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Alcaria Swain

Oof. It's such a frustrating and rough situation.

Ol' Firebones

I love what you're doing with the twilight.

Peter McDevitt

not sure how "Eat the Rich" applies to robots; they do not appear to be edible...

Dark Wulf

Goddamn rokobis angry and justifiably so... Does this mean they about to hate fuck?


man I feel that roko

Michael Boettger

Roko makes a very cogent point. If Roko is able to alleviate May's condition, it will be due to her earnest efforts. Something that will be impactful (hopefully) in May's outlook. Spooky's philanthropy is utterly indifferent.


Spookybot is clearly very intelligent but only in limited domains it seems. They have a lot to learn about personal relationships and it looks like Roko is going to get the job of teaching them.

Seth Aaron Hershman has they she pronouns

And the worst part is that Spookybot is <i>still</i> ahead of the game, because for most rich people the mood is "never" and, for the rare exception, the amount is "low millions".


why did spookybots hair go "ping" in the last panel


On the one hand, Spooky just pulled a "missing the point". On the other hand, when is Spooky *ever* one to miss the point? Waiting for the borderline omnipotent cognizance side to manifest. Or for Spooky to stop trying to always be a literal deus ex machina, out of some Roko-induced epiphany.


This went in a very interesting direction I did not foresee when these two robots began their friendship. Well done, Jeph.


Sorry, but I side with Spooky Bot. Roko is doing what she can with what she has. She guilted Spooky Bot into doing something, then got mad at them (?) because she feels like she can't measure up. So she is projecting her internal inadequacies on Spooky Bot, instead of being happy those charities just got a huge influx of funds.


"What is WRONG with you?" "Perspective"

Seth Aaron Hershman has they she pronouns

No, she got mad at Spookybot because they could've, at any time, used their immense wealth to make things materially better for impoverished people, and yet only did it now on a whim, and expects to be rewarded for this long-overdue gesture with friendliness.


Roko is understandably irritated, but to be fair, it is far better to donate 2 billion dollars because you think it's funny, as opposed to those who think it's funny to watch the poor suffer. To whom much is given, much is required.


...okay, no. You do not drop two billion dollars anonymously. Even if it were spread over a hundred different charities, that would still be hundreds of millions being donated in a single moment. This wouldn't just be noticed by banking institutions, it would make the news. Multiple government agencies would be trying to track the source of this money down because two billion is well past the point of affecting national events. And since they all dropped simultaneously, there would be a pattern of donations that would lead to whatever virtual machine she's operating out of. If donating a new body to May would be too much exposure, this would be too much exposure times nuke. And plus... it's stupid. Roko wants to get robots bodies. For two billion spookybot could have bought controlling interest in a corporation that manufactures robot bodies. Hell, she could have made her own LLC and just naked Roko as the chairperson with every one of her bodies as a board AI under a different VPN. Spooky is lying, or she is very, very dumb.


One: Spookybot is a they, not her. Two, this is not the real world. Real world banking does not apply. Besides, Spookybot is so powerful, that they can probably easily prevent so much money moving from raising red flags. Three: Spookybot didn't refuse to buy a body for May, they refused to start offering zero interest loans to AIs in need. There's a huge difference in donating to charity and starting a charity.


I get that Spookybot's donation lacked the sincerity that Roko's hands on work has, but it's still an objectively good thing to do and it was Roko's idea. I don't get why she's mad at them.

Matt Grayson

There’s a very Alice Grove vibe coming from Roko.


She's mad primarily at the injustice of the world, and mad secondarily at Spooky for being so oblivious to how her relative powerlessness in the world of Late Capitalism makes her feel.


...I'm gonna need my therapist to explain why rokos mad aren't I I've read the other comments and I still don't get it 😓


So Roko gets angry because she isn't given a gold star for her single day of work? And instead tries to make someone feel guilty about acknowledging their privilege and immediately trying to do some good? We know Spookybot says awful things just to get a rise out of people, even if they don't mean it. They were huge assholes to Faye and Bubbles, but still did what they did out of genuine care. Roko can maybe admit she is not the only positive force in the world and get off her high horse?


Is it poor form to be upset that someone's idea of a joke makes your idea of maximum effort look inconsequential? Perspective is very important.

Adriano Trindade

It's everything on how you see things in life, and personal values. Any rich person is capable of that, just need to have the will. So what? You can see the good done to others or you can look at your own situation in comparison. Each people can have a different reaction. May would be ten times more mad.

Joseph Bonnar

I love Roko. That is perfect.


Tube what?

Minzoku Bokumetsu

or you could wait for the next strip(s) Postulation, though: Roko is feeling inadequate because a whole day of her absolute best work nevertheless accomplishes not even a billionth of what a rich AI could do in a snap. It's what every day people feel when we see injustice in the world, and billionaires could eliminate the problems entirely but choose not to do anything, unless it's for profit or PR. Even though it's not benefiting Spookybot in the slightest to donate ALL THE MONEY, it's the idea of "Well, it's so easy for YOU to just throw money around, while the rest of us have to put in real effort."


If you're referring to Roko's eyes, they are not red. They are exactly the same colour as her hair. As I pointed out the other day, all the humanoid AIs have matching hair and eyes. The only exceptions I have found are Spookybot and Melon (her hair is green like the outside of a watermelon, and her eyes are the pink colour of the inside of a watermelon).

Seth Aaron Hershman has they she pronouns

So do people defending Spooky here think they're gonna get a cut? They're not Bezos or Musk, guys. They're fictional. The chances buddying up to them is going to work are less than usual, which is kind of impressive actually.

Nicholas Ruff

What would've been cool is if Spookybot set May up with a job that isn't a crappy minimum wage gig.

Nicholas Ruff

Alternatively, Spookybot could invest some money into Roko's passion project to helping underprivileged/felon AI with affording healthcare and repairs.

Brent Catherman

If it makes you feel better Roko you put the idea in Spookybot's head so you're partially responsible for this charity windfall.

Brent Catherman

I know Jeph said it's a different universe, but I still like to think Roko may have been a rough draft of Alice that evolved into the Maxwell Demon we know. And now that I think about it perhaps Spookybot evolved to the point that they not only caused the blink, but thousands of years later planted the seeds that would begin humanity's next evolution. One of Spookybot's last jokes.


This comic is so very mood 2019 it's amazing. XD &lt;3

Dylan T

While I agree with everything Roko is saying, I'm not sure it will really sink in for Spooky just because of how differently their brain works.

Professor Harmless

The hardest thing to figure out when you learn that you truly can change the world, is whether or not you should.


I'm seeing similarities between this and when Station gave the Lieutenant (I forget her name) a huge sum of money because she felt under appreciated in her work. Station felt he was doing the right thing but it was obviously misguided and inappropriate. I feel a similar sentiment with Spookbot's action, others in the comments nailed it better than I could.


I feel like everyone here just needs a hug


It wasnt because she felt unappreciated, it was because Station basically harrassed her and that was his way of apologizing. She returned the money because she didnt want it to seem like doing that would be ok if a large enough sum of money was thrown at the "problem. "


Poor Roko. I think that Jeph tortures the characters that he likes the most, in which case he LOVES her!

orange slice

Rokos facial expressions are amazing in this strip


Damnit Jeph, at least give her a nice, warm, fresh baguette tonight.

All mankind

I'll tell Spooky something I read in a sad story about sisters with magic powers: "You shouldn't do things that other people can't in front of them." You did a nice thing without risking anything that matters to you. congratulations, nobody wants to be your friend because you're performing charity for them.


On the other hand, no matter how this makes Roko feel, having someone -- anyone -- give two billion dollars to charity helps a metric buttload more people whan whatever amount of help Roko is able to give by herself. I don't think it's better for the world in general for Spookybot to NOT give that money away, and therefore deprive all the people the money would've helped, just to make Roko feel better. If your purpose is helping people, you should be happy for any help they get, not get all butthurt and make it all about you and your feelings because someone else helped more. No matter their motivations.


Man, I love that this whole storyline has become a conversation about privilege

Evgeniy Semyonov

I think this strip is perfect: on one hand, Roko is as impulsive and aggressive as they come - don't forget, this whole storyline started when Roko was yelling at May, while suddenly deciding to be her advocate. Roko is always aggressive when she feels inadequate - remember how she met May in the first place, how she treated Clinton, how she "harassed" Spookybot, etc. On the other hand, Spookybot understands it all. That's why they are so calm in the last frame - they know of Roko's aggressive tendencies and just waiting for her to calm down. I mean, for them EVERYBODY else is slow, dumb and very random, but they still want to connect with other people. Also maybe taking care of several dogs was a good training of patience for Spooks.

Kriss Pang

I realised I liked Roko's character here, but wow. Thanks for the analysis!

Evgeniy Semyonov

Thing is, Roko feels as she does and informs Spookybot of it. And they seem accepting it very calmly, because feelings are not rational, they just exist. So maybe later Roko will change or at least elaborate her position, but for now she just needs to vent, as all normal beings do sometimes.


spooky looking very boy now! btw love the daily subtle alteration of background light-sun setting

Sleepy John

Spooksplaining isn’t going to help.


Looking forward to the ultrapowerful AI having small-world epiphanies. "...oh, I... oh."

Matt Grayson

Here's an idea, Spooky, ol' bot. Take a few nanoseconds to scan all human and AI literature, entertainment, everything. See if you can derive a few principles - morals - ideas. Ask for anonymous advice from a few hundred thousand entities who have shown success in friendships. You'll get it. Or learn to fake it. Give it a try! Heck, ask MAY! Or maybe messing with Roko is the whole point. In which case, you're doing fine. Carry on!


if you pardon the religious content, the way to rationalize this is to look at it like this, I think. It reminded me of the "Lesson of the widow's mite". That was the story in the gospel where Jesus pointed out an old woman who donated her last two "lepta" (literally pennies) to the Temple, and asked his Disciples "which of these has done more? Those who gave much out of their plenty, or this woman who gave every last bit she had?" In other words the value of the gift is relative to effort. I think Roko is definitely gonna go there. The donation of Spookybot, as valuable and helpful as it is, is worth what a joke is worth, because it was easy and literally without more effort than snapping fingers. And Roko works her ass off for her give, as small as it is. That difference in effort (and heart) is why Spookybot is not getting it.


Did I hear something snap? I'm pretty sure I heard something snap.....could she have some sort of snapping device installed for these occasions?

Nicholas Ruff

And that's what I think many people in the comments section aren't really understanding. Granted, 2 BILLION dollars is a fuckton of money, more than what I think that parable could've accounted for, but the fact that she could just do it in a snap of her fingers shows she really isn't hurting and could probably do without it. On the other hand, Roko, who just quit her job and is essentially without an income, is putting every last effort into helping May.

Joseph Bonnar

I sympathize with Roko here. This is why: Spookybot's donation seems to have been made, NOT on a whim, but rather as a means of forcing Roko to accept their friendship. (Check yesterday's page to see what I mean.) Spookybot's donation was actually in some sense blackmail. Yes, I'll get flack for this one, I'm sure. If you disagree with me, that's fair, and if you have a good reason and can explain it, that is better. :)


The intent might have been off, but to be fair, Roko -did- suggest giving all her money to charity. It doesn't seem fair to be mad that Spookybot went through with it, on a whim or not. Though the "we're definitely friends now, right?" from the last strip was a bit over the line, it made it seem like that was Spookybot's only motivation for it, not really wanting to help. I point out, also, that money isn't the only thing that can help. Sure, a huge largess doesn't hurt...but without people that truly want to put in the effort like Roko, it's meaningless, and that's why Roko's efforts still matter just as much.

Kerin Schiesser

In fact, mis-applied money, thrown in clueless, selfish, or simply wrong-headed directions can make things much worse than a sort-of-benign neglect (or at least efforts without a harsh glare of attention focused by a sudden influx of funds that some may want to appropriate to their own ends, sweeping along with it what resources WERE actually being used to help). So, YES, IMHO, you are completely accurate to point out that the efforts of competent, understanding people like Roku are CRUCIAL.