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Love Oglaf!!! It’s my second favorite webcomic.


Marigold still makes the best faces

Grant Swire

Lol, I feel like Marigold has seen nothing but the cheesiest of porn.

Chris Gallaty

And new meaning is given to the term 'coffee grinding'...

Grace Kieser

Dammit, Marigold! Stop being so jealous! No one is trying to steal Dale from you!


what drugs Marigold Taking to make her think Emily would wear lipstick or talk like that?


the specials board is a great touch.

Fart Captor

Oops, now I'm shipping Emily with Dale AND Marigold


But don't let go-o-o!

Mike de Jong

RIP in Peace Dream Emily's animespine in panel 3. (Also, Today's Special: fuckin')


Oh my god you made and Oglaf reference!


Oh god I love the art in those two panels.


Oglaf FTW!

Gary Walker

Watch out for cockbats.


I love the stereotypical awful comic book boobs'n'butt "oops, I've broken my spine and pureed all my internal organs" pose here. It is perfect for the paranoid fantasy.


Ah the pink mist of jealousy....


Wow, Emily sure obtained a lot of, ehem, "plot" and "backstory" in Marigold's little delusion.


and now I have 38 Special stuck in my head


Well yeah, when they’re made by a really annoying barista, sure :)


Marigold needs some inverse-anime glasses to remind her real life is (usually) different.


I love the Oglaf reference


oh marigold no


This is not the funtimes ship I was hoping for last week :(


...I don't want dick latte ;-(

Celine Chamberlin

I think Dale is her first real boyfriend, right? And she's pretty awkward socially, anyway, so it's not unreasonable that she's having these thoughts. She'll get there.

LaPrimaNerda (Sarah Davis)

Can we take a moment to appreciate that both Dale and Emily have not only noticed something is now off with Marigold, but are verbally checking on her? The drama is probably coming anyway, but the fact that they’re both so attentive may help smooth things out faster...you know, if Marigold actually admits to her insecurities and is willing is talk it out instead of just imploding.

Denise Webber

This is what happens when you watch too much anime.

Ben Russell-Gough

Yeah, I thought Marigold was jealous but... WOW! Is that what the world is like inside her head? Basically, it looks like a poorly-written fanfic which, when I think about it, is EXACTLY how I think Marigold's imagination works!

Ben Russell-Gough

This whole thing makes so much sense when you consider it's Marigold. She's never held herself up as anything special and so it is obvious to her that Dale would prefer someone else. Notice how she turns Emily from 'tall and gangly' to 'curvy vixen' in her head to back up her paranoid fantasy!


Yes, I'll have today's special please

David Paul

Marigold was doing so well, too. After the <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1630" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">incident</a> <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1631" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">with</a> <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1632" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Angus</a> (prior to him hooking up with Faye), she did not recover well from that. She's always had boy issues, and the crushing depression that accompanies unrequited love (as well as the other crushing depression of Not Being Good Enough). That sort of shit feeling, whatever it may stem from, never goes away. Marbear, please, you can trust Dale. He's a good person. And he will be there for you.

Peter Jensen

Hmm, I wonder if this is what Jeph talked about <a href="https://twitter.com/jephjacques/status/960920603925630976" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">here</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/jephjacques/status/960955304572747777" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">here</a>, and <a href="https://twitter.com/jephjacques/status/963121009170796546" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">here</a>.

Ben Russell-Gough

He's put up lineart of an annoyed May. So, yes, I do think that we're going to have characters lining up to try to slap Marigold down with the clue-hammer whilst she persists in claiming that, because she has self-image problems, everyone else must think she's ugly too.

Todd Whitesel

Liked on the strength of the Oglaf reference :3

Vince Averello

It's not just Oglaf-colored, the style is similar and very 'sexy' :


LOVE the Oglaf reference! :)


Anybody else think that Marigold may be picking up Hamner's shifts?

Holly Nelson

Marigold doesn’t have access to our-world Oglaf, or she would know the cumsprite would reveal any wandering Dale might try.


Do we know if Marigold is attracted to women any? She may be imagining Emily that way because she's attracted to her.

Will Weaver

I doubt it. She’s probably just read way too much lemon fanfiction and/or watched way too much cheesy porn.

Will Weaver

Between Marigold and Elliot there’s some crazy vivid imaginations around here...

A sheep


Raina Lowry

I keep forgetting that Dale has eyes...




Oh man, the jealous feels. Aw, marigold.


But girl! They CAN be just friends. Men and women can be just pals! End this hetero nonsense that implies boy + girl AUTOMATTICALLY means fuggin


Jeph, I want to complement you. You've shown time and again that you have one of the best webcomics around, and what I appreciate is that it depicts reality so very, very well. This arc seems to be going the same way that my first romantic relationship went. (Except that -I- was in Marigold's shoes. And no, I am NOT proud of my behavior then, other than that I survived, learned, and grew.)


"Hold On Loose Leaf"


It was only on my third viewing that I noticed the SPECIAL in OGLAFverse.

Scott Kenney

The thing I love most about the two Oglaf-vision panels is that Emily and Dale don't actually look that different, it's all about the body language. Oh, and the terrible dialogue of course.


Well, Dale doesn't look that different at least. Emily is a few rounds of entirely unnecessary plastic surgery away from looking like Marigold's mental image of her.


Sprayed my latte out my nose. Very unsexy, but thanks. :)


I've just noticed Emily's shirt says "Stoats". I imagine that it's likely for a fictional band in the QC universe, but Emily bought it to just show general stoat appreciation.

Emma Humphries

Marigold's imaginary Emily's pose in that third panel is painful to look at. I'm going to have to call a chiropractor.

A sheep

I feel like Oglaf-vision is how Pintsize sees the everything.