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Hey everyone, I just wanted to talk about a couple of upcoming things I have planned:

Firstly I’m going to be offering Max & Roy as a standalone story for purchase outside Patreon, probably toward the end of the month. It’s been on here for a few years now, and everyone who’s wanted to read it has read it by this point. I’ve had a lot of requests to put it on sale separately over the years so I’m finally going to do that. Nothing changes for you guys, of course. You’ll all still be able to access it here any time you like. That’s not going away. Also, my hope is that it creates more appetite for the sequel which I’m working on right now and will be out later this year after SPOILED finishes. 

Secondly, later in the year I’ll be making a new $10 Tier. I want to stress here - Nothing changes for any of you guys. You’ll all still get all the exact same content and benefits you always have. The new Tier will be getting early access to video content which will release throughout the year - Videos will essentially be talking points on various topics (such as tips for artists, running a successful Patreon, gainerism etc) over the visuals of me creating my art. And also I want to do some kind of regular private art stream for this Tier. It could be Q&A’s while I draw, or perhaps art tutorials if folks want that, or maybe just hanging out while I create. And lastly, anyone on the new Tier will also get their name included as a credit in my Art Book, since the reason for making the Tier in the first place is to help with the printing and productions costs of the book (and hopefully more books after that).

Most important to me is keeping things fair. So no-one here is suddenly going to be losing out on anything, there will be no changes for Lifter and Powerlifter. I hope that all makes sense.

Many thanks to all of you lovely people for your support! I appreciate it so, so much. 

Big fat Lokitu Love and Hugs.



Thank you for the clarity and your amazing work. You such a wonderful job and clearly you’ve given this a ton of thought. Can’t wait to see what you create next!

Carl Quaif

Very exciting news! I love Max & Roy, and I hope many more will buy it and enjoy it as much as we have. I'm looking forward to seeing where you take their story next; now that your world has been fleshed out more (pun intended), perhaps there may be background references to some of the events and characters you've created since M&R debuted? Your new Tier sounds excellent - I'll certainly consider upgrading once it comes on-line!


It took me a long time to circle back around to Max and Roy, but I settled on a story I was happy with. There’s no pressure on anyone to upgrade, it’s just going to be there as a bonus. I’m working on creating the video content right now, and figuring out streaming lol