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Mmm early comic

Will Weaver

Marigold, noooooo...wait, crap.

Nicholas Lopez

Marigold and Dale's first fight is about to happen.


Probably not a fight. But brooding fear and resentment.


Well it would be their first fight as a couple. Before they started dating, all they did was fight.

Grace Kieser

Marigold, honey, you need to talk this stuff out!




His glasses should be flashing red with a warning at this point!


Personally, I'm not really a fan of this storyline, but I admit that it's pretty realistic. I mean, Dale works exclusively with pretty women, and Marigold has been known to have self esteem issues. She was bound to eventually get irrationally paranoid about him cheating on her with someone there.


Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, don't internalize the doubts Marigold. It never ends well.


In my experience, you don't answer that last question with facts. You answer it with a non-enthusiastic answer, like "eh, I guess so. haven't really looked at her like that... just as a friend."

Samantha Yeaman

Dale has no idea how to handle insecure women. He should have spent more time playing dating sims as well as WoW. Then he'd be ready for this moment.


Dale: Wait a minute, I know where you're going with this. Look, I like Emily a lot, but I'm not willing to share you with her, and I'm not comfortable with the idea of you hooking up with her.


Ah, nerd relationships #nostalgia

Fart Captor

SOME good totally CAN come of this if it leads to more strips with Emily in them. But other than that, this is bad. If she were blowing up about it, then at least Dale would know what was wrong :(


Cue Marigold being quiet and anxious, Dale being confused, and May and Momo having to team up to cut through the tension via a medium of a road trip with a truck full of performing seals.


Sigh. Hanners is stable and off exploring. Pintsize is beyond redemption. Marigold is the most obvious arc for character development. But, damn. It looks to be a long while before I'll have anything to ship.


It hasn’t been THAT long since we’ve had a Faybles strip has it? :)


Damnit Marigold stop it

Akashimo Hakubi

If anything, we'd get a twist and Momo finds Sven again.


Really enjoying this arc and seeing where we go from here. :)


This is Marigold's first relationship, yeah? So she doesn't have what you'd call a lot of emotional experience.

Grace Kieser

Unless Marigold turns into a match-3 puzzle, I don't think those would have helped, either

Paul Grodt

Conflict, yaaaay!


Marigold's question in panel 3 was a big flag that Dale missed. He probably has not done any dating sims.

Joshua Thomas

Oh Dale, you haven't learned anything, have you....




Noooo, Marigold, focus on the presents!!!

Ben Russell-Gough

Aaand Dale wins this week's 'Oblivious' prize. Please report to Union Robotics to collect it from the previous holder!

Ben Russell-Gough

He's learned that pulling your crush's pigtails by trying to humiliate her in WoW is not a good seduction technique. Beyond that...?

David Paul

Which should also transmit a signal to Momo. Her <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1573" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">social protocol database</a> would be raising all sorts of red flags, as well...


This is 'off-topic' for this particular comic but can apply to lots of the characters in the comic: Young folks and even older folks can share the rent of a multi bedroom dwelling: <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.07325" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.07325</a>

Holly Nelson

Helps to add a headline so this isn't mistaken for spam. Here you go: “Achieving rental harmony with a secretive roommate”. Florian Frick, Kelsey Houston-Edwards, Frédéric Meunier. (Submitted on 23 Feb 2017 (v1), last revised 10 May 2017 (this version, v2)). Cornell University Library.


Im just upset the bubbles arc is paused for this...


Dale is failing his spot-check. <a href="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FailedASpotCheck" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FailedASpotCheck</a>


Please tell me you didn't add an APA citation for a random link.


Jeph's favourite character, folks. *sigh*

Bryce Maryott

It's still your butt he wants to touch, you doof!


Run, Dale. Being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t communicate is a horrible place to be.

Fart Captor

This is her first relationship. She's not doing it because she's unwilling to communicate, she just doesn't realize she's making this harder on herself


Dale doesn't understand what it's like to be that insecure. He will realize what's up and be empathetic; Emily's love for Marigold will help. Or they could just have a threesome :D


I wouldn't say 'Oblivious'. He could just be a friendly guy who's definitely into his girlfriend and wouldn't knowingly cheat on Marigold, ever. Dale could've noticed and is either waiting for Marigold to come out with it or to get over it. Of course, this probably the first serious relationship either have had, so mistakes will be made.


I really hate this new art style. The characters look exactly the same as each other face-wise. There is no creativity behind the facial expressions anymore.

Fart Captor

Is this poorly-executed sarcasm or just really half-assed trolling? All can tell for certain is that you aren't very good at it


I disagree strongly with Charlotte, above