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Will Weaver

I think my brain just exploded.


Oh Faye.

Lord Crusade

*slams head into wall* Why *thud* won't *thud* these two *thud* get a fucking CLUE?! *thud* Aaaaaagh! *collapses on floor*

Charlie Sutton

Bubbles' last line is a pretty good philosophy to be honest!


Hnnngh too cute. Damn it Jeph. The obvious isn't going to happen, is it? That would be too straightforward, too predictable. But it want it so bad. AGH.


The carrot continues to be dangled in front of us


Sixed mignals?


It would violate all trope laws if they recognized it.

Gary Walker

I look on this strip with questionable contempt. You teasing bastard, Jeph.


Yes, they seem questionably content as well.


Exactly what I thought was going on. <3 Bubbles doesn't want to ruin a good thing. I feel for her.


This slow burn has almost finished burning down my house.


My cat just ran past me on fire. My apartment is obviously catching as well at this point

Alcaria Swain



*goes up in flames*


Think of Marten and Claire. That went on for, what, *400* pages before they actually finally got together


oh man, Faye's hand on Bubbles' arm and then her arm around her waist made my ovaries explode a little

Nicholas Lopez

I love Bubbles in this strip. 10/10 would let her take quotes out of context again.

Summer Sudbrink

I wonder if Faye would get it if Bubbles would just look her in the eye.


Arrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhh. Yeah, that about covers it. Faye is oblivious.


She really has no idea hahahaha.....this is going to end tragically.


I do love this arc. And Jeph, I really enjoy the genuine torment you are putting the shippers, myself included, through. One thing is certain here... Expect Plot complications!


Is she never going to ask out that barman guy then? 🤡😈


This is so sit Com esk it's making my head spin






"Do you ever feel lonely... like romantically? (...) I'm your girl" Things are shaping up well

Rudolph Gerber

Bubbles may not be ready for a relationship yet; she has some growing to do on dealing with emotions - both hers and others - before she will be able to have a healthy relationship


Not everything and everyone have to be in a non-binary relationship. It's starting to feel a bit too forced and agenda driven.

Grant Swire

Hurry up and be tomorrow so i can share this, that last line alone will ring true too much with all the people i know


... that's very articulate and brings up a good point My lizard brain: KISS. ALREADY. WTF.

Michael Marineau

Nonsene, there are merely a lot of permutations in achieving the final goal of "everyone fucks"

Ben Russell-Gough

At some point, Faye has GOT to work out why Bubbles reacts so strongly to casual physical contact!

Ben Russell-Gough

Only after a prolonged and agonisingly drawn-out arc where Faye ropes Dora, Marten, Claire and Momo to help her identify who it is Bubbles fancies and to 'get them together'.

Ben Russell-Gough

Actually the 'force' is people insisting that not everything has to be non-binary. Jeph has said on Twitter that he'll do more focus on non-binary every time someone complains about it. Consider that.


Knowing Jeph, now is the time to go see what's happening in someone's else life. No smooshings in sight.

David Durant

Oh, the angst - which is, of course, why we're all here :-). Personally I'm not one of the shippers here. I think Faye loves Bubs as a close friend but I think she's straight and the idea of a relationship not only hasn't occurred to her but isn't something she'd be interested in. That said - Winslow and Momo have both shown that AIs can change bodies so there's an interesting potential plot direction there if Bubbles considered it. Plus it would be an interesting comparison to Claire's story arc.

David Paul

"If your love life requires close air support, something has gone very wrong" is surely a quote for the ages XD

Matt Holdcroft

There's a real head of steam building up. I predict an week of Steve eating cereal...


Everything a writer does is agenda-driven. Most often the agenda at play involves character development and/or plot development. It's presumptuous to the extreme to make statements about what that agenda is outside of those unless the writer has explicitly and specifically stated otherwise. And even if it is, that's his prerogative. Having something to say with one's writing is not only perfectly reasonable, it's a grand tradition going back as far as writing itself.


The changes in Bubbles' blush level in this strip give me life.


That's a really interesting direction that I hadn't even thought of. Wow. Exploration of gender and what it means to AIs. This is going to be bouncing around my head all day now.


I have nothing against non-binary relationships, as I work for a LGBTQIA+ nonprofit and I do support the freedom of choice to be with whomever you love (and being a bi-sexual person myself), but this relationship with Faye and Bubbles feels like it's pushing that every relationship has to end up being romantic somehow. They're perfectly fine and great for each other as friends and a support system, without it having to somehow end up being romantic. I respect your opinions and you all make great points, but I am merely expressing how I see this and my distaste for it.


And probably almost f***s everything up in the process.

Ben Russell-Gough

I predict a year of Faye trying to help Bubbles find love whilst continually angsting about her mixed feelings and jealousy.

Bryce Maryott

Actually, close air support when dealing with relationships is probably a good thing!


OK, I think I've waited long enough to post this so nobody will notice it: If things go horribly wrong, someone may need "Close Heir Support"! Yes, this is what happens when I go too long with nothing to ship.


No, that's for tomorrow's comic!