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May’s hugs are the most adorably awkward hugs. Also May: TMI™!


god i fuckin love may

Matt Grayson

Is May facing off against Barry in the final round?

Joel Bateman

But May is OUR horrible little goblin. 💜

Joseph Houk

Heh. Sit and Spin.

Michael Boettger

Roko is thinking "What have I gotten myself into". But...you do you May.

Andrea Andrew

Wait! A whole month and a half of comics have taken place in a day?! I’ve heard of comic book timeline, but this something else! That being said, I like the friendship developing between these two.


Appropriate choice of words, if I may say. (pun somewhat unintended)



Shawn K. Younkin

Well...now we know "how" she did it. The More You Know ------*


Hahahahaha... Bit by bit we're learning more about May's tryst with Sven. :)

Chris Gallaty

That's 'a' melon, not 'thee' melon.... that's another story...

Peter McDevitt

well i might never eat watermelon again.


Is... is May channeling Barry in panel 4?

Kyle Major

Man having a friend or caring person really let her unwind lol

dizzy ditzy

May, Roko, and Sven having debauched fun with melons and bread when?


Second best thing: May giving someone a heartfelt hug. First best thing: May keeping an eye out to make sure no one’s watching.

Kinda Squirrely

And that's when Roko put in a change of address form for Montreal


And now Roko is thinking about jerking a dude off with a Bagel.


But what about guys without a watermelon?


Goblin friend!


Sorry if already asked, why does Roko often put 2 fingers against the side of her head?

John Fiala

I think she's virtually on the phone with someone. Since her hearing and speaking is all electronics, there's no reason for her not to have an internal cellular phone in her body, and holding up fingers like that is just a habit she has to show that she's on the phone.


"You... you can do that with a food product?" [Imagination: Images of Elliott holding out a loaf of dense pumpernickel and small tub of butter.] Or as Renee would put it... https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3347




I love how happy May is bragging about her one-night-stand


Ugh that hug is so freaking adorable. Horrible little goblin has friends who love her!


Bragging rights !


And tomorrow Roko will ask May how she feels about bread.


If this is a A Nice Long Walk reference, then you deserve a hug from May, too.


May is like, a new friend! I'm at ease, let me say out loud the first thing that pops into my head!

Dylan T

Man, I didn't need to know the onomatopoeia for fucking a watermelon, but I guess that's in my head now


Oh right, that was all last night

Dean Reilly

Hey, at least it wasn't a kiwi fruit.


Because they are showing vulnerability and supporting each other and hugging and shit? That's what gets me, at least


All of the AI relationships are just the best. Momo/May, May/Roko, Roko/Beepatrice, Roko/Melon, Roko/Bubbles, Roko/Creepy AI, even Pintsize/Momo, Pintsize/May, and Pintsize/Winslow. like, they're all just so good!


on a weird sorta related note...a local grocery store had a flyer out last week with a special on "Personal Watermelons"...$1.99, buy one, get one free... hmmmm


They kinda make me think of Sheldon's rare hugs on The Big Bang Theory...

A sheep

It was your destiny before you knew your journey had even begun


I'm a horrible little goblin who somehow got friends myself. It's weird having people care.

Sleepy John

I doubt if she'll get the fighter jet, but if she gets a new chassis, will we even know her? Aside from bragging about dudes and watermelons?


May hugs like she is doing something shameful that she can't help but do. This is very taking.

Kriss Pang

🍉🍉🍉Oh dear.


I'm thinking that May isn't going to get invited to many picnics if people figure out what she does with watermelons.


Or maybe she'll get invited to MORE but I've never been to that kind of picnic.

Boots McGoot

this might be my fave strip in a little while. perfection. 🍉


...fetish picnics must be a thing, right? ...how do I get an invite?

Bryce Maryott

Fetish picnics are a thing. If you ACTUALLY want to know, there's a website for all things fetish called Fetlife. (Normally I wouldn't say anything on a webcomic but this one has MAY...)


So is it just me or have we kind of stopped caring about Marten? I get his life is going good now so it's not as interesting of a story anymore but it seems he went from a main character to a nearly background/supporting role. Not that I would wish for that to change. I'm happy with where the story is going and with how it has worked out with him. I just thought it was odd and wanted to comment.


I just want a BEEP BOOP t-shirt.

Daryl Sawyer

What we're reading is kind of like a spinoff, but it went there gradually. Should we call it a drift-off? Not sure. Either way, I'm fine with it. If Jeph's run out of stories to tell about Marten, then he's run out of stories to tell about Marten. One option in that situation is to write an ending and start a new title. But in webcomic format, that simply isn't necessary. There aren't any actors to get upset about declining screen time, after all. Just let the story drift from character to character. I think I've been reading since around the time Penny and Wil got together, and I *stilll* think the comic is getting better as time goes by. Jeph's still telling good stories. They just involve different characters than the comic started with.


No one's stopped caring, the story is just focused elsewhere at the moment. After all, it's not called Martenable Content. :3


I think we need an "I jacked a dude off with a watermelon last night" shirt with a holey watermelon on the back :3


seems odd. I see this kind of thought expressed a surprising amount here. Jeph has repeatedly gone on deep dives into various characters other than Marten. nothing wrong with that - he's developed a strong cast with a lot of stories to tell. pretty cool. not sure why people always seem to express surprise or dismay. I'm sure we'll catch up with Marty & Faye & Bubs & the rest (a la Gilligan's Island) soon enough.

Ísabel Pirsic

AIs are quite good at evaluating / reflecting relationships , more than squishies, it sure seems

Shawn K. Younkin

Hah...I really don't think we have seen the last of the adventures of May and Clown-Boy.


All that is happening with Roko and May currently is literally the day after the last time we saw Marten and Claire talking about where they were going with their future together. It might seem like it has been a long time since we saw much of them but the passage of time gets weirs when we see a few minutes at a time presented to us a day or more apart


I've always sorta related to May, and Roko's statement in panel 4 here explains why.

Bryce Maryott

WAIT! Should Melon know about May's behavior? https://www.patreon.com/posts/april-bonus-18624972


I haven't been feeling the focus on the AI characters lately even though May is my favorite...glad to find out I was wrong.

Michael Boettger

If there are options available, she could stick to the same hair/ skin combo she has now


cute draws

Michael Boettger

While the BEEP BOOP yee shirt would be great, May's line in panel 4 would be good too.

Kerin Schiesser

May has BEEN hugged now and then... but is this the first recorded instance of May INITIATING a hug (other than a possible sexual-attraction-induced clench while 'doing it')?