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MY FAVORITE?!?!?!???!?!??!




Please don't send her away with Hanners :(.

Adam Friedlander

If Emily said she'd bought me presents, I would assume that a visit by the SCP Foundation would be forthcoming.


Jeph, I don't think my heart can handle both the Faye/Bubbles will they won't they storyline AND Marigold being mad/suspicious at Dale and Emily....

Joseph H.

No point being jealous of Emily marigold... she won't be able to conceptualize what you are talking about. Much too human of a thing.


Yes Mari, it makes so much sense to be jealous when you're boinking him ten hours a day...

Fart Captor

Marigold's face while she's getting hugged is PRICELESS


Emily confirmed as author insert. :B


Is it just me or does Marigold look ahead may be Pregnant in the second to last panel?


No I think the hug (and a bit of knowledge of Emily) alleviated any thoughts of jealousy.

Samantha Yeaman

I missed Marigold so much. She is my precious little ball of gaming love and insecurity and I want her life to be filled with good things and level ups.


I had the same thought, time will tell but Jeph has said no babies (though he did have Marigold have a fever dream about birthing Hanners)

Fart Captor

I'm assuming the background was enveloped with light because Emily hugs are the best


Warning. Warning. This is a plot complication. Warning. Warning. This is a plot complication. Emotional turmoil incoming in 10 9 8 7 6 Mr. Spock? What's happening? 3 2 1 Wipeout...


Ok. I *will* make a shipping comment.


Look it's fine Marigold, you can just all date each other. Problem solved.


Marigold is my favorite too! There was a Marigold comic running when I first got into the comic. The one with the fancy dress that she was self-conscious in. She's a lot of why I started reading QC.

Kyle Major

She went from having a problem to woot presents XD


My first strip was 2747, when Dave “Dumbing Of Age” Willis did a fill in strip. It featured May, Marigold and Pintsize. It interested me enough to keep reading, I fell in love with the strip, started from the beginning and never looked back.


Marigold has become even cuter. WHAT DARK SORCERY IS THIS!?


I started somewhere around when Faye and Angus got together mid 1000's I think been so long I lost track.


panel 5: the mental state of all of your readers, me included

Travis Wedding

hnnnnnnnng another comic with no resolution to Faye's thoughts from last week.

Rob McBobson

Yay! Marigold; my favorite too!

Brent Catherman

If Jeph is asking if we remember Marigold I think he's been checking the message boards lately.


Nice detail with the tongue in the fifth panel! :D


Your gift is a brand new imaginary anime!


Yes she returns!

Ben Russell-Gough

Emily has a brilliant method for distracting Marigold from her own insecurities and her sense of being 'unworthy'. It isn't quite 'Ooh! Shiny!' but it's certainly that she'd prefer to think about presents than the possibility that 'friendship' may equal 'attraction' between Dale and... well, any woman other than her!

Ben Russell-Gough

I've got to say that I don't think that the character art has changed in any noticible way.

Ben Russell-Gough

You don't need to be a shipper to know that it's in-character for Marigold to easily get jealous of Dale having a close relationship with any woman except herself.


I MISSED HER! Omg I'd react the same way, though


It's hard to stay jellos at Emely

Ben Russell-Gough

Especially when Emily seems literally incapable of anything resembling malice. If she wanted to have a relationship with Dale, she'd likely ask Marigold's permission (and maybe even invite her to participate)!


How tall is Emily? In my head, she was always taller than everybody else, except Elliot.

Celine Chamberlin

What is the Marigold/Dale ship name? Because if it's not Darigold (a dairy-oriented company that may just exist here in the Northwest) I may have to be disappointed.

Will Weaver

Clearly Emily’s tackle hugs are the most powerful tackle hugs.

Scott Kenney

But Emily goes in high, knowing full well Marigold's low centre of gravity will cope.


At this point Jeph is just cackling madly, while throws darts at a calendar to see when Faye and Bubbles will finally ship....


I love how Marigold changes gears in mid-sentence. "You saw me yesterday" becomes "What kind of presents? I like presents."