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gimme de bagel



Nicholas Lopez

I'll take one ultimate scone please.

William Cole

That’s some serious old-school QC banter there, like triple entendres or logarithmic nerd scales.


Am I the only one who searched for Bethany Tweed-Flotsam in the hope it was a real person?


Do you pay extra if Brun sweats in your drink?


The perfect bagel recipe was by Berthold Herringbone-Jetsam. But that just happened, so Jeph may not know about it yet.


Berthold and Bethany lived by the same riverbank. Had they lived at the same time, they could have invented the cronut sixty years too early, but sadly they're just floating by each other in history.


If those scones are so ultimate, would they stack up against some discworld battle bread?

Caroline Thornton

The mention of Bertrand Russell gave me grad-level philosophy flashbacks.


I feel like if we get anything close to a real relationship with Clinton it will take at least as long as Marten took if not longer.

JPMK! {verb}

In Morselnomics, food consume you!


2 problems come to mind... First, they would be far too soft. A good loaf of battle bread blunts the saw blade when trying to take a sample. And the second problem is that they're too edible. (After all, dwarfs are forbidden to give battle bread to prisoners by the Uberwald Convention.)


If Roko were there now listening to this she'd be drooling. Or rather, venting coolant. <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3669" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3669</a>


Yeah, she’d be all like: “bake me like one of your French pastries”


Hell I'd settle for a merely superior scone.

Brent Catherman

I think Elliot would be a better match for Roko. He knows how to bake and he's tall.


Funny footnote/comp theory joke. If only NP wasn't actually ruining my life right now :P... And now I'm just imagining all baked goods as just really tasty computation problems...


Awwww. Those two have a great interaction.


Croissants are only NP-hard if you leave em in your knapsack for too long.


With scones the debate is no longer centred around the scone itself, but around the positioning of the clotted cream in relation to the jam. Source: me, lived in Devon for 3 years.

Ben Russell-Gough

Just fully absorbing panel 5 and I still can't tell if Elliott is sassing Clinton or if he is serious. The crafts such as baking have so many secrets and so much hidden lore that it is difficult to tell if you're being given an insight or they're just trolling you.


I guess they're NP-complete when they finish baking?


True. They are not particularly complete without a bit of black current jam...


Hmm. Does this mean that a proustian moment is a halting state?


You put them one way around on one half of the scone and the other way around on the other half.

Ben Russell-Gough

SHHH! The guildmasters' agents are always on the lookout for people who leak craft secrets!

Patrick Jackson

Tweed-Flotsam :-D I do love the American posh British surname generator :-D


How many different Ships are now setting sail? Brun - Elliot, Brun - Clinton, Brun - Clinton - Elliot Clinton - Elliot, Clinton - Roko, Elliot - Roko, Droid 06 - Pintsize?

Gary Walker

Droid 06 and all the things.


Clinton - Elliot is my favorite, but I wouldn't mind some Brun sprinkled in as well.


I decree the official ship portmanteaux: Bruniot Brunton Bruliniot Cliniot Clinko Elko Sixpints


The reason one can bake the perfect scone is the same reason one can make the perfect cup of tea. It's all in the math.

Gary Walker

True. Scones are quickbreads and therefore a matter of chemistry whereas yeast breads are more a matter of animal husbandry.


Tweed-Flotsam. Lots of funny names in this universe.


Ben Russell-Gough's ship needs a name as well, I suppose. Rokbot.


Just thinking of what to call a Pintsize - Droid 06 ship. Armageddon? EndOfTheWorld? EverybodyButShelbyDies?


Ix-nay on the ipping-shay alk-tay! Else the Jeph Troll will continue to block all shipping.


Srsly? There is Only One Pintsize Ship: Pintsize + Gary. [mic drop]


With how horny everybody is it's a wonder nobody has done any robots yet