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Poor Batman is getting seriously porky now...

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“Hahahahah! You are no longer my dear Batsy, Batsy. No, now you are my grand round Fatsy! Hahahahahhaha! I’d like to see you try soaring from roof top to roof top now with this guy on you! All the rifraf of Gotham will hear you coming from a mile a way, wheezing and the clapping of all this flab bouncing everywhere. I think even babe will have a hard time lifting you! Hahahhahahaha And funniest joke of all it looks like your into this my dear large Fatsy!

Carl Quaif

In the first picture, Batman looked stern, determined, already working on how to escape the Joker's dastardly trap - or awaiting the inevitable rescue provided by one of his partners. This time, however, it looks like Our Hero is beginning to realise that no help is forthcoming - and that he's rapidly reaching (or has surpassed) the point where his ability to escape, or even stand, has been forever lost. It seems that Mr J is enjoying this rather too much! :-D


Haha, yes. I quite enjoyed changing his expression from determination to fear after already having been fattened so huge