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Jaz drives, wow, there’s a media format I haven’t heard in ages.

Nicki Faulk

Holy shit I haven't thought about those things in FOREVER!

William Cole

Jeph, if you need a new side-project, both of those sound like winners!

John Fiala

"Witch Planet Soccer" should be the next patreon strip!


<a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2238" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2238</a> O: WE HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN


Emily... I feel ya. I really do. I've dreamed up many a piece of fiction and then been baffled at reality being different to what I remembered.

Gary Walker

Well, obviously _now_ she knows it's called anime. She works with Dale.

Gary Walker

I would totally watch Witch Planet Soccer or Pretty Pretty Unicorn Detective.

Nobilis Reed (personal)

That's it. Someone has to write Pretty Pretty Unicorn Detective. I wonder if PPUD knows Unicountant? <a href="https://www.fishtankbooks.com/copy-of-gallery" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.fishtankbooks.com/copy-of-gallery</a>


So um, do Dale’s glasses vanish at will, or does it only happen when he appears in panel 2.


Never had on of those, but I think I still have one of Iomega's Zip drives in my obsolete tech bin. Only 16 years out of date!

Al Hunt

They're all a fad! 8-Track Master Race!!


My Dad had Speed Racer on VHS as well.


He has something in his hand that could be his glasses. Or Jeph made a mistake. He usually corrects errors like that by the time they go on the main site


So...Emily lives in multiple realities simultaneously, and just occasionally collapses the wave functions. Explains a few things.

Fart Captor

Baby Emily is so cute ❤

Minzoku Bokumetsu

Ahhhh cyberdiscs are the worst format, they open up and blast everyone, and explode for splash damage

Mandy Hoskins

The first time I ever watched Monty Python was on laserdisc. Hell, I think my parents still have the discs and the player.


I don't even care about sports ball and I'd watch "Witch Planet Soccer".

Ben Russell-Gough

I actually empathise with Emily here. I once dreamed up an entire extra book for Anne McCaffery's 'Dragonriders of Pern' series and spent some time in the library that weekend trying to find it on the catalogue computer.

Ben Russell-Gough

Calling it now: PPUD is a reference to the 'Shadow Spade' books in the My Little Pony episode 'Rarity Investigates!'


I used to have a Jaz drive. Was cool for its time. 1gb of removable storage... But I was pretty much the only one I knew with one so the cartridge pretty much never left the drive.

Grant Swire

Oh she has that like haptic AI interface! She could like to hook her brain up to a TV and remember.

Will Weaver

Damn, I feel old.

Jeff Snider

I thought at first she was referring to Capacitance Electronic Discs. I had never heard of them until recently when I watched a video from a guy putting various media formats in an SEM. They very nearly fit her description, could pass for what she is holding (CEDs are much darker though) and were pretty obscure.

A sheep

I swear, if at least one couple doesn't get together I'm gonna be peeved


Well... on the plus side, you seem to be in the position to write some KICKASS fanfics


To this day, I own the Star Wars original trilogy, pre-any-special-anything, on laserdisc, boxed set. I haven't had a laserdisc player in years and years, but how can I let go of these? Answer: I can't, apparently. Sadly they have failed to become big ticket collector's items.

Marc Kevin Hall

The first time my house was burglarized the thieves stole my VHS deck, turntable, CD changer, dual cassette deck, and DVD player. They left the Laserdisc player in the middle of the living room floor. I guess they knew....


does time flow in the opposite direction for Dale?

Gemma Hentsch

I secretly suspect that somewhere in a deep dark NSA lab someone has just screamed "HOW DID SHE KNOW ABOUT cyberdisks!"


We need both shows. I wonder if Dana Simpson (Phoebe and her Unicorn Webcomic) was involved in Pretty Pretty Unicorn Detective somehow...

Holly Nelson

I bought a Sony minidisc system way back in journalism school, for its broadcast-quality performance, only to find Sony had made it nearly impossible to download or utilize the resulting files. This finally made me a NeverSony person. Grrr.


He is very talented. Looking forward to learning something new. <a href="http://patreon.com/ecopopartist">http://patreon.com/ecopopartist</a>


I'm not even going to bother to write a shipping comment.


Emily having dream-access to an alternate universe would explain more than one thing.


"another"? Now I want to know how many times this has happened before.


Dreams of nonexistant media format is just the kind of fanfiction I would be qualified to write.


This past week I have had two conversations about U-Matic which was better than S-VHS but worse than Beta. Many news companies used it


Googling "Witch Planet Soccer" helped me finding all the active QC discussion forums, yay :D