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butts lol




I imagine so, but I don't think Bubbles ever had this sort of affection for any of her comrade's booties.

Cody Renton

why do you do this to us


This is cruel.

Adam Friedlander

You're not just being mean to Bubbles, you're being mean to me. :O (also other readers I GUESS.)


Jeph, now you're just being mean to all the shippers. This might be teasing Bubs (who totally has a thing for Faye, who is oblivious), but it's sooo being cruel to all those people that want Faybbles to happen.

Ray Cornwall

I see London I see France


At this point I feel like I might not even want Faye and Bubbles to actually be in a relationship. There's no way they can get cuter, and the stress would possibly end up driving them apart.


Accidental is one thing. Négligée is a oh god i'm so sorry


Monty Python Crowd: GET ON WITH IT!!!

Holly Nelson

Another bout of Butt's Disease. Can’t you get immunized for that yet?


So mean to poor Bubbles! 😳

Shawn K. Younkin

Bubbles likes big butts and she cannot lie!!


What do you call the small FWEE!!! in panel 3.... fw? fwii?


Bubs wears the pants in this relationship. For Faye they are optional :)

Buck Caldwell

At this point I'm just waiting for Faye to realize what's going on, and admit to Bubs that she's just not into robot girls. I know the shippers would scream, but right now the whole thing is being needlessly cruel to Bubs, over what appears so far to be part one-way crush, part one-way sincere friendship.


Am I mistaken that Faye had a similar conversation with Marten?

Celine Chamberlin

Jeph, do you realize Bubbles is a large combat-ready robot who can kick your backside from one end of Canada to the other? Do you really want to torture her like this? I know, you're saying "she's not real" but she's real to me, Jeph. SHE'S REAL TO ME. *insert dramatic flailing here*


Jeph, you're killing me with this arc ...I mean, I love it, but hot damn waiting for it to resolve is agony


Plus the really dangerous ones might not care that they’re not real.


Definitely know what you mean and definitely agree.

Drakoo Dreamer

I know Jeph doesn't do NSFW but I wouldn't mind seeing some of Faye butt. She is defiantly my body type of choice.

Ray Cornwall

How much more does Bubbles weight than Faye? Asking for a friend.


Are those still the glasses Marten got Faye?


Bubs definitely has a small robot lady boner

Fart Captor

I can't even be mad :3




Bwahaha, class A Jeph. Keep bringing the rain.


You know, Robo-crushes seem like they could be a volatile thing in a combat AI...


Bubbles is not entertaining the notion of seeing Faye's butt and boobs. Not at all...

Brent Catherman

I'd have thought Bubbles would've seen plenty in the barracks. I know a lot of those memories are gone, but I'd think there'd be some from basic training.


In one of the cutest arcs this is like the cutest post IN it. That says a LOT. YOU LIKE EACH OTHER YOU FOOLS

Grace Kieser

There's something more exciting about seeing them when connected to a crush versus anywhere else

orange slice

You're tearing me apart, Lisa!


I haven't been this ansy for a plot to resolve since... MARTEN AND CLAIRE!

Morgan McCauley

odio et amo oh gods my poor shipper’s heart! I cannae take much more o’ this, Captain! XD


Im with Faye here, a single oversized t-shirt is perfectly decent pajama wear

Ben Russell-Gough

Faye, please, try to admit this to yourself: BUBBLES. FINDS. YOU. ATTRACTIVE. At least /pretend/ to show mercy to her! ;-)


I'm with you. Assuming the coloring is deliberate, she appears to be wearing panties, and that's about a bikini bottom. *shrug*

Ben Russell-Gough

Bubbles has already killed several punch-bags in one night early on in her friendship with Faye. So... yeah.

Ben Russell-Gough

That's actually her inner monologue right now: "Don'tthinkaboutit! Don'tthinkaboutit! Don'tthinkaboutit! Oh, Turing! I thought about it!"


That's it. I'm done. I'm selling my ship and buying a Winnebago. Which I will promptly convert into an Oscar Mayer Wienermobile.


this is like, a panel away from being a slipshine


it IS decent, but Bubbles comfort zone is something we KNOW is only slowly expanding and might be hard for her to get used to how open Faye is


One of the most wonderful things about this comic is the variety of body types Jeph draws. The author of my other favorite webcomic, Wapsi Square (which goes into a paranormal world in the same way QC goes into a post-singularity one), is always very body-positive and "all women are shaped differently" (the cast is almost all female), but the body types in most respects are very similar.

Will Weaver

We’re going to have a nice collection of Bubblesfaces when all is said and done here. Also, Bubbles is really going to needs more coolant by the time we’re done here...


Faye has become more relaxed about her assets (and breastets) since strip 100 <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=100" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=100</a> . Perhaps she’s more relaxed around combat droids than guys, or maybe she’s been through so much else that it doesn’t seem so important anymore. Also, marvel that the same person drew that strip and this one.


I know everyone wants them to be together quickly, but I kind of feel differently. Mainly because I kind of want to see something different coming out of it because we see lots of ships. I would actually prefer if they ended up speaking about their feelings and talked it out but decided, since they just opened a business together they shouldn't add an actual relationship into the mix as a single problem in the relationship can cause problems in the business, that they would not do anything now, but rather focus on making their business successful.


This is QC. Butts are inevitable.


Can we leave the 'Negligent' behind soon, and get to the 'Consensual' please?


I don't know about anyone else, but I'm dying for Faye to actually have a fully healthy romantic relationship for once. It's something she definitely wants, and given her improved ability to talk about how she feels as well as get other people to communicate with her, I think this is by far the best opportunity she's yet had for that. I'm not impatient for it, I'm enjoying the hell out of the current pace, this is adorable and hilarious, but I'm certainly in favor of it progressing into an actual relationship.


Some of us feel that the anticipation will make the reward that much greater.


I think the stress of not being together would be bad too! And I'm not giving up on them. The whole comic has been leading up to this. It's about love and robots, after all. Why not robot love?


Oh faye... so oblivious...


I feel like I've seen another robot get hot and bothered, and need to vent. Was it the Tin Man? Am I making this up! Help me, fellow nerds!


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9Iwph3aU2U" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9Iwph3aU2U</a>

Will Weaver

Roko Basilisk did over on Jeph’s blog after drinking lots of robot beer. She’s since ditched her toaster fetish after that date with Pintsize.


Jeph, have you spoken with a doctor regarding your butts disease yet? Doesn’t Canadaland have that wonderful socialized medicine?


A Canadian friend yelled at me once for referring to it as "Canukistan"


He lives outside of Raupo, next to Wal - nowhere near Massachusetts.

Brad Knowles

Hey, at least she's wearing underwear. Right? ;)


The best jokes are butt cracks.

Cole Blackblood

I just did the most awkward flail in response to this comic.

Maurice Kessler

Did Bubbles' time in the military include living in close quarters with AIs and humans of both genders?