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GDI Faye


At least she doesn't have to pick them up *in order!*

Matt Grayson

Quick! Cover them in Yak dung!


Please show her going hog wild. I beg of you.


It probably was Sam.


Ok thank u jeph


"What kind of monster *numbers* their ball bearings?!?"


It actually was a ball pit for mice.


I would once again like to commend Jeph for excellent sound effect spelling. Reading that panel was viscerally satisfying to me.


Is Hannerlore a vampire?

Matt Grayson

And what was bubbles doing turning the bottle of ball bearings upside down? Or did she knock it over? Her situational awareness protocol is out of whack - or saturated with Faye...


I mean, don't do a whole lot of physical activities before those things are cleaned up or you'll be needing new knees.


Yes, Hannelore, always stretch before any strenuous activity. Very wise.

Ann M

Having followed QC from the beginning: once Hanners became the clear backbone, it was so enjoyable to watch everything fall in place, but it's been extra enjoyable to watch her grow and the comic to flourish around her.


aww hannerbaby

Brent Catherman

Not all immersion therapies help with the same problems. Shoveling manure did a lot to mitigate her hypochondria, but I don't know what activitity there is that could help with situations like these.


::after 66,723 ball bearings were put back in the jar:: Faye: So... you're getting all radical and junk. Think, maybe, you'll try... sex...? Hannalore blinks... grabs the jar of ball bearing out of bubble's hands... dumps it on the ground... and then starts counting "1... 2...3..." Bubbles: I think that's her way of saying she doesn't want to talk about it. Personally, much as I pine for Hanamomo... I think she's asexual. Actually, I think she'd want to experiment with sex, but because it's like birthing yaks or climbing everest or digging latrines. It's this one thing that everyone else does and she can't. It's one thing to choose not to have sex, it's another to be unable to have sex because of a self possessed flaw. That can gnaw at you after a while. Believe me, I know.


I'm pretty sure there should be a magnetic sweeper in that shop to pick those up.

Dylan T

I don't know if i should laugh or feel bad for hanners

Chris Crowther

I am wondering if Hanners is a vampire now. Part of the lore is that they have a compulsion to count things, so throwing tiny seeds (like poppy) on the ground so they had to pick them all up and count them is a thing. Interestingly the same thing is exhibited in both European and Chinese vampire legends: Chinese vampires are compelled to count grains of rice.


Oh no

Andrew Armstrong

I read a SF\space opera story in which there was a minor character with the name Ellicott-Chatham, very probably an homage to this webcomic. Can anyone refresh my memory of title or author?

Scott Kenney

Faye's gesture in panel 2...I know it so well


but what about those sexy fireman pictures? Hannelore is a master of control but a victim of circumstance. One day there will be another fire at Brun's bar, a sexy fireman with a torn shirt will tumble over Hannelore and control will be gone!


Is Hannelore losing her tan?


now there's the Hannalore we know and love!

Jared Cyr

you know not the power Western MA has to white people's melanin


I think that settles the debate from the other strip about Hannelore's "magical cure". Kudos, Jeph. :)


are Faye's shorts cutoffs or is that lace?? either way, excellent!!

Joseph Bonnar

I'm unable to find it; due in large part to the overwhelming presence of Questionable Content material in any search engine I have tried. I am sorry.


"Welcome home, Hannelore".

Kerin Schiesser

I'm sure Jeph meant to imply that this has a .... bearing... on the situation. (evil grin)