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Freya Thurell

Your stock just skyrocketed, Andje, for crossing Hannelore and Antimony. <3


<a href="https://i.imgur.com/hUNAo.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/hUNAo.jpg</a>


Like I am glad they are buds and enjoying it. But I am also so so so so made at them. LOOK AT PANEL FOUR IT SHOULD BE FRAMED HOW ARE YOU TWO NOT DATING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

Alex Mullenix

I swear, if we get to Friday and they still haven't kissed...

Dahlia Rose Israel

OH MY GOD. Faye you are SO gay for her! Recognize that already!



Buck Caldwell

Oh please. It'll take at least a month after either one of them come to terms with it that they'll actually get around to it.

Gary Walker

How I imagine Jeph's to-do list: Sun: Canada stuff Mon: Troll shippers Tue: " " Wed: " " Thu: " " Fri: Fart Joke Sat: Music stuff

Scott Vogel

Okay now your just fucking with us.

Andy Sleeper

&lt;emoji eyes="" for="" hearts="" with=""&gt;&lt;/emoji&gt;


just fucking do it already if we could post gifs i would post the "get on with it" gif from monty python


I guess this reinforces for me that they both somewhat realise they're already in a relationship, but it might take some time figuring it out. Till then Faye is probably going to be taking a few cold showers, and Bubs might FWEE a bit.

Kyle Major

Haha so already a cute couple


Actually, I'm against Faye and Bubs getting together. Romance is not the only way to have a close and rewarding relationship with another sentient life form... and sexy times is not the only way to escalate intimacy. I would personally prefer the variety of seeing how their relationship evolves (both as emotional support and business partners) WITHOUT throwing the standard and somewhat predictable "oh we're dating now" into the mix.

K. D. Bryan

Clearly, these two ain't seeing it unless one of them takes out a full page ad on the front page of a daily newspaper. <a href="http://danarchy.youfailit.net/Spiderman/spidey15.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://danarchy.youfailit.net/Spiderman/spidey15.jpg</a> Well, that or until Claire gets wind of things. :)


Totally dig this where this story is going, but, here comes the Faye on Bubbles rule 34 garbage.

Celine Chamberlin

JEPH. If you pull a Lucy and take the football away at the last second I'm going to write *really* bad #Faybles fanfic and spread it all over the internet... and sign your name to it. Totally gonna do it. Yup. Definitely. Totally.


Nope, sorry, nothing to ship here. Move along, move along.

Dahlia Rose Israel

Better not take as long as it took Roomie and Lillian to realize it over at GoGetaRoomie. I don't have that kinda time.

Alcaria Swain

I understand where you're coming from, but I really just want to be happy and enjoy this.


The S.S. Faybles is fully crewed and provisioned. Just waiting for Capt. Jacques to issue orders to set sail.

Geo (Overand)

Oh god, so many feels.


I mean, if they never get any closer than this, I'm okay with platonic shy cuddle-friends. They even sleep in the same room as each other! BEST PROTECTIVE PUNCH-FWBs!


Great, now I'm worried someone's gonna say "The doctor is in", referring to Evie :)


Nyyyyyyahhhhh it's so close to happening.... So close

Fart Captor

Yeah, Faye got self-conscious and pulled back, but even then she STILL has her hand on Bubbles' arm. They gonna smooch, just you wait


They need a third party who is aware of the situation, possibly Marten, to casually suggest that, in order to keep people from trying to fix them up with "other people", they use each other as a relationship "beard". They can tell anybody trying to matchmake that they are in a sufficiently satisfying arrangement with the other. This has the double benefit of being true and vague enough that if they decide to "adjust" the arrangement they can do so without changing the statement. Anyone asking for details can be told to bugger off because it's none of their business.


Either that or just Claire Ex Machina this thing and get to the awkward happiness right quick.

Unanimous D


Brent Catherman

First time we've seen Faye blush so that's some progress.


I think we're like three Faye blushes deep by this point, but this might be the reddest.

Ben Russell-Gough

Oh merciful heaven! How long can Faye maintain this level of obliviousness? Those two are so cute and in love and they're unwilling (Bubbles) or too unaware (Faye) to do anything!

Ben Russell-Gough

Yeah, I'm guessing that Claire will get involved eventually. Probably when Faye tells her that they need to find the person Bubbles is crushing on because Bubble deserves to be happy.


so tease, much cute




Take panel four, print it out at life-size, wallpaper my house with it.

Will Weaver

That second to last panel! So freaking cute.


Now I will look forward to about a month of strips focusing on other characters (main plot: Will Emily find her lost sock?). After that, a casual shot of Bubbles and Faye making out in the background, and a bit later she will talk to Marten and make an offhand remark about how they got together last week. We will never be told the details.


Bubbles' arm looks a bit strange in panel 2? I can't even perspective. (sorry for interrupting, you can all go back to your shipping nao)

Ben Russell-Gough

Her upper left arm is sharply cocked backwards, leaving the lower arm parallel to the floor and her left hand on her left hip. Because of the lighting angle, most of her left arm is in shadow. Because of the perspective angle, her left hand looks weird as it's basically head-on with the wrist hidden from our view.


i always forget that the AIs have more robot-like voices, even though it's obvious given their speech bubbles

David Howe

I wonder (fables aside for a moment) if faye could do a sufficiently good impression of bubbles that she gets a square balloon?

Ian Wolfe

Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrggggg! Torture, this is!


In my head Bubbles has a voice squarely in the middle of the alto register, although I couldn't give you a comparison from our reality (e.g. "She sounds like Lauren Bacall").


Heh, maybe Emily’s sock will be found on Faye’s doorknob!

Ben Russell-Gough

I'm guessing that this will be the last strip of this arc. It seems a good place to stop (although I thought that about Friday's strip so YMMV is definitely a rule here).


Quality trolling Jeph, beautiful work :)

Marc Kevin Hall

So I take it that I'm the only person who interpreted Faye's last panel glance toward the door as ever so slightly sly, as in "We should lock up so that no one can accidentally interrupt us if the conversation continues down this path"?


ok.. alright... I'm genuinely coming around. I really didn't find the idea of Faye being actually attracted to Bubbles to be believable at first. But now, none of Fayes responses here seem out of character; she's slowly fallen in like with bubs. I even like the idea of them just being Ernie and Bert for a while;l dating and sex aren't as important as companionship when going through hardship and assaulting new horizons. I have a feeling this is as much progress as we are going to get for now. the story will veer away to another character pair; probably fucking marigold. If we are lucky its a hannelore adventure arc! She joins the One Piece crew and makes Monkey D Luffy the pirate king in a unique crossover arc! Then she joins Anny and Kat in Gunnerkrig Court and wins Station a soul in exchange for some unique arcane information about coyote. "Scene cuts to Hannelore, Station, Jones and Coyote playing poker... Robot is dealing and Shadow is serving drinks."


He's looking to find the icebergs and the reefs nearby. Trust me on that one...

John Ridley



f6ydratfugiboj!!! AUGH



Trigon Manthree

Yep. <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3277" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3277</a>

