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And there we have it, folks. Volume 2 of Max & Roy's adventures is all wrapped up! I hope you've enjoyed this story. I've loved going back to these handsome fellas and drawing them again, and I'm sure we will see them return at some point in the future...

My eternal thanks to all of you lovely people who have come along on their second journey and supported me in the process, I love all of you! And the next story will be coming very soon.



Carl Quaif

We love you too, Lokitu! xxx Thank you for an exquisitely crafted and illustrated tale. Both Max & Roy look happy and handsomely huge here; and Lester resembles a king-sized waterbed! I'm sure the Rookery will raise their twisted heads again in the future, but I'm thrilled and relieved that Max and Roy are free of their machinations forever. Your artistry has been exemplary throughout this entire series, Lokitu. Bravo! xxx


Thank you so much, Carl! Of course I had to have them free to enjoy their gainer / feeder life together by the end haha. They've earned a good rest now!