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is anybody really surprised



Romaine Spence

Hey, I joined and paid, why are the posts still locked?


Just the same as all of us

drone r0m-3

#1 Grandpa indeed.


I'm a little surprised it won...


...I Don't know what I expected. Well played, good sir!


Why was this an option if this is the answer?


A simple boy with simple needs. I'm so glad you filled the comic with ambitious queer folk who we can follow along side this kind boring boy <3


Best. Comic. Ever. JK. I kinda figured as much

Patrick Liston

We all knew, that's why we picked it.

Kyle Major

Just normal day stuff, did you expect top hats and mustaches


We did, in fact, ask.

Danya Michael

Steve eats cereal, Martin drinks...I'm assuming coffee.

Alcaria Swain

I didn't vote for this, but I respect the vote


Actually he's drinking English Breakfast tea. It's his dirty secret that he hides from his friends.


Damnit jeph


Is that mug available in the QC Store?


So, that's pretty much me at the office - once again, art imitates life!

Hugh Eckert

I wish I had more time to do just that. A lot more...


I figured as much, which is why I voted for Melon...


You know... I was about 80% sure that that option said Pintsize instead of Marten when I voted for it...

Geo (Overand)

Not pictured? What he’s looking at: a selfie Pintsize sent from The Dildo Factory™ with his new manager Melon! Yes, of *course* melon’s previous “covered with creepy crawlies” position is just below “management” at The Dildo Factory™. Why did you even have to ask?


Dang. I would've thought he'd pull out his axe and practice his basics, if not concieving new licks.


Yeah, me too. He is never going to be properly shiftless and no-account if he doesn't pick more guitar.


No cereals. I'm genuinely surprised.

Al Hunt

Is he in a special room for out-of-arch characters?


It is difficult to describe how perfect this is.


I assume it's a garage-sale mug.


I feel like I've been trolled!

Grace Kieser

*I* asked for Pintsize, because this is exactly what I expected to see Marten doing!


LOL, I love it!


Give me the day off and that's where I'll be too!

Ruth Merriam

Can anyone blame him (Marten) for taking advantage of a momentary lull in the congenial chaos that is his usual day-to-day? Thanks, Jeph. This makes me profoundly happy. It's a visual koan.


Hey this is great. Now I feel like we get to see all the interesting & fun bits of Marten's life. We're NOT missing out!


#1 Grampa, lol


Yeah, this is what I expected. That’s why I wanted Melon.


Fool me once, etc etc

Some Ed

Personally, I expected a little more on this option. Specifically, I expected it to be several rows of these frames copied and pasted in different orders. But, yeah, I thought that either of the other two options would be more interesting, and I had the least idea of what to expect with Melon, so voted for that. Plus, she could use a bit of a pick me up. She's clearly trying hard, unlike Pintsize who seems to be hardly trying. Admittedly, many of us are *glad* that Pintsize is hardly trying, given his aspirations.


I half expected a few characters from other strips to make an appearance, heh.

Sarah Buisson

So it's this strip who have won the poll. I'm this close do build a fucking dictature.


Who gave him the mug? Or did he steal it from the office where he had his shitty job?


That is a great way to look at this. Thank you for your refreshing perspective.


This is why I voted for Pintsize at the dildo factory. A much more interesting premise. XP


I’m not sure if anyone is terribly surprised. I feel like people voted just because they like dumb stuff like this, and who can blame them? It made me laugh


The reason there are only 3 frames is not because that's all Marten is doing. No, the other frames were filled with velociraptors being eaten by Yelling Bird. Or vice-versa, I'm not sure.

Dean Reilly

It's been established that top hats and moustaches are evening stuff.

Dave Cochran

No, I'm not surprised. It's like Brexit all over again.