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Gencon this week! AAA!




I'm with Hanners and Bubbles on this one.


Oh how I missed Hanners.


Completely agree, I have found sorting scavenged electronics screws, and lego to also be on a similar level of relaxation. It fits perfectly with listening to audiobooks or music.




This is certainly wholesome... Possibly <i>TOO</i> wholesome... There's nothing Questionable about this Content at all. I'm honestly not sure how I feel about that. It's such a change of pace.

Joel Bateman

Ok, but can we all agree how friggin adorable Hanners looks in the 4th panel? My heart..my precious baby is so cute!

Peter McDevitt

Well between the 3 of them I'd think Faye knows a bit more about handling balls.


It IS relaxing, can confirm.

Chris Godsey

Is Jeph going to gencon?


I'm just glad it wasn't a can of mixed nuts that fell. The puns would be horrible. Great, but horrible.

Michael Voorhis

The 23 July strip had a comment from JJ saying "I will be at GENCON this coming August 1-4! Come say hi!" so I think he'll be there. I can't find him in the GenCon exhibitors list though (see https://www.gencon.com/exhibitors ) ... but I know nothing about GenCon and if there are multiple ways of being a vendor there; neither do I know if JJ is going there as a vendor or exhibitor at all! He, on the other hand, knows all.

Ted Van Roekel

Faye in panel 2 knows EXACTLY what she's doing. :D


It IS good to have her back


Heh, true. She was never in any risk of having to sort them herelf, was she? Also, it was a decent excuse in panel 1. Not PERFECT, but decent.


But wait, how do they determine that both halfs are exactly equal in terms of total mass as well as quantity of individual balls? They might have to count it all before they can count it. Hannelore was right. This IS relaxing.

Sleepy John

Faye knows exactly how to make Hannelore welcome and happy.


If Hanelore ever changes her mind about starting a yoga studio, she could make a great pitch for combined yak-rearing and ball-bearing-sorting.


They could simply divide it by weight. It wouldn't necessarily be perfectly divided by quantity, but it would be equitable.


Well, this is basically me, but in absurdly complicated minecraft modpacks. (project ozone 2 keeps sucking me back in)

David Pipes

Can confirm that actual OCD people would *really* find this peaceful.


I find this questionable Bonk bonk!


Hannelore is quite correct.


I'm an excellent sorter.

Thomas A. Dennis

brb, seeing if I can just buy a jar of ball bearings in assorted sizes

John Ridley

My ideal would be building a machine to sort them. It'd take longer but it'd be a lot more fun.

Kerin Schiesser

You don't really need a machine. You need a tube with circular inserts that have holes cut in them of just SLIGHTLY smaller than the diameter of the different size bearings. Put the biggest hole one at the top, then they should get smaller as you go down. Pour the jar of bearings in, and the smallest ones will collect at the bottom, and so forth for each level. Make it easier by having straps attached to each sieve layer, to lift out the bearings caught at each level. You could make it out of cardboard or plastic - it's not a complicated thingie, with no electricity or even moving parts needed :D You do have to shake it a bit, or some will get caught on the wrong level if all the holes are blocked by the bearings that can't pass that size sieve.