT IT!


How is it possible Jeph has made both Winslow & Roko more attractive and cute at the same time?!


I’m with May: this song is one of the worst songs from the 1980’s.

Mandy Hoskins

Hell, I’M in love with Panel 2 Roko!

Jim Feldman

Lets not forget she had a "drunk" fantasy with a bread delivery AI with a parking ticket problem. That bread "guy" looked a lot like Winslow.


A bread delivery AI? Wasn't it Clinton that she fantasized about?


Same, Winslow.


All a-fuckin' board!


I'd ship it like the QE2! ^_^

Ashley Thomas

she may be too much machine for him. but i hope he buts her a nice loaf of bread and they at the very least become friends.


Ahh ever since I read this half an hour ago that song is stuck in my head


She is out of his league in just about every respect, but, my, isn't she pretty.

Joseph Bonnar

Oh dear, NOT the ship I would have planned AT ALL.

Peter Jensen

Hey, they're a good match. Winslow likes to watch pigeons, Roko always has plenty of bread to feed pigeons ...


Ohhh Winslow. Roko is a LOT of bot.

Sleepy John

It has occurred to me that Winnie and May are the exact colors of the bubblegum cigars that we used to give out for birth announcements. Which is relevant to nothing.


Wow, May actually calls Winslow her Buddy.








This is Lucy (Jeph) setting up the (shipper) football for Charlie Brown (us) just before snatching it away. Don't say I didn't warn y'all!


Roko sprung for the hotter body with Crushbot's insurance cash. And Winslow can pretty much afford any body he wants, thanks to his patron. Jeph's just working out the consequences...


Damn - I wanted to see what would happen if Winslow x Melon or Winslow x Lemon ...


I do not see this working out at all. Winslow is, at best, merely ornamental to Hannilore's life and I can't see Roko ever developing respect for him in his current form. Nor would Winslow be comfortable with the uncertainties of Roko's current path. Maybe a crush will encourage Winslow to develop an actual personality and help Roko realize she has value outside of service to others, but I don't think a romantic relationship would be sustainable or even healthy for either of them long term. It would change both of them too much.

A sheep


Minzoku Bokumetsu

The twist is Winslow is actually horrified by Roko and the song is causing cognitive dissonance ... nah


Heeere we go

Andrea Andrew

It could be a short crush, but considering the heartbeat scene, that may not be likely. I thought May was more compatible, I guess that’s not in the cards at this moment. Whether Roko still wants humans or Spookybot (😎😂) will have to be the decider.


In a strip full of attractive characters, Roko still manages to stand out.


ahem...... ..... ..... SQQQUUUEEEEEEEEEE ..... ..... That will be all, nothing to see, move along now.


winslow will have to learn about toast...


I don’t think Roko is gonna reciprocate, and that’ll break my heart.

John Fiala

Ha! Time to learn how to bake bread, m'boy.


Bad news, Winslow. Roko would totally be into roughing it with scorpions.


Can you blame him, I mean we all love Roko?


I'd really love a random May insult generator

Charlotte Grubbs

Prior to his odyssey with Hannelore, Winslow repeatedly expressed a desire to use his new body help other AIs and was volunteering for an AI-based charity. We even saw him successfully leading a group therapy session during which he made a breakthrough with May. The trip with Hannelore seems to have thrown him for a bit of a loop, and he's naturally anxious, but the idea that he's "merely ornamental" doesn't jibe with what we've been shown. If anything, seeing Roko in action will remind Winslow that he wanted a humanoid chassis for a reason - to actually DO things - and inspire him to get back into charity work.

Aqua Allison

Hm. This'll be interesting. Especially considering Winslow's (hesitant) urges to go use his body to help people, and he has history with volunteer work, I can see them bonding over that. But, Winslow has always come across as...very immature, to me. Like, he looks like a kid to me, while Roko comes off incredibly more mature. I wonder how a dynamic like that would/will work?

Charlotte Grubbs

Considering her father's contributions to the field of AI, funding/heading up a global AI rights organization would be a GREAT direction for Hannelore's character, especially as she's starting to come into her own as an Ellicott-Chatham.

Thomas A. Dennis

I used to just think of this song as that one that played during that one SNL sketch, but then someone set a video of an alien from Mass Effect 2 showing off his sick dance moves to it, and now I've got the song and listen to it every now and then. Life is funny.


May's face in the last panel.... X'D


Fuck. Yes. I'm super on board for a training montage where Pintsize teaches Winslow to appreciate the bread fetish.


She, a former cop wanting to fight for AI justice; He, a socialite AI from the daughter of the wealthiest humans with the power of science to boot; They, a legionnaires like AI mindset with the wealth and power of God. Together, they pet dogs!




Zero to aircraft carrier in one panel.


Roslow ftw!


Winslow will get a new body just for her, one made entirely of bread

Jason Zions

Love the perspective; drawn from Roko's viewpoint, and she's taller than he is.


I'm sorry but this won't do at all, I've already started shipping Winslow with the Fairy Girl and Roko with Spookybot. I'll have to redraw all of my charts.

Ísabel Pirsic

Googled it to verify: '90s. Thought so. Harumph, dem kids wi' their newfangled no-music!

Stephen Wells

Winslow is, for certain, patient and helpful enough to rub pumpernickel over Roko's entire surface area. Including the emblem.

Dean Reilly

Probably just big chain bakery brands, the bread fetishist's equivalent of Pornhub.


Melon has her companion, but Lemon .... that's just intriguing. I'd pay to see that one.


Roko looks adorable in panel 2!

Nicki Faulk

OMG that's so cute! :3 ♥

Brent Catherman

I don't care if this ship has the same chances as Momo and Sven it's just too cute.

Daniel Rydberg

I think the problem with this ship is that we don’t know how much Winslow likes bread.


we know he likes making breakfast. Toast is on his radar, at the very least


Well, he probably already feeds bread to the pigeons so--

Timothy Mann

I love last panel May face.

Evgeniy Semyonov

For now it looks much like Momo/Sven situation, in that Winslow will be just another teenager with an impossible crush, but several years from now... Who knows.


for some reason i'm into this ship...

Michael Boettger

So, will Roko be giving May some good news? One can only hope


I'm going to need a full scale poster of panel 2.


OK all the shippers are having a great time back there, but I just want to say that I LOVE May's face in the last panel, so expressive. Actually one of my favourite Jeph faces ever.

Ted Van Roekel

For all you talking about age, I was under the impression Winslow was an older generation AI, and that Roko was the newer model. Appearances can be deceiving.

Comics Ladybird

It’s a good thing Roko left the bureau, because if I were Winslow I wouldn’t let any of them get intimate with me… given how, recently, the FBI has been trying to subvert the protections of Apple hardware.


consider an n-dimensional structure ...


wow, all this ship talk. not sure how there's so much discussion of a situation where one of them is so wildly and clearly out of the other's league. not even sure it's the same sport ...

Danya Michael

For once, I'm less interested in a potential ship than I am in the update about May's CASE. I WANT RESOLUTION FOR MAYYYYY!


Is Roko really that tall? Or are Winslow and May really that small.

Daryl Sawyer

Yes. I think we didn't get that sense of scale in the past because the bot she used to be put next to was Bubbles.

Matt Grayson

I remember when he was just an iPod. How he’s grown...


I literally spewed coffee reading panel 2 and 3 and realizing it was the in-store audio and not just a 80's-teen-movie-style "love epiphany" shot. That was some brilliantly funny shit right there, Jeph. #bravo


I think the AIs themselves don;t exactly have "models". Like, the AI is the person, not the body. So Roko's chassis may only be a couple weeks old, but Roko herself is likely at least (man this feels weird to type about an adult) 5 or 6 years old. Winslow may be older; he's been in the strip since before 1000 or whatever.


Well played, Jeph. Well played.