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...now kiss.

Tara Cook

Poly-triad for the win!


Hear me out: Brun/Clinton/Elliot polyamorous relationship...


i wanna see the tell me more face from clare


Elliot has no idea. This statement applies to SOOO many situations...


Bi problems


Is he purposely flexing? I'm very confused by this trio.


I was really hoping for a hint of Claireface in the last panel outside the window

Am Queue

I had to stare at this and re-read it like 5 times before I got the title.

Brad Knowles

I would have had to re-read it at least one or two more times, if I hadn't had the benefit of your post. Thanks for the clue!


I just want to know, DID CLINTON GET TO PEE YET?


I kinda want both boys to just become really close friends with Brun and just sort of "end up" in a romantic relationship with each other...


That seems like something Claire would do


If we extrapolate from earlier instances of the universe either giving or rejecting him the chance to preserve some dignity the answer is... No


I think Claire could make a very good guess why it's 'complicated' <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3563" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3563</a>


This is cool and all, but .. Can we get back to the Faye / Bubbles snuggles soon? Please?


That's up to Jeph, and from what I've seen, we're probably at least a year off from THAT happening. Jeph does love tormenting us shippers, but I can forgive him. Everybody needs a hobby. :)

Ben Russell-Gough

Aaannnd the cluehammer strikes Clinton at last! I wouldn't worry about Claire interfering at this point. I'm more worried about Clinton's well-meaning interference, such as by passing this intelligence on to Brun and stepping aside because, y'know, wingman and everything. How Brun will respond to the resulting mixed messages is anyone's guess!

Ben Russell-Gough

Nah, he's just got lots of big muscles and every movement tends to look like a clip from a 'body beautiful' video.

Ben Russell-Gough

We need to get to the end of tonight first! Faye is still asleep after telling herself that she can't possibly have feelings for Bubbles and that Bubbles can't possibly have feelings for her.

Dylan T

Hmm. I love elliot. He reminds me a lot of myself. In that same vain of thought watching him operate is intensely frustrating because he's incredibly awkward. Its odd looking at it from the outside


It feels SO good that these two can and do talk about the situation in earnest. That is not what I would expect from most people IRL.

Ben Russell-Gough

Jeph wants to create an idealised world where adults act like how adults are supposed to and talk things out rather than wrap themselves in their emotions, get mad and never talk to their friends again because they're hurting and don't want to discuss it.

Thomas Boys

Clinton's right, you know. Members of the species Augustus Floofusmaximus can smell potential ships over distances of up to 10 miles away.


I was just checking back through the last few comics and it seems like Clinton never got to pee? I worry about these things.


Did anyone else practically smell the sweaty daffodils off of Elliot when he stretched??!!


I think we got more than enough of that for a while from Marten and Dora's relationship, to be fair.


TMW the guy you're crushing on asks if you're into the girl you're headpat-crushing on.



A sheep

Where's that picture of the hamster trying to eat an entire banana when you need it.


Would Elliot be into Clinton??

Danya Michael (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-11 03:49:35 HE ALREADY IS &lt;3&lt;3&lt;3 <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3536" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3536</a>
2018-03-27 23:17:09 HE ALREADY IS <3<3<3 <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3536" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3536</a>

HE ALREADY IS <3<3<3 <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3536" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3536</a>


I knew I wasn't crazy! But I couldn't remember at which one he had said that!

Freya Thurell

Basically Elliot is into everybody. :) He is into Brun (fastidious), Hannelore (the friend faerie twins), and Elliot (I think he saw Elliot as cool and hot and such)


Pretty sure you meant Clinton there.