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Gus is the last of the fat dads who will be receiving the character sheet treatment. He's looking a little bit impatient here; he's a busy dad with things to do, after all.

'Fat Dad Club' is a story of life, love, friends and food, and will be commencing soon. A story-only post of Chapter 1 is already available as a very early bonus perk for TITAN Tier HERE for those interested in getting an early read.

(as always, click or tap on the header image to view it at maximum resolution)




I am enjoying the various body types of each of the dads. Gus here has a very plump body with wonderful cascading rolls.


Are the pictures midweights of the characters? I notice most of them look far heavier than the height and weight would usually be but maybe it’s just creative license!


That was one of the goals of the story, to represent all different types of fat man - the ball belly, pear shape, jiggly rolls etc


I think you could say that. More ‘near the start’ than ‘mid’ but it’s hard for me to restrain myself when drawing fat men haha


I think a fun sort of ”reluctant” gain is the one where a man's weight isn't so much a problem for him as an inconvenience, and one too minor to do anything about. Gus certainly seems like he could fit that role - updating his wardrobe so he doesn't split a seam on opening night could be a hassle, but when the alternative is trying to cram meal prep and gym time between rehearsals, what is there to do but go up another size? Of course, if Gus turns out to be a gainer himself, there's plenty of fun to be had down that route as well - a well-planned chub scheduling his stuffings and who would really like to already be 300lbs already, thanks. I'm looking forward to seeing this series start! The casts' designs are all great, and they seem like they're going to be a lot of fun playing off each other! (This will also be the first of your stories I'll be able to follow with each update - I kept letting my backlog build up on every other work, and I know from the snatches I did read that your writing is enjoyable on a storytelling level in addition to being very hot! I'll catch up on everything some day, but I'll enjoy being on the ball(gut) this time around!)


I really appreciate all the thought you've put into this comment! I'd love to reveal more about Gus and the others, but I need to let the story speak for itself haha. It's been really enjoyable for me to write more of an ensemble piece, as that's something a bit different for me, and I always try to make each story feel like its own thing, stylistically. I'm glad you'll be able to read this one as it comes out :)