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early comic because the whole city just lost power wooo




Woooo! Also good luck with that whole power thing.

Amy Gilroy

Hope you get power back soon!



Grace Kieser

Is that Jeph sitting next to Clinton?


I'm waiting to see what happened with May and Momo...


I thought you moved away from Massachusetts!


Hopefully your power is back soon! Guess it wasn't just my office - we're over in Dartmouth :)


(I should note that I work remotely from the states - I only noticed when Bitbucket and all my coworkers on HipChat poofed :) )



Gary Walker

Best thing about living in the suburbs: underground power lines.


His prosthetic needs a touch up.

Ben Russell-Gough

Okay, this is my favourite Brun moment... Well, probably ever. Seriously, it has everything that I like about her as a character: Her work ethic, her complete willingness to do whatever it takes and her supreme organisational skill that lets her spread a sentence out over several minutes!


Also, shouldn't he have a power outlet tat on the same arm? Or did he have that removed?

Will Weaver

It’s Brun, the character who is basically a female me! Also, hi Jeph, where’s Shelby?


But why does she have the harpoon? Maybe a page on Bruns night?

Ben Russell-Gough

Reason for harpoon: "Good evening sir. You have now had a half-dozen expensive cocktails without settling your tab. The shift manager sent me and my harpoon over to encourage you to make some payment before ordering your next round."


I think I've said this before, but as an amputee, I always appreciate seeing Clinton. The fact that his disability exists and is just quietly dealt with by technology is encouraging and refreshing. Too often, the person becomes a hero for just living their life. We're people, just like everyone else...just a little more complicated (and robotic).


Wow. Congratulations for fitting a long, complex story into a few words! I am Intrgued :) Good luck with the power. I hope you're warm enough


Wait, isn't removing the riffraff Elliot's job?


did... did she harpoon Officer Fakestache?


Poor Elliot, wanting to talk to Clinton who he may or may not have a crush on just to be brushed aside by Clinton looking for Brun who he may or may not have a crush on to be brushed aside by her steadfast bartending including the harpoon that she may or may not have a crush on


I'm glad Brun was hired there; the last I knew she was still out of work.


oh dang i thought that was elliot sitting next to clinton, but since he wasn't they should make O U T

Brad Knowles

Hmm. Both hands flesh-colored again. Does that covering have chameleon-like color changing qualities?


He did move, to somewhere in Canada. Perhaps close to MA?


Maybe Clinton has a leather glove the same tone as his flesh? I'd believe that.... Probably...


Clinton regrew his hand! It's a nor'easter miracle!


I think it's a glove. Made from human skin. ("It rubs the lotion on its skin...")


I think it's a glove. Made from human skin. ("It rubs the lotion on its skin...")

Fart Captor

There must be time travelers mucking around in his past. His hand keeps switching back and forth between real and prosthetic

Brent Catherman

It would seem the Drunken Revelation abandoned it's old time dress code or maybe this is their casual night. And Brun is stronger than she looks if she can support an intoxicated AI. O'Malley is no Bubble's, but he probably has a more heavy duty chassis than the average AI.


What's impressive is Brun has 8 conversations going on, 1 word at a time.


Sure, but 7 of them are about clocks so it's not THAT big a deal for her.

Ben Russell-Gough

From what we know about synthetics, it wouldn't likely be more than an annoyance for him if she did. However, no, I suspect that several minutes passed between those two panels.

Ben Russell-Gough

I'm still trying to interpret Elliott in panel 1. Is he disappointed that Clinton is here to see Brun too? Or does he already know how difficult trying to interact with her this evening is likely to be?

Brad Knowles

But Brun isn't a Jack. She would be a "Jane of all Trades".

Brad Knowles

So, the guy sitting next to Clin-ton in panels 2, 3, and 4 is sitting on something. What is he sitting on? Is that a Duffel Bag? Does the duffel bag suddenly disappear in panel 5?

Ben Russell-Gough

It's an ordinary bar stool with a hoodie thrown across it as a sort of makeshift cushion. Jeph has put on his hoodie in panel 5 but you can't see the stool as Brun is in the way in that panel and panel 6.

David Paul

Good luck with the power outage issue! I hope you guys are back up soon!


Maybe Jack is the other dude at the bar - he’s adept at sitting, using his phone, paying for drinks and putting on his hoodie. If that’s not a jack of all trades, what is?


What's with the $19 pitchers?

John Madigan

I'm more interested in what is in the "Nachos"...

Will Weaver

I don’t think you want to know, although if you’re willing to spend 19 bucks on a pitcher of beer then maybe you wouldn’t care.


Maybe Faye did him a proper covering and he unwrapped it from coming in the front door to sitting down?

David Howe

The return of The Harpoon....

Jonathan Wallace

I figured the dress code was only for certain nights, like only on Tuesday and Sundays. Or maybe this is casual Friday?