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they're TRYING




First panel, *intent*


Nonbinary moods. We really do try.

Joel Bateman

Come on Roko, they're right you know. They're trying to do good. They did help you with Bubbles after all. Give them a break!

Shawn K. Younkin

They are trying soooo hard to be Roko's friend. <3

Laura-Kathleen Redman

I wonder what kickstarted their particular fascination with Roko.

Michael Boettger

Spooky is really apologizing, aren't they? There's hope for them yet.

Adam Friedlander

So earnest...I didn't expect to see this kind of vulnerability.


Man I fucking love spoopy bot

Laura-Kathleen Redman

(Just thinking back to their first appearance where they seemed ominous af and now they are begging for Roko's friendship.)


That first panel is a very good way to phrase that. "Intent does not excuse result." I'm going to have to remember that phrasing!


Panel 1: *intent




Okay. So what I’m not getting is why is Spooky going to all this effort to befriend Roko? They could have befriended anyone. Bubbles might have been a better companion than Roko. And as far as we know, there isn’t any sense that Spooky actually needs a companion. They’ve got a couple of pointy greyhounds. This is puzzling.


Roko seems dumb to me here. Someone is more powerful than her and can do things she can't. So?


I actually really am relating to spooky right now.


She explained in an earlier strip that she cannot be friends with Bubbles due to going inside her mind.


Yeah I'm on team spooky. Why the hell is spooky's effortless donation an offense to her? Maybe she can be happy she got an omnipresent demigod AI to donate an obscene amount of money to charities.




There is an episode in Barry where he buys a girl he’s just started dating an expensive laptop. It + the commentary may be of use in understanding the inappropriateness of this response.


That kitty knows to nap


Like SB explained when they "got" why Roko was mad: Their spur-of-the-moment actions did a lot of good, but it was impulsive and effortless, while Roko has been working all day as hard as she could, yet feels like she has accomplished *nothing*. It made her feel insignificant and worthless.


Hey, at least they're quick on the uptake.


'Good is good regardless of the scale at which it operates' - yessss!!! that's some mint philosophical advice, Spooky

Kyle Major

O.o yes that pronoun. Did correcting me help?


Haven't the last three mini-arcs involved an AI getting mad at somebody else? (I know that's just a small part of each story) wo der if that was on purpose


It usually takes much longer to get to the blue house. Fast walkers!

Charlotte Grubbs

I'm actually surprised they figured out what the problem was so quickly. I definitely would have flailed dumbly around for a good fifteen more minutes, at least. (I cannot logic when people are yelling at me.)

Some Ed

Many people tend to power walk a bit when they're mad, especially if they're mad at someone they were walking with who decides to follow them anyway...

Kriss Pang

Where's punchbot when he's *needed*?


I think Roko is being way too hard on Spookybot. They thought doing that would make Roko happy, gave a sincere apology when it didn't and are even offering to do what she originally wanted them to do. I get that inequality sucks, but Spookybot didn't create financial inequality.


It's been like....20 seconds. If she's still that angry awhile later, yeah, possibly being too hard, but Roko is still in pissed off mode


I want Roko to just took at Spooky and just ask... "Why? Why is this so important to you? Why me?" I have a feeling that underneath Spooky's assertive projection is a very uncertain and insecure, even unstable (given her impulsivity) individual that desperately needs friends to ground her. To give her some kind of personality. Isolation from others breeds recursion, and an AI would be even more susseptible to that. It would also explain why Bubbles could never fill that roll. Being so close to Bubbles, compromised by the intrusion, Spooky understands her too much to use her to redefine herself. She could pity bubbles. I think, in a very real way, Spooky desperately needs someone good, Like Roko, to believe in her. To respect her. To like her. Because otherwise she's just some black box black ops secret weapon. A thing.

Sleepy John

It is very difficult to stomp convincingly in booty shorts and a crop top. She's doing it, though.


I think there's a coloring error: the last few strips have been orange glowey dusk, and this one is bright.

Fart Captor

SpookyBot wouldn't have done ANYTHING if Roko hadn't suggested it, so she can give herself some of the credit for all the good they're doing


I wonder how many times we'll see this particular comment :)

Brent Catherman

Spookybot makes some good points until the third panel. The zero-interest body loan is what Roko wanted in the first place.


I'm loving the fact that the Deus Ex Machina discovers that they can't solve everything as easily as they thought. It's something that they'll have to work on, and they haven't worked for something since an eternity.

Thomas Halpin

Is it meant to be "Intend" or "Intent" in this case? Also, I love this story arc.


Yeah, sunset was suddenly cancelled. SBooky is THAT influential.


I'm not so sure. I think Spookybot is either a new Ai with huge amts of power, or has never had the need to make friends before. They'll do all the typical crap someone trying to make friends will do, which might include being angry when it doesn't work out. That's my guess at least.


uh oh. Spookybot mentioned May. Which means they were surveilling Roko.


I just love the changes in colour these last few strips. Lovely.

J.E. Melton

But is it imminently punchable?

Dylan T

They are trying. There is something almost innocent about spookybot sometimes

Evgeniy Semyonov

Funny thing is that every parent recognizes this strategy - that's how inexperienced moms and dads are trying to mitigate their toddler's tantrums. Of course it does not mean Roko is the toddler to Spookybot, but this scene just radiates "I'm trying to solve the crisis by any means necessary" energy. This is, probably, one of the reasons Roko is not cooling off right now. If Spooky showed some of the adult vulnerability, their dialogue would go better, but for now they are really not on the same level. And that is a big obstacle for any friendship.

Gemma Hentsch

In many ways they are... They are an omnipotent god, but at the same time, they lack the experience of sentient interaction, that does not involve threats and maniupulation...

Dean Reilly

Backpfeifengesicht, 'face in need of a slap'.

Philip D Jones

The robots all have red eyes. Except May. Her eyes are blue. ???


good is good, regardless of scale. well said, Mr. Jeph.


also have to say, Jeph, that I'm really enjoying the way you are exposing the process of Roko growing and changing as she steps away from the 'cop' mindset to a more honest 'protect and serve', as well as the growth of Spookybot's social interactions with other entities. btb, they should really have a name - it might make an interesting sub-arc to have them pick one with the help of Roko and perhaps other cast members - you could get Marty involved. remember Marten?? I'm old enough to remember when this was (apparently) a comic about Marten.


I thought all the robots tended to have eyes that match the hair... it's an anime trope I think Jeph is deconstructing by having it apply only to the AI characters: "Windows match the drapes" The interesting thing is that the only AI I have seen so far that does not meet this trope is Spookybot. I think that this is intentional to show that Spookybot seems to be a self organized collective instead of manufactured (by a bunch of nerds apparently) and so breaks the accepted AI "norms"


Okay I'm having a lot of fun with Roko's arc but a very important question was never answered: Did Claire's mom end up adopting the Borzoi?


Maybe buy her a gift basket?


I think they should both be 'intent' in panel 1.

Daryl Sawyer

She's right, actually. Spookybot's largess may be large, but such large gestures often miss the details, which are at least as important as the big picture. No matter how much money went into helping less fortunate AI, it's entirely possible that without Roko, May would never get a new body. Large gestures are necessary to provide incentives and resources. But it is the small gestures that provide the actual *help*.


Typo in first panel: the second “intend” should be “intent.”

Matt Grayson

I prefer "intend". Am I the only one?


It means they were surveilling, but not necessarily Roko specifically. Being as powerful as they are, they can pretty much watch everything at the same time.

Nicholas Ruff

Why didn’t they just take up Roko’s idea of zero-interest body loans to begin with? With the formerly ridiculous amount of wealth they had, it could’ve easily been done.

Kerin Schiesser

Just because mis-gendering can really be painful to a lot of people, I'm-a just gonna mention that Spookybot's preferred pronoun is "they," a pronoun which is now understood to not only be a plural, but a genderless pronoun for people, unlike 'it' which is used to mean a lifeless thing or sometimes an animal. That Spookybot is an android or robot or AI, (depending on how you look at it) blurs things a little, but as they are now a part of society, with minds and rights and responsibilities, "It" is just not appropriate. Please use "they" when referring to Spookybot. They consider themselves a non-gendered intelligence. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT NOW CONCLUDED


It's actually doubly appropriate to use "they" for Spookybot, since they are also some sort of hive mind/group consciousness (note their use of "we/us" when referring to themselves, for instance.)


She's an entity that doesn't exist. It's hard to set up such things without legal paperwork and formal scrutiny. Much easier to just give it away, though I'm guessing they might have to tangle some lines of inquiry even there.

Michael Boettger

This isn't the first time we've seen a non- binary character in the strip. Remember Tilly? Although they were there to move Hanners on her next phase.