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Is May blushing? How cute! She does have feelings!

Al Hunt

Did Crab Girlfriend ever jump the shark?


98% of her browsing is googling fuckin’, so she’s bound to discover something useful eventually.


Who designed all the anthro-shaped AIs with blushing? We've seen Bubbles, Momo, May, and I think Winslow?

Paul Rendell

...meh. I'd watch it.


fuck yeah...Fuck Yeah


It's conceivable it's an artistic flourish to indicate feeling, like the various manga indicators, for example. Or maybe someone designed all the etc, I'm happy either way. :-)

Summer Sudbrink

Does Crab Girlfriend get humans?

Brad Knowles

So, Google is actually a thing in the QC-verse? I would have expected that brand to get replaced by something more QC-like. Huh.

Will Weaver

Holy crap, is May blushing?

Gary Walker

Crab Girlfriend Schmab Girlfriend. Let's watch Motorbike Baseball High School instead!


May didn't have to pretend she wasn't happy (i.e. pretend she didn't care), so she didn't need to supress the autonomic blush response. I suppose A.I.s can do that in the same way humans hold their breath.

Brent Catherman

It helps that she's got her back turned to Dale just in case he returns unexpectedly.


Why hasn't anybody said, "I want to play motorbike baseball!" It's no fun with only ME!

Chris Heg

May and Melon need to meet someday.


The crab girlfriend poster is happy for you, May

Ben Russell-Gough

I think we all knew that a lot of May's attitude was a performance - a defensive wall she put in place during her jail time in an attempt to stop herself from breaking from the fear.

Ben Russell-Gough

Yep! Turns out she likes people calling her 'friend' even if she hates them knowing she likes it!


I wonder if she'd still prefer to be a fighter jet.

David Paul

Google has propagated throughout the multiverse. Google it.

Ben Russell-Gough

Only if she could use the neural flight control interface to have virtual mindscape smoochies with her pilot!


I'm in! (Except for the cross-over episodes, those were awful...)

Chris Gallaty

My guess is that she is secretly hooking up with some bot from the support group and its mellowed her out a bit.... either that or the collection of glade plug-ins and air fresheners that she stole from the kwik-e mart to huff have been having a positive effect...


I really hope Crab Girlfriend avoids the cancer cliché

Ben Russell-Gough

She wants friendship but is afraid to admit it. I guess that makes her a kind of Tsundre?


I wish we all had robot AIs that counsel us and help us be better people. Is there a beta program for that or something?


I want more information on this Motorbike Baseball Highschool series!


So is she not really a sociopath?


I wanna watch all 6 seasons of Crab Girlfriend.

Maurice Kessler

Crab Girlfriend is very tenacious in a relationship.

Unanimous D

... oh, she's happy that he called her a good friend. All those quadruple negatives threw me off.

Am Queue

yeah, I'm real confused by that last panel.