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As you can see, The Coach went through some serious iterations. Originally I had more in mind a fat sports coach doing his thing out on the field, either to the camera or to someone out of view, but none of them was working for me. It didn't feel as sexy as I wanted it to. I don't know why. It just felt 'off'. So I took a step back to re-asses. There was a line in my original flavor-text about sneaking a look at Coach in the showers, so I thought I'd try that for the picture instead, and it instantly felt like the right choice. So I went with that image, and I also re-wrote the text to focus more on that type of scene.

If you zoom in on his face, you'll see he's noticed 'you' peeking at him.

(as always, click or tap on the header image to view it at maximum resolution) 



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