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Third and final part of this commissioned trilogy. I think it's safe to say Bats is screwed now.

(as always, click or tap on the header image to view it at maximum resolution)




Oh he’s screwed all right…🥰🥰🥰


Uhh I think this is the wrong take away from “take a bite out of crime” on the other hand 🥰🤤🤤🤤

Willie J

Bats? More like Fats, amirite?


Thank got he is a multi billionaire. Can you imagine the food bills? It’s going to take a super man just to carry him out. 🙃

Carl Quaif

...and the Joker's revenge is complete. I love the fact that he's left the Corpulent Crusader's cowl perched atop his head - I suspect he'll be leaking images of the Flabulous Fatman to the press now, and he wouldn't want them to doubt who he really is, would he? ;-) This is a wonderful sequence, Lokitu. It reminds me of the old 1950's-1970's DC Comics stories where one of the cast would be fattened up ridiculously (remember "The Day Flash weighed 1,000 pounds"?), only to lose it all with no consequences by the end of the issue. I would be willing to bet Batman won't find it so easy to shed those pounds, somehow!


Yes, I got told it was reminiscent of Silver Age DC, the kind of foil you might find from that era. Needless to say, I think Bats isn’t going anywhere anymore...